Chapter 10: Ahliyah

" Ahliyah, I need you in the front assisting any of the customer with whatever they need." Elias said. I sighed, moving up to the front quickly. It was one of those slow days were no one was showing up and I was bored. Carter has been opening up and exploring the city when I went to work, then he'll pick me up and we'll explore together.

While Elias fixed the motorcycles in the back of the shop, I texted Carter.

Carter: I'm bringing you your favorite for lunch. Are you sure Elias won't mind?

Ahliyah: You're bringing a chicken salad sandwich and a drink. No, he won't mind.

Carter: I'm on my way.

Carter and I were getting closer and while we talked about the things that bothered us. I got to see some amazing and beautiful things come from him. He liked to tell corny jokes the ones where you laugh later and he loved technology. Everyday I found something new, I was almost there to loving him. Through all that pain and sadness, Carter was still human and he deserved to be loved and cared for just like everyone else.

He showed up with a brown bag, smiling. I pulled out the sandwich and drink, we ate on the curb away from the shop.

" Oh my gosh, I can't believe you remembered this was my favorite." I smiled.

" Of course I remembered, how could I forget. I want you to know that I would never forget anything about you, even if I tried you'll still be here." He rubbed the back of his neck.

" Thank you, Carter. It means a lot that you did this for me." I hugged him and I didn't care about being late. I didn't care about Elias and his complaining, all that mattered was this moment. Being in his arms, I knew I was safe. I knew that my fears seemed small when I was with him and I didn't have to worry about anything.

When I went back to work, no one showed up. It was still empty. Instead of clocking out or let Elias know that I was leaving, I just left. Carter was sitting on the couch when I got home, listening to whatever was on the tv.

" What are you up to?" I placed my bag on the couch, sitting beside him.

" When did you get here? I could've picked you up." Carter said.

I laid on his shoulder closing my eyes and relaxing for a moment. "I quit. I gave Elias a piece of my mind." I told him. I tried not to laugh as the laugh slipped from my mouth, but it was not far from the truth. I did want to quit but once I left from here, I needed to pay Carter back for taking care of me while I was with him.

" Really? It's about time." He mumbled.

I got up and looked at him. He didn't mind at all if I quit because Carter knew what my situation was. " I didn't quit Carter. I want to, don't get me wrong it sounds amazing but I don't like the idea of you having to do everything." I told him.

" I wouldn't be doing everything. I mean you being here has helped me a lot and it's all I really need. I care for you though and I don't like Elias anyways, so if you quit I wouldn't mind. That just means more time I get to spend with you." He held my hand and moved closer to me. My heart began to race and all I thought was he was going to kiss me, but he kissed my cheek instead.

" I care for you too, Carter." The words felt easy when they came off my lips. I laid on his lap and fell asleep, no longer able to hold my eyes open, or figure out what else I wanted to to say to him before I fell asleep.

" I care for you too, Ahliyah." He said. Those were the last words I heard before I went to sleep. When I woke up, I was in my bed and I was no longer able to go to sleep. I went in the kitchen to get a glass of milk, hoping that I would be able to go back to sleep. As I walked back to my room, I heard someone crying and screaming in pain.

I walked back to Carter room and listened. I walked in his room, waking him up from his nightmare. Once he woke up, he was confused and when he seen it was me he hugged me and cried. Whatever had happened to him it was really bad, if he was having nightmares about it. I was going to let him tell me though because I had seen what happens when you try to force him. He closes himself off from the rest of the world.

" That must have been some nightmare." I said.

He looked at his hands and frowned. " The nightmares change every night and sometimes I'm afraid to sleep because of them. My step mother did more than hurt me physically, verbally, but she hurt me mentally," He sighed. " I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep, so I guess I could share what happened to me." He smiled.

" You don't have to do that. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I told him.

" It's okay. I want to tell you and I want you to know what's going on. I'm starting to like you and I need you to know, who knows maybe after I tell you I'll be able to get some sleep." Carter laid down and started to fall asleep and I got up to go into my room, but Carter sat up.

" Do you mind lying down with me? Only if you want to though." He smiled. I knew he was blushing even though I couldn't see it. I laid down with him, but I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about how bad Carter's step mom had treated him.

He still smiled though. He was still bright, caring and loving and the scars of what he step mother had done was still on him. He was reminded of everything when he fell asleep, I felt bad because I thought my situation was worse, I didn't think someone else problems could be worse than mine.