A Fading Spark

Sharina watched, in horror, as Jack stumbled back into their view and dropped to the ground, flat on his back. Her eyes widened in terror, her rage dissipated, and she stood frozen in shock. Newt had immediately rushed forward, creating a barrier between the monsters and Jack's bleeding body, but in her current state, she felt utterly useless. Her body stood rigid, eyes unmoving, heartbeat rapidly increasing as she stared at the boy she had just kicked in the face moments ago.

A horn was jutting out from the middle of his chest.

Judging from where it was, Sharina was sure it didn't hit his heart. Instead of the left side of his chest, the horn had entered through the right, but regardless, he was still losing a lot of blood while she watched on like an idiot.

"Help him, damn it!" Newt yelled, glancing back for the first time. "Stop the blood flow and get him to a hospital fast."

Sharina couldn't bring herself to move. For her, the scenery looked all too familiar. Bodies scattered across the ground. A pool of blood flowing around her legs. Pale, shriveled faces staring back up at her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she looked away from Jack.


Trembling, she quickly made her way over to the bleeding boy. Kneeling beside him, she shivered as his blood soaked her kneecaps, ruining her jeans. Hesitant, she lifted her hand to pull out the horn, but then she realized it may have done more damage than help. Instead, she ripped off her shirt, exposing her sports bra, and wrapped her hands inside it before proceeding to gently push against the side of the hole in his chest.

"Get him to a hospital," Newt groaned. Looking up, Sharina saw he was still twirling his trident, effectively protecting them from the Aeternae. But as long as Jack was here, it was still extremely risky.

"Hold them off," she said, her helm appearing on her head. Without waiting for a response, she deformed into smoke along with Jack.

Dwaldorn Island was a small settlement for people who wanted to detach themselves from the rush of the busy world and live a peaceful, happy life. In fact, the island had stopped taking in immigrants, just so its population of just over five hundred thousand people, wouldn't expand and throw the haven they had built away. It was well stocked with sufficient resources, hardly in need to trade with neighboring islands or countries as they relied on their sources of food which they easily provided. Education and healthcare wasn't also an issue. Though the island only had three schools and two hospitals, there was never an issue with either. At least, before Jack blew up half of one and was probably going to risk putting the hospital she had in mind, in danger.

Sharina had been on the island since she was seven. Originally, she lived in New Delhi, but complications forced her parents to seek a sanctuary on this isolated Elysium. Luckily for them, it was years before they had barred their doors and limited their intake of inhabitants. And for the last two decades, life had been decent. Until she literally stumbled through the doorway to hell and found herself caught up in a world she would have never imagined.

"Focus," Hades said in her mind as it wandered back into the past. "If he dies, all hope is lost."

Pushing her thoughts aside, Sharina reformed right in front of one of the two hospitals. There was no one outside to have seen her materialize, but there was a camera right above the door. If anyone took their time to check the footage, they'd have been surprised to see the sudden appearance and probably mark it off as a glitch. The parking lot behind her was also seemingly empty considering the fact no one shouted in surprise or even made a slight sound.

"Help!" she yelled, still with her hands pressed against his chest. "Anyone, help!"

"They cannot hear you," Hades solemnly muttered. "You must go in."

"If I stop, he'll die from blood loss," she replied, unable to stare at Jack's pale face.

"Either way, my brother's host will die." Ah, could feel the deep sadness in his voice. "You can sense it, can you not?"

Gulping, Sharina nodded. Like the others, Hades too had a large range of powers she was yet to tap into and although she was the fastest learner, it would take a great deal of time before she fully mastered them completely. One ability she picked up fast, was Hades' ability to see the firm grip of death around whoever she pleased. She hadn't wanted to peer into Jack's life timer, but she couldn't help it. Now, Sharina heavily regretted it. Jack was dying. And he was dying fast.

Taking a massive risk, Sharina released her bloodied shirt and pushed open the hospital doors. Cold air rushed around her as she ignored the puzzled looks of patients seated in the reception, just barely a few feet in front of her. A nurse was seated beside a patient, quietly consoling him, but looked up and spotted the blood on her hands instantly, while the rest gaped at her shirtless body.

"What's the matter miss?" she asked, walking towards her hurriedly.

"There's a body outside," Sharina choked on her words, stepping aside as the nurse approached.

She saw the nurse's eye widen as she saw past the doors. "Come help me carry him in," she barked, holding Jack's head.

Crouching by his feet, Sharina lifted him up, fearful they might affect the horn in his chest and worsen the situation. The nurse, Sharina was unable to look at her name tag, backed up into the hospital quickly, earning gasps from the people that littered the reception. Another nurse burst in through a door that must have led to various wards and operation theatres.

"I heard the commotion," she said, brushing her reddish-brown hair out of her eyes. "What on earth happened?"

"It's not the time for questions Carla," the first nurse grunted, sharing the weight with Carla. "Let's get him on an operation table quick."

"Thanks for the help miss," Carla nodded. "We'll see to it that he makes it out."

Releasing Jack to the nurses, Sharina stared blankly as they carried Jack further inside, yelling for help along the way. No matter how much they tried to reassure her, Sharina would have still remained as panicked and scared as she was of Jack's wellbeing.

Death had almost covered the boy completely.

And it was all her fault.