Chapter 15: Carter

Family was supposed to be there. Family was supposed to mean something. As I drove to my parents house my stomach was tumbling. I didn't know what to expect anymore when I was walking into the lions den. I took a deep breath and counted slowly in my head because if I was going to make it out, I had to have a clear mind.

I parked the car in the drive way hesitating to get out of the car. I told Ahliyah at least ten times that we were going to be okay, but I was reminding myself more than I was her. You're going to be okay. I reminded myself one last time. We got out of the car holding each other's hand, but I held on Ahliyah's hand tighter. She rang the doorbell and I held my breath and counting. As the door unlocked, I begged for it not to be my step mother.

The door unlocked and it was my father. He had a sad smile on his face and his hair and beard had spots of grey in them. I hugged him and walked inside the house and everything looked different from the last time I was here. There were pictures of them on the walls and the way the house was decorated made it feel homey. Only if it was my home.

We sat down at the dinner table waiting for the table to be set and to eat. I held Ahliyah's hand under the table afraid of letting it go. " Son, I'm so happy you've come to eat dinner with us. When are you coming back home?" He asked.


I was still learning the meaning of this word. I looked at Ahliyah and smiled she was my home. She made me smile and laugh and she brought out the best parts of me without me knowing it. Even if I wanted to come back and stay with them I couldn't.

" I'm not coming back. I'm happy where I am." I smiled, squeezing her hand. My dad looked at Ahliyah with wide eyes and smiled,

" Oh, I see. It's nice to meet you, young lady. My name is Davis." He smiled. He went into the kitchen to help set the food on the table. Nora was the first one to come out with plates of food, she glared at me as she sat the food on the table.

My dad bought the last little bit of the food out and he sat down next to Nora. We passed the food around the table silently and ate in silence. " Before we leave, there's something in my old room I would like to give you. " I told Ahliyah.

" I'm going to excuse myself, but I'll be right back." My dad said. Once he left, Nora pushed her food away from her and sat up straight.

" Well, looks like you're back home. You can't stay here though and I don't care where you sleep. Your girlfriend is beautiful and she'll leave because no ones ever going to love you." Nora spat out.

" Why am I at dinner then if you don't want me here." I exclaimed.

Nora rolled her eyes, huffing. " Stop playing dumb. You're only here because your father wanted you here. He still doesn't know the truth about why you left, so let's enjoy dinner and pretend that we are happy."

Ahliyah shifted in her seat and looked at me. She sat up straight and looked at Nora. She pulled her hand out of mine, it was that moment that all my worrying and anxiety when away when Ahliyah decided to speak up for me.

" I'm sorry but you can't talk to him like that. You are his step mother and whether you like it or not, you're supposed to care and love his as if he was his own son. All those things you've said since I've been sitting here are hurtful. I wouldn't want to come back either if you were going to treat me like that," Ahliyah pushes her plate away, getting up out of her seat. " Thanks for the dinner though."

Ahliyah grabbed my hand pulling me upstairs and I led her into my old room. I looked in my old dresser pulling out a dark blue box.

" It's not much and it might be cliché, but my mom gave it to my dad before she died. My dad gave it to me when I graduated from high school and he told me to give to the person that meant something to me. Someone I would like to spend my life with." I told her giving her the box.

She opened the box and her eyes widened in excitement. " It's a locket. It's beautiful but we don't have a picture to go inside."

" I have some pictures. I'll put a picture inside of it soon." We sat on the bed and as I looked around the room I wanted to cry. This room was the one place I came to cry when Nora was treating me bad. The one place I felt safe when the world seemed to be crashing down on me.

" Are you ready to go home?" I asked.

" Yes, please. Dealing with your step mom has made me really tired." She sighed. We went downstairs and thanked my dad and step mom again for inviting us to dinner. I finally realized my step mother wasn't going to change, but she wasn't happy and I knew that. When your not happy all you want is for someone

not to be happy too.

We got in the bed when we got back home. My arm was around Ahliyah's waist holding her tight to my chest. I couldn't fight the nightmares or the PTSD attacks I would get, but I could chose to move on and try to live a life without worry, or having panic attacks when I get around other people. While Ahliyah fell asleep, I cried.

I didn't deserve any of that pain or abuse. I knew that I had to fight through the nightmares because everyday I chose to be with Ahliyah, I was brighter. I had something to live for and look forward to and I wasn't going to let anyone take that from me.

No matter what.