And Then There Were Two

Jack was grateful he had gotten to the house without Zeus making him sidetrack and forcefully flirt with some random person. The god had still tried as Jack ran home, intentionally avoiding contact with anyone. In the end, he had almost ended up having awkward conversations with three women that were probably in their thirties, one pregnant woman, one fifteen-year-old, and a fairly old caucasian looking woman Zeus found 'delicious'.

Swatting the thought aside, Jacks' attention was drawn by the boy that leaned against his front door, arms crossed with a half frustrated, half bored look on his face. As he approached the front door, the boy brought his forest-green eyes and immediately fixed them on the amulet Jack wore.

"You left to buy that washed-up piece of crap?" he asked, bringing his eyes up to meet Jack's.

"Washed up? I will show this insolent bastard who is washed up," Zeus rumbled.

Jack felt the pressure in his head increase for a moment. In that brief moment, he made his decision. Lifting his hands to his neck, he quickly undid the latch before Zeus realized what he was doing and flooded his body with power.

"No!" Zeus said, alarmed, but that was as much as he got to say. Now holding the amulet in his hand, Jack looked up at the boy.

"It was cheap Noel, and it looks decent," Jack lied, stepping up beside his best friend to unlock the door.

Noel scoffed as Jack opened the door and gestured for him to go inside. Walking in, he threw himself on the nearest couch.

"I've been standing there for over thirty minutes. Ever try picking your damn calls?" Noel said, arms behind his head.

Jack dropped the key on a small table and sat opposite Noel. "Left my phone at home actually."

"Yeah, I figured," Noel muttered. "Anyway, seeing as schools out for the day, we're going to grab a bite with a couple of friends."

"Your friends Noel," Jack said, rubbing the amulet between his fingers. "You know how much I appreciate social gatherings."

"Think of this as a way of learning how to survive one," his best friend replied, facing Jack. "Come on Jack, I'll be there to help you through it."

Unable to meet Noel's eyes, Jack looked at his feet. Ever since he's entered high school, he'd tried to shut out most people that tried to get close to him. He never felt comfortable around people in the first place and had his fair share of bullies in junior high.

Only Noel had gotten past his tight and closed personality. From day one, he always pestered Jack. At first, it was unbearably frustrating. Jack always did his best to try and avoid Noel, but the latter always found him and resumed his constant approaches.

Eventually, Jack began to like the attention and slowly began to open up to a much delighted Noel. But ever since they became close, Noel was always trying to get Jack to hang out with more people. Unlike Jack, Noel found it more than easy to relate with anyone. The duo were the perfect example of the phrase, 'opposites attract.'

Knowing Noel would keep insisting till he agreed, Jack nodded in surrender. "Fine, I'll come."

"Great," Noel clapped, standing up. "Freshen up and get rid of that amulet. We'll leave in ten."

Exactly ten minutes later, Jack had slipped on a fresh pair of clothes and scrubbed his teeth till they were spotlessly white. He contemplated carrying the amulet, but he stuffed it in his dresser drawer instead.

I'll put it on once I'm back, Jack promised. Feeling uneasy, he was almost tempted to bring it out and carry it along.

"Jack, times up," Noel called at that moment, disrupting his thoughts.

"I'm coming," Jack yelled back, quickly getting up. The amulet would have to come later.

Trudging in silence, Jack replayed the events of the morning through his head over and over. Thankfully, it wasn't unusual for him to be silent, even around Noel, so he was able to think freely.

Zeus had hinted at the end of the world and the return of his father, the titan king. But he had left out the crucial bits like how the hell Jack was meant to find him or the other hosts. As for the master bolt, Jack wasn't sure he could conjure the weapon of his own accord. If something went wrong and he was attacked, he had no guidance or protection. Now he regretted leaving the amulet at home.

Jack wanted to turn back to get it, but they had already arrived at their destination. Looking up, he read the large sign.

'Harrison's Cafe'

"Just try and blend in," Noel advised one hand against the door.

"I'll try my best," Jack said, his uneasiness growing.

Noel pushed open the door and revealed a simple establishment. A few feet in front of them was the counter, which took up at least a quarter of the building. Behind it was a man with greying hair. He didn't seem to have any wrinkles yet, but he definitely looked a bit old. A worn-out brown door at the back hung slightly open. Jack guessed that was where the old man prepared his goods for the day.

The rest of the cafe was occupied by chairs and tables. The place was nearly empty, save Jack, Noel, the old man, and a couple of Jack's classmates at the far corner. Noel noticed them first and waved, heading over to their table, Jack following behind like a puppy.

As they closed in, dread closed around Jack's heart. If Zeus were in his head, he'd have laughed at him and probably made the situation funnier to be in. But he'd left the amulet home and had to face the same girl he'd fallen over by himself. He tried looking down to hide his face, but she had already recognized him and smiled.

"Hey I know you," she said, pointing at Jack. "You're that weirdo from earlier."

The group tried to hold down their laughter, but it was clear Jack had become another joke yet again. He wanted to leave.

Noel turned back immediately, studying Jack's face. "You've already met Allison?"

"Yeah," Jack mumbled.

Noel turned back and glared at the girl who just shrugged and laughed. Noel rolled his eyes and turned back to Jack, but his best friend was already walking out of the cafe.

"Bloody hell Allison," Noel spat, heading after Jack.

Jack knew Noel would come after him, so he circled around the cafe to wait him out. Hands in his pocket, Jack leaned against the corner of the building, listening for any movement.

"First down the cliff, then on the floor, now down in your feelings," Jack heard from behind him.

"How the hell did you find me," Jack turned around, bringing himself face to face with Newton.

The older man used a finger and pushed Jack away from his face. "Hey, I did tell you we'd meet again."

His sea-green eyes dropped to Jack's neck. Noticing the missing amulet, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Why would you take it off?" he growled, his eyes meeting Jack's again.

"What do you care," Jack snapped in frustration. "Just quit stalking me and get lost."

Newton, still in an intense staring contest with Jack, reached into his shirt. For the first time, Jack noticed the golden chain that linked round Newt's neck and disappeared into his shirt.

"You-," Jack stuttered, mouth agape as Newton pulled out a golden pendant, almost similar to Jack's, except in the place of the eagle, a horse was fixed instead.

Newton clenched the amulet in his hand. "I'll save the explanation for later. Right now we need to get your amulet back. Fast."