Chapter 13:Ahliyah

I almost kissed him. I couldn't believe that I almost did it. Almost. While I was working, I couldn't stop thinking about it, how I could've sealed the deal between us. I couldn't wait to see him again, so I could tell him how I felt. When I was finally able to leave work, I was ready to start this new life with him. I was ready to forgive myself for the past, and I was ready to let things go and forgive my father.

I was ready to forgive. I also wanted to help Carter to forgive himself for thinking that what happened to his was his fault. Carter was sitting on the living room floor writing in his journal when I walked in. I grabbed myself some tea from the refrigerator, thinking about how I was going to tell him my feelings.

" Your home, I thought maybe we could go to the park or something. Or, we can stay in. Whatever you want it's okay with me." He smiled. I liked him a lot but what made me love him was that he would put things off for me. As much as I loved how he would give me things, I wanted him to want and have things for himself too.

He deserved it. Even if he thought he didn't.

" Um, I thought maybe we could stay in. I need to talk to you." I blushed. He closed his journal, putting it away for later. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach just thinking about what I was going to say.

" Tell him the truth, Ahliyah. Tell him." I told myself.

" What's wrong? Did something happen at work? Did Elias do something? Gosh, Ahliyah you need to quit the job and we could work together instead." He rambled. I held his hands softly trying to reassure him that I was fine and everything was okay. I needed to tell him how I felt before he worried himself to death.

" Everything is fine, stop worrying please." I told him.

" What is it you have to tell me then?" He grinned. His brown eyes lit up with happiness and wonder of what I was going to say.

" Rip it off like a band aid and tell him. Stop hesitating, you already know he feels the same way." I told myself.

I sighed, I knew he had feeling for me because he showed it. He showed it by his actions and his words but I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to say.

" It's almost been a month of us living and spending time together. With every moment we spend together it gives me us of what we could be. I know that you're going through a lot but I am too. I like you Carter and everyday I spend with you, I'm beginning to love you," I smiled. " I couldn't stop thinking about you and the great time I had last night. I want to have more moments with you Carter." My throat knotted up and I knew I was going to cry.

" I like you too, Ahliyah. We are going through a lot, but who isn't. Every moment I spend with you, I want to spend a thousand more." He beamed.

I was forgiving myself and everyone else because I had someone who loved me and who would do anything to make sure I was okay. That's all I needed. Carter pulled me close before I could get on my feet. His arms were wrapped around my waist and I didn't know what he was going to do, or what he was thinking.

This time when we moved close, there was nothing stopping me from kissing him. He lifted my chin and he brown eyes were bright with delight and admiration. " Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you. I blamed myself for years for what happened to me, but you came in my life and showed me how to appreciate it," He said softly. " I really do want to kiss you right now, but I wanted to wait for the perfect moment."

" Looks like the moment is perfect, it's just us." I said.

He lips met mine softly and our lips moved slowly. We took our time neither of us wanted to rush it. Carter took his time and he didn't do anything unless I wanted him to, but I wanted to wait before we moved on. He moved his lips against mine teasingly, I didn't want anything but for his lips to be in mine.

Carter's lips met mine again before we pulled apart. He didn't let me go and I understood how he felt. He smiled kissing me softly on my cheek. " Come on, let's watch something on the tv." He said.

" I'm in the mood for some cartoons." I grinned.

Carter laughed changing the channel I laid back on his chest and I was happy. Truly happy. I didn't have to worry anymore with him by my side and I was starting to forgive because I wanted to move to be free.

" Does that mean we're together now?" I asked.

" Yeah, I think so."

I fell asleep in his arms happy for something new.

When I woke up the next morning, there was a blanket draped over my body and Carter was no longer by my side. There was a plate of food on the table with coffee and flowers, and a note.

Dear, Ahliyah

Ran out to run some errands. I'll be back soon, until then enjoy your breakfast and tv.

Yours truly

I folded the letter putting it in my room. I ate my breakfast and watched whatever was on the tv. When I was done, I put my plate away and got dressed. I put on a pink sundress waiting for Carter to come back. When Carter came back he came back with bags of food, he sat them down on the counter.

" I went out and grabbed some picture frames and somethings for you to decorate your room." He gave some of the bags and I placed them in my room. Carter had fixed my plate and we together and talked. We didn't talk for long. I was happy for where we were becoming and what we could be.

I was happy to see the light coming back into Carter because we all deserved something better than a past we couldn't go back and change.