Chapter 9: Ahliyah

It's been a week since I moved in with Carter. It feels like we've known each other for ever, but I didn't have to close myself off from him. I was supposed to be going to the shop to finish a bike for a customer, but while I was waiting on Carter, I decided to call my mom instead.

I couldn't stop the excitement of telling her that I met someone I could talk to. That I met someone I was beginning to like. It was different being around him and I didn't know what it was, but it wasn't a feeling I could describe. Carter made me feel like I belonged to something greater than myself.

" Hey, honey. How are things with Elias and your dad?" My mother asked. Being around Elias was getting worse. I didn't even have to step into the shop before he started to give me work. He would complain about how I was living with a stranger and how he wanted me to come back. I needed time for myself though I didn't want to stay with someone who didn't want me there.

" Elias kicked me out and Dad hasn't been home since I got here." I told her.

" I'm sorry. I didn't know things with Elias weren't working out." She said sadly. It wasn't her fault but I should've known things were not going to work out between us. Elias said he loved me and for that brief moment I believed it. I believed he loved me for a minute. Then I met Carter, I found something better. Someone who would put my feeling first and care about me, Elias didn't care about my feelings.

" It's okay. I'm fine though, how's everything going on with you?" I asked.

" Everything is the same. The doctors are trying to figure out how to get my blood in order before they discharge me. I'm fine though having lupus isn't easy, but I'm surviving," She said. We talked about how she was feeling being in the hospital longer than she thought she was. " I should be discharged soon. You should come down to celebrate with me." She laughed.

She needed the call because she was tired. Carter was sitting on the couch waiting for me, I smiled and we went on to the shop. I finished the customers bike quickly and I worked on mine for a couple of minuets. We got in the car and we sat there looking at the shop, I didn't know where I wanted to go and I didn't make any plans for the day either.

" Can we just go back home instead?" I asked.


I wanted to go back home with him and watch cartoons and wonder about what it would be like to date him, or kiss him. Maybe sit with him and talk, and try to figure out why he held a brick wall around other people except for me. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to just be with him and find some peace of mind.

Instead of watching cartoons, We were waiting for Lorenzo to stop by. As I waited, I couldn't put my feelings aside that I already had for Lorenzo. I waited though for Carter because he wanted me here for him and I was going to try my best to be nice. He sat beside me waiting for his friend and I could see the sadness in his eyes. Lorenzo wanted Carter to get better, not at his own time but his. As long as Carter was going getting better at Lorenzo's time it was okay.

Healing took time though, it's a process that cannot be rushed. Lorenzo was trying to rush that process for Carter.

Lorenzo walked in and looked at us. I moved from the couch to give him some place to sit. There was tension between the two of them, I would've left but Carter asked me to stay. " I see you moved her in. I really can't believe you did it. When I said make friends and get out the house, I didn't mean move her in and play house." Lorenzo clenched his jaw.

Carter winced and he didn't say anything. I told myself that I wouldn't mess this up for Carter and I was going to give him a chance. But, I was not going to let him Lorenzo shoot him down from helping me out. 'Breathe, then say whatever you want.' I reminded myself. I needed to breathe and not allow my anger or frustration get the best of me.

" I don't remember asking you if I could stay in Carter's apartment. I don't remember asking for your permission either, it's nice to know your an asshole and don't care about anyone's feelings but your own." I told him.

" Carter doesn't know what he wants and I'm here to make the decision for him. I'm here to make sure he's alright. You being here with him is only going to distract him and mess with his head." Lorenzo balled his fist and frowned.

" Some friend you are, you don't care about his feelings. You don't even know what's going on with him and how about you listen to him and stop talking. You sound dumb saying you make decisions for him, but I hope you learn the definition of friendship because what you're doing to him isn't a friendship at all." I got up and went into my room. I stayed in there until Lorenzo left, once he was gone Carter came into my room and sat next to me.

" I've never seen anyone stand up to Lorenzo like that, thank you," He said sadly. " Lorenzo doesn't feel like a friend anymore, he just feels like a ghost shows up one minuet and gone the next. "

" Someone should look out for you, I know what if feels like to not have anyone." I said.

I place my hand in his and I knew we needed each other and not just to figure out our past trauma. We needed each other to grow and figure things out. The sad thing was I was really starting to like Carter and I knew if things kept going they way they were I was going to fall in love. I was going to fall in love with him and I didn't know what I was going to do if that ever happened.