Zeus The Pervert

Jack weaved in and out of the flood of people that streamed towards him. He consciously had to remind himself he had barely spent up to ten minutes in the labyrinth, meaning it was still morning and school was still put for the entire day. He briefly thought about telling Oliver about the entire situation, but his best friend would have branded him as crazy.

"Best you don't tell anyone," Zeus grumbled in his mind. "You'll only complicate things."

"Won't change much if I told them," Jack muttered, referring to both his mother and Oliver. If this was all real and he wasn't actually suffering from some sort of hysteria, he definitely needed someone to talk to.

"I am very tempted to burn you alive and let this stupid world burn to ashes," Zeus snapped. "You are my host, child."

"What's so great about having deadweight in my head?"

Jack heard Zeus force back an insult. He grinned to himself, only to feel an immense weight drop in his skull. He instantly dropped to the ground, rolling in agony.

"Stop, stop please," Jack whispered, his eyes tearing up from the pain.

"Insult me again and you will suffer worse than that," Zeus said with a dangerous edge to his voice. "We do not have time for this, get up and get us somewhere isolated."

Ignoring the crowd that had formed around him, Jack waited till the pain in his head had completely cleared off before he got to his feet and dusted dirt and grime from the ground off his clothes. Squinting through the light of a few cameras, Jack flashed a threatening look around. Realizing there was nothing more to see, the small group pocketed their phones and continued on their various ways.

"Is this part of your movie?" a very familiar, and annoying voice said from behind him.

"Not this pest again," Zeus said as Jack turned to face Newt.

"Actually it is," Jack replied, slapping his hands together. "Now if you'd stop stalking me, I'll be on my way to the location for the next scene."

Giving a lopsided smile, Newton returned Jack's glare. "You have his annoying side, I'll give you that."

Feeling a pang of anger, Jack frowned deeply. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Newton only chuckled and shook his head. "I get the feeling we'll meet again Jack."

And with that he was gone, melting into the crowd as fast as he appeared from it. Shaking of embers of the pain and annoyance, Jack continued on his way. Seeing as he still had a long way to go, he decided to converse with the god in his head.

"How did Kronus get free?" Jack started, silently hoping the god won't answer.

"Some retarded mortal must have tampered with the seal I placed on his sarcophagus," Zeus said. "Honestly there's absolutely nothing interesting in you mortals apart from-"

Jack felt his eyes wander to a slim figure in front of him. Silently cursing himself, his eyes took in the person's slim waist and moderately wide hips, along with the lengthy jet black hair that stopped at the middle of her back. The woman or girl, Jack couldn't tell, was most likely going through her morning routine. Most people in pale grey joggers and running shoes up and about in the morning were definitely out for a morning jog before going about their daily duties. Jack couldn't care less about whatever she was doing, but she had piped Zeus' interest.

"Go talk to her," Zeus ordered.

"No way," Jack responded. He barely spoke to the girls at school, much less a random stranger. If there was one thing he was scared to death of, it was female interaction. Unfortunately, he had forgotten Zeus was not only the god of the sky but the god of overly horny men who needed to let off every second.

"It's part of your training," Zeus insisted. Jack could swear he felt himself lurch forward. Just what had he stumbled into?

"I would rather not do that," Jack relayed, clenching his teeth.

Again, Jack felt himself being thrown forward. He caught himself before he slammed into the woman. "Would you not be an overbearing coward for once in your worthless life and talk to her?" Zeus said in frustration.

"Screw you," Jack swore, bringing himself to a complete stop.

But it seemed he either had completely shitty luck or the universe was using him as its laughing stock because he was pushed from behind by a man who only looked up from his phone after Jack had flown forward and into the female jogger.

"YES," the god roared in his head. Then he seemed to compose himself for a moment. "Now try not to make a complete disgrace of yourself."

Ignoring Zeus, Jack got up to his feet and extended his arm toward the girl on the ground. Finally looking at her face to face, Jack heard a soft gasp. Except he couldn't tell if it was him or Zeus.

"I'm sorry," Jack mumbled, unable to meet her light grey gaze. Or her inhumanely perfect face. If anything, she reminded Jack of a model, with her smooth sandy skin and slim neck. Her hair, although long, was shaped in a bob cut, the side's inches away from her eyebrows.

"It's alright," she replied, taking his hand. They were surprisingly hard to touch. "Accidents happen."

"All this and her hands feel like dried cement," Zeus grumbled. "Look at the size of-"

"Enough Zeus," Jack said through a forced smile. Letting go of her hand, he gave an awkward bow.

"What in Etna's blazes are you doing boy?" Zeus said, disgust in his words. "You'll scare her off you fool."

Tuning Zeus out, Jack straightened up to face to girl. She looked at him humorously, then giggled as he looked her in the eye.

"You're weird," she said, waving to Jack as she jogged away.

Jack stood, rooted to the spot as his brain tried to process the comment.

"You are so hopeless it's hilarious," Zeus guffawed in his head.

Wordlessly, Jack swallowed the minor remark and began pumping his legs once more, this time intentionally avoiding anything that would make Zeus throw him into another stranger.