Chapter 5: Ahliyah

" Before you leave, finish working on that bike and clean up." Elias said.

It's only been a week since I've been working in the shop and I wanted to quit. I thought it was going to be easy, spend time with Elias and fix up my old bike, and maybe do what friends were supposed to do. All he's done was sit on his ass and watch me do it. I did the work and more because I was staying with him, even though it was temporary, I still didn't have a place of my own.

I sighed finishing what I had started and cleaned up. I briefly got to talk to Carter on the phone and I couldn't wait to talk and spend time with him. It wasn't our first encounter though because he did come with his friend to get his bike fixed. I locked up the shop before I left and double checking, so I won't have to hear Elias mouth in the morning.

I arrived at the spot and Carter was sitting on a bench. I sat beside him looking at the lake in front of us and I looked at him. His ginger hair was blowing in wind and he looked unbothered. " It's nice out here, isn't it. I come here when I need to get away for awhile." I said.

Carter sat up straight and rubbed his hands over his jeans. " I need the time away. This is nice though looking a the lake." He smiled. We sat there staring at the lake and I wondered what was beyond all the water. It was peaceful being away from Elias and the shop. I didn't have to think about if he was going to kick me out, or where I was going to be. I didn't have to worry when I sat here.

" Tell me something?" I asked.

I wanted to know something about him. I wanted to know what was so wrong that he couldn't speak. There was nothing wrong with speaking, but I wanted to know what he hiding inside of himself. As I sat there, I didn't want to know because I understood what it felt like when someone is trying to know what your hiding and what secrets you don't want to tell.

" There are things that happened that I don't feel like sharing right now, and my friend doesn't understand that. I don't want someone digging to figure out what I don't want them to know. I would like to share all of that when I am ready." He sighed.

Guess it was my turn to share something too. " I moved down here recently but I didn't know it was going to hurt this bad. I'm living with someone that I think doesn't want me there." I smiled. We made progress and we talked about our favorite food and movies. Maybe being here wasn't going to be so bad after all, if I was going to keep running into Carter.

" I hope someday you'll tell me what has hurt you so bad." I smiled. One day, when he lets down his barriers and trust his heart and himself to tell me what happened to him, I'm going to be there for him.

" Maybe one day I will. You can share why it's so damaging to be here, it's not that bad here." He smiled. Only if he knew, the pain I'm going through being back here. We watched the sunset and continued to talk about random things. I enjoyed my time away though because I knew I would have to go back to Elias's place, and wake up and do it all over again.

" If your free tomorrow, we could.. maybe, go out to lunch or dinner." Carter said. He rubbed the back of his neck and it was cute. He was cute. I knew I was going to spend more time with him if it meant I could have sometime to myself.

We said our goodbyes and I went to the house. I quickly missed my time sitting on that bench with Carter. I missed watching the sunset and talking to someone who finally understood what I felt. Elias was waiting at the kitchen island when I walked through the door.

" Where have you been?" He asked.

I could've told him I was hanging out with someone. I could have told him to shove his attitude somewhere else. I stood there though trying to figure out why couldn't he have called, or at least figured out where I was.

" I was minding my own business. Where were you?" I asked.

He folded his arms and got up. I didn't need him to know where I was, or ask. I was safe and I didn't need him treating me like he's my mother. I wanted a friend who would be there and listen to me when I doubted what I was supposed to do next, but I guess he wasn't that friend.

" I'm trying to understand you, but every time I try you push me away. Was it when I said I loved you? Was it the kiss? Please, tell me what it is, so I can help." He said.

I didn't want to share those feelings, not yet at least. I knew he wasn't going to understand and I just needed someone who understood like Carter.

" Goodnight, Elias. I'll see you in the morning."

I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling and for now I was content with everything. One thing I liked the most was Carter and I sharing things that the people in our loves didn't even know. I didn't want Elias to fix me, or try to figure out why I closed myself off from him after that kiss.

I was going to figure things out. I was going to help my mom and hopefully move back with her. Elias and I were not meant to be together and I knew that. I thought that maybe he could help me with what I was going through at the time. But I've realized it wasn't meant for him.