Chapter 12: Carter

Ahliyah didn't leave my side last night after I told her about my step mother and what she had done to me. I wanted to lay with her longer, have her on my chest longer. Although, I wanted to lay with her and just be in her presence. We couldn't lay in the bed all day long. Elias did give her the day off for her to come to barbecue at his brothers place.

" Pancakes or Stuffed French toast." Ahliyah asked.

" Stuffed French toast." I replied.

I didn't trust him though, but Ahliyah and I had time before we left for his barbecue. I ate my breakfast while Ahliyah fixed her plate. Since I told her everything, she has been taking the effort in checking on me and asking me if I was okay. While she was sleep, I managed to write about her in my journal and many other things.

" So, what's up with the special breakfast?" I asked, putting my plate in the sink. She put her arms around my neck, kissing my temple.

" I thought that I could show my appreciation. I know you're tired of hearing me say thank you, but I mean it. It's almost has been a month and I really like being around you." She smiled. The weeks for us were getting longer and sometimes we were not able to be with each other as much as we thought, but we made the most of it. Ahliyah has been working and Elias has been giving her days off and I've been taking time for myself and working on things as well.

" Thank you for the breakfast. I really wanted to go to the park and do something else, besides getting dressed for a barbecue." I frowned. Even though Elias was giving her days off, he wasn't getting nicer. He treated her like she wasn't working hard and like she's not doing her job. I also didn't like how he flirted with her, but she explained that there was history between them and that he did say he loved her.

I was learning how to love her. I knew that every moment we spent together that my feelings for her were going to increase and that I wouldn't be able to stop them. But, I wanted to more about Ahliyah. I wanted to know what made her upset and what made her happy, I wanted to know everything because when I fell in love her, she wouldn't just be my girlfriend but she would be my best friend too.

" You'll probably have fun. We're only going to hang around and talk, that's it. Then, afterwards we can do something else." Ahliyah went in her room to get dressed and I went in mine trying to figure out what I was going to wear. I finally decided to wear a black dress shirt and jeans I sat on the couch waiting for Ahliyah.

" Okay, how do I look?" Ahliyah walked out of her room in a jeans and a dress shirt. She look beautiful though and I didn't want her in the company of anyone else but me. That was me being jealous though, even though I wanted to protest about how we shouldn't go, I had to allow her to hang out with who she wanted.

" You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?" I asked. She nodded her head and we left for the barbecue. When we got there, there were only a few cars in the driveway and on the side of the street. The fence was opened allowing people to walk into the back yard, Ahliyah grabbed my hand and we walked in to the backyard together.

The backyard was filled with people and the tables were lined with food. There was another table holding drinks. Ahliyah let my hand go to grab her something to eat and to talk to some of the people here. I grabbed myself a plate of food and sat down watching as people talked. I was about to get up to get myself a drink when someone who looked like Elias sat beside me.

" You must be the guy who took Ahliyah in?" He asked. He had a tough guy persona about him and instead of black hair his hair was brown. I stared at the view not answering his questions because it wasn't any of his business, but it now was not the time for me to start being jealous.

" Don't worry, I don't have any feelings for Ahliyah. I heard she moved in with someone new and that she was enjoying herself, I'm happy for her. I'm glad that someone is helping her, she wasn't always this open. She was a quiet kid who was going through a lot. Take care of her and love her because that all she need. She just needs someone to love her." He said.

" Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

" I'm telling you this because I know you love her. I talk to her every now and again to make sure she okay. When my brother told me, she moved out, I knew something had gone wrong. He can do what you're doing. He doesn't care about her feelings." He smiled.

I didn't know how to feel about what he shared with me, but something had to be wrong with the brothers if he was telling me about Elias's true intentions. Ahliyah told me last night that there was history between them and that he said he loved her and she knew what he felt was not real.

" My name is James, thank you for taking her care of her though." He leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. We talked and James told me about how he's traveling the world, trying to figure out life and the crazy world we live in. He also told me if I ever needed help or advice that he would help me out if I ever needed it.

When Ahliyah found me, she grabbed my hand pulling me out in the yard to dance with her. Slow music played on the speakers and all the couples found their way onto the yard dancing with each other. Her head was on my chest, this moment was one of the best. It was just us, no one else. We danced until the music stopped then Ahliyah grabbed my hand to speak with James.

As she talked, I could help but smile as I watched her glow. It was different when she was with me she just shined bright taking up any space she walked into. But, I was glad she was having fun because that all I wanted, I just wanted her to be happy.

We said our goodbyes and we got home late. Ahliyah walked inside the apartment and once I locked the door, she gave me a hug. She didn't let me go and there was only a little bit of space between us. If I moved any closer I would kiss her.

God, I wanted to kiss her.

I wanted a lot of things, but I wanted the moment to be perfect when I kissed her because she deserved it. She deserved everything and so much more. I just had to allow myself to give her everything she deserved.

" Thank you for coming with me tonight." She said.

" You're welcome." I replied. We went to bed and I pulled her to my chest holding her tightly because she was the only thing that made me wonder what that light would be like once it came. She was the only person I wanted to share it with.