Jack grabbed both Sharina and Newt by their arms, dragging them away from the creatures as he took off. Instead of struggling or hesitating like Jack thought they would have, they both turned around in accordance and bolted after him, glancing behind them every second to evade or deflect the incoming projectiles. Dashing into the intact portion of the school, he pulled the other two hosts through the first door he could find, leading them right into the classroom Sharina confronted him in.
"If they get us in here, we're as good as dead you know," Newt pointed out, a surprisingly wild look on his face. "We need to get somewhere safe and think of something to do."
"Yeah, well whatever we're doing has to be quick." Sharina summoned her helm while grasping their hands. "Where should we go?"
"Not my house," Jack grumbled. "Let's go to one of yours."
The trio flinched as the door shuddered. From the hoof-shaped dent that protruded into their side of the door, Jack knew they didn't have enough time.
"Yours it is Jack," she hurriedly shut her eyes. Jack flinched as the monsters slammed into the door again, this time almost ripping it clean off its hinges. Glancing at Sharina, he noticed worry flash across her face for a brief moment. Then his mind wandered back to when he and Newt had been attacked by the killer birds, and the latter had failed to transport them safely away. Although she had explained it was probably a recessive thing, seeing how the god that chose him also struggled with the ability from time to time. But now, eyes fixed on the partially busted open door, he couldn't help but stare at her with the same panic he did just yesterday.
Before Jack could sink any more into worry and panic, he felt himself dissolve into nothingness. He had been scared the Aeternae would have broken the door and sent it crashing into them before they were able to make it out, but Sharina was able to pull it off as usual. The trio reformed instantly in his living room, all landing in uncomfortable positions. The urgency to get away from the monsters was so great, Sharina forgot to take into account where exactly they were going to materialize. She ended up bouncing off the couch and falling into Newt, who dragged Jack down with him.
"Come on!" he shouted, plopping down hard on Newt's back, his hand bent in an unnatural position. "I told you not here!"
"I was in a hurry smartass," Sharina growled, shoving him out of her way.
"And my house is the first place that came to mind?"
"Then I assume you live on the streets if you keep coming in here!"
Sharina spun to face Jack, her eyes clouded with fury. Matching her glare, he looked down at her, though feeling small from the intensity of her stare. Jack wasn't sure why she looked beyond agitated, but he guessed he must have struck a chord.
"That's enough," Newt finally stepped between the both of them, facing Sharina first. "Calm down."
"How can I?" she said, her voice raised slightly. "When the retard that's meant to lead us is a pure waste."
Jack's brow furrowed in anger. "Lead who? Unless you were too stupid to notice, I don't want any part in this."
"Blame your mom for raising a coward that runs from responsibility dumbfuck."
The room instantly became dangerously ionized, the immense pressure squeezing his head. But Jack didn't care. He had just had about enough of the bullshit he had stumbled upon.
"I wouldn't try that if I were you," Zeus warned as the master bolt blazed to life between his hands.
"Try it." Sharina had stepped forward, shoving Newt down into the couch. Despite the rapidly heated air, anger burned inside her eyes as the helm covered her head. "Try shit and I'll leave you regretting you were ever born."
Refusing to back down, Jack pointed the bolt at her, forcefully making her distance herself from him. "Apologize."
"Fuck no," the woman swore. "And if you intend on fighting, ask your god what happened the last time he pissed off his brother."
"Can we just calm down and talk this out?" Newt watched from the exchange from the chair, afraid to step between them a second time. "Let's not also forget the Aeternae are still out there."
"Shut up," Sharina shot. "Someone has to teach this half-assed rat brain a lesson."
Feeling more rage build up, Jack stepped forward to intimidate her with his staff but instead crumpled to his knees. Howling in pain, he clutched his head with both hands, the master bolt instantly disappearing, and forced himself to look up. Sharina was glaring at him with intense concentration, a smirk playing on her lips.
"Hit me, deadass!" she yelled, slamming her foot into the side of his face. Jack, clearly not expecting anything physical, flew to his left, crashing into the small table.
"Sharina, stop!"
"Then tell this self-caring dog to fucking fight back!"
Dazed, Jack looked up at Newt as he tried to hold back the furious host. The immense pain from before had gone since her concentration was broken, but the contact from her shoes left him with a massive throb pounding across his head.
"I warned you," Zeus said. "But this lack of unity will be your downfall."
"Fuck off," Jack forced out. The pain had extended to the side of his jaw, making it hard for him to draw out words.
Weakly getting to his feet, Jack stumbled toward the front door. He was done with all this crap. The world could burn for all he cared.
But unfortunately, either fate looked down poorly on Jack, or it was just another shitty day, because as he approached the door, it burst open, splinters flying dangerously around. Crying out in pain as several tiny wooden spears embedded themselves in his skin, Jack was glued to the spot as soon as he saw what awaited him outside.
One Aeternae was bowing its head at Jack.
And a horn was fired off at his chest at point-blank range.