Arrival (3)

"It's confirmed, the account isn't doctored." The male bodyguard said after conversing with the one at the end of the line.

Though I insisted on not downloading the app as it consumed a lot of resources and the fact that I didn't know how my new life would be once we touched down.

Would it be like how my home town used to be or would it be something entirely different from the imagination that I have been able to construct in my mind.

Would the weather over there be friendly or would it be harsh on someone like me who has always lived in a place where only two out of the four seasons displayed their art.

Up to this time, I knew that it wouldn't be easier and that I have a bumpy road infront of me although there was aid from the Simmons family. But I had complete faith in my abilities that I could tackle anything with the courage of a mountain goat surviving in the dangerous terrain and in extreme weather conditions and be able to survive until the next season.

The progress bar moved quickly and in two seconds, the app that displayed it's size to be several gigabytes, has finished downloading and was now installing.

I was beyond amazed. How could something of that size be able to finish it's progress in just two seconds?!

I knew for a fact that the only thing that was fast in our small town was the speed in which one was able to make phone calls and receive them. Considering the other important things, like the rate of development or the access to internet connectivity, it was a huge loss of resources and time if one wanted to get a file of this size.

One thing was that someone would need to burn money in that prospect and no one was willing to as there were other primary wants that one needed more than anything.

Secondly is that even if one has the resources to do the above, it will take around a week to finish and given that our power supply is unreliable, it will be a pain in one's eye. And another thing is that even if you accomplish downloading such a file, it may reject the device it's supposed to be installed to and that would be a waste.

But looking at the progress bar that moved only twice before it completed it's task, I was envious and made a silent promise to myself at that moment.

Well, in this life there are those that worked hard and achieved the most impossible things in this life and there are those that had the chance to improve but choose not to.

And I choose to work for the best.

The whole charade only took like five seconds from the app being downloaded, installed and finally was ready to be opened.

Mrs. Simmons didn't hesitate and pressed the open pop up feature.

The screen went blank for only a second but that time seemed like eternity to me.

Different situations crossed my mind at that time and different emotions filled me deep inside my heart threatening to consume me from inside.

'What was I thinking to even accept the offer in the first place?'

'But what could I do about it? She would have done it anyway.'

'Such a shameful and selfless act I did. I couldn't keep my emotions in check and now I have created a problem that they will never forget nor forgive.!'

'What if they become so poor and loose all the money because of this app?'


I was now filled with different emotions. I knew from the news and movies that we watched at our Principal's residence was that a hacker only needed a second to retrieve all the information stored in your device and either blackmail you or just clear your bank accounts clean.

They were ruthless people who did what only benefited them and didn't care about anything else.

I was now thinking of the possibilities that would follow incase something like that really occurred.

It was only a second that the screen blacked out but all of these thoughts crossed my mind. As if on command, I raised my head to look at Mrs. Simmons only to meet her cold emotionless eyes already starring at mine.

I froze on place not daring to shake myself from that situation. My dark fears came to life when I noticed that though she was smiling, her face displayed another concerning emotion. It was emotionless and coupled with her cold eyes, she was like the goddess of winter who could turn any being to a block of ice by just a single glance.

"Why are you nervous?" A soothing voice reached my ears and the illusion broke right before my eyes.

"Me?" I asked while pointing my thumb at my chest. After not receiving an answer, I turned my head around to look at the bodyguards who were standing right behind us only to notice two more pairs of eyes starring at me. "No, am not nervous at all." I answered with the little courage that I could master.

"The why are you sweating? Or are you not feeling well?" Mrs. Simmons asked again while placing the back of her palm on my sweat covered forehead. This time her face displayed the worry she was feeling and her eyes had a little bit of life in them.