"Why the hell would you even take it off?" Newt growled, dragging Jack out of the corner and out into the open. "Who knows what might have happened if I didn't follow you."
Jack tore his arm from Newt's grasp, resulting in a deadly glare from the twenty-one-year-old. He rubbed his sore wrist and looked cautiously ahead, wary of Noel.
"Nothing would have happened to me," Jack said, returning Newt's glare. But Newt shook his head in annoyance.
"The amulet was protecting you from every monster in the city and maybe even further." Newt rubbed the horse pendant. "His power was scaring them off."
Forgetting Noel, Jack frantically looked around. "What do you mean, monsters?"
As if summoned by Jack's question, a massive bird screeched overhead, diving straight towards the duo on the ground. Newt shoved Jack to the ground, avoiding its massive metallic-looking beak. Jack was up on his feet in an instant, racking his brain for any information on vicious-looking birds.
"Stymphalian," Newt groaned from beside him. "Poseidon says we can't fight them yet. We need to get you back to your amulet."
At that moment, Noel appeared with a heavily concerned look on his face. It immediately shifted into confusion when he noticed Newt and their dirty pieces of clothing. He stopped in his tracks, gazing questioningly at Jack before moving his eyes over to Newt. Realizing neither were going to talk, Noel crossed his arms across his chest.
"So you like guys," he lifted an eyebrow towards Jack.
Jack's face brunched up in disgust. "No, I don't."
"Who's he then?"
"He's, uh," Jack began, looking at Newt pleadingly.
"I'm his uncle, duh," Newt said, imitating No by crossing his arms as well.
"What uncle?" Noel queried.
Before Jack and Newt could respond, the monster bird screeched again, reappearing behind Noel. Flapping its wings twice in quick succession, it shot four feathers out. But Jack knew one hit from them could potentially end their lives. And Noel was standing in its path.
Newton was faster. The second the bird reappeared, he had covered the distance between himself and Noel. Reaching out, he grabbed Noel's shoulder and dragged him down to the ground as the feathers streaked toward Jack. For Jack, a casual sidestep was enough to keep him alive.
"Alright, what the hell," Noel angrily said, shrugging Newt off and struggling to his feet.
Newt looked at him apologetically and stood up himself, eyes searching for the killer bird that was there a few moments ago. With urgency, he looked at Jack. Understanding immediately, Jack walked up to Noel.
"Sure he's your uncle?" Noel whispered, leaning in. "If he's a kidnapper or something, we can both take him."
"He's my uncle," Jack said reassuringly. "Sounds crazy he met me here at this time, but he is."
Unconvinced, Noel glanced sideways at a Newt still frantically searching for the creature.
"Go back to those clowns," Jack added hurriedly. "I've never fancied a circus anyway."
Noel sighed. "Clowns? Your uncle is probably clumsier than one."
Relieved Noel didn't dwell much on Newt's action, Jack gave a light smile.
"Headed home then?" Noel asked.
Both Newt and Jack nodded.
"I'll drop by later," Noel huffed in defeat. Then to Newt, "Sorry about that."
Waving him off Newt forced a smile, his eyes still patrolling their surroundings. "No problem."
Noel then waved briefly at Jack before shoving his hands into his pockets and trudging back towards to door of the café. Watching his best friend walk away, Jack felt bad. He almost called out to Noel, but then he was shoved down to the ground. A second later, he heard the loud cry of the Stymphalian bird overhead.
"We need to move now Jack," Newt said, Trident in hand.
Amused, Jack studied the weapon. It was as long as the master bolt, only as the long rod approached the top, it broke off into three parts. The two points at the edge curved inwards slightly, with a triangular tip. Unlike the master bolt, which was coated in raw blue electricity, the trident was a dark shade of green and freshly polished. From the way Newt effortlessly shifted position without adjusting his grip on his trident, Jack could tell it was perfectly balanced.
"JACK," Newt screamed, looking up in horror.
Still on the ground, Jack tilted his head up and was on his feet seconds after. Either the bird was stalling for them or the flock had heard its cry and rushed to its aid. Either way, Jack was more than positive Newt was going to dump the blame on him.
"Grab the Trident," Newt ordered, turning his back on the birds and squeezing his eyes shut.
Teleportation, Jack thought, wordlessly wrapping his palms around the cold metal.
Newt had turned pale with concentration. Words escaped his lips quickly, leading Jack to assume he was communicating with the god in his head.
"Any time now Poseidon," He prayed, knuckles turning white.
Up above, Jack noticed the birds had started flapping their wings. The sight of over fifty birds with daggers for feathers was enough to inject fear back inside him. Their simultaneous speed was enough to kick up a light current, ruffling Jack's dark hair.
"Newt," Jack whimpered, looking into the lifeless eyes of one of the birds.
"Shut up!" Newt snapped. He calmed down a little and spoke to himself. "Yes, yes I'm concentrating."
Once he heard six explosive cracking sounds, Jack was tempted to ditch Newt and save himself. But Newt was the one that had the best chance at saving them. Jack felt stupid and helpless for removing the amulet in the first place. He could imagine what Zeus would say once he wore it again. If he wore it again. The feathers streaked towards to duo like missiles honing in on their target. Paralyzed and realizing any movement would be too slow to prevent their imminent death, Jack looked into Newt's opened eyes and for the first time, saw fear behind them. Facing death for the second time that day, Jack felt a smile play onto his lips.
"Falling off the cliff was better," Jack smirked, as the feathers struck their marks.