Repressed Memories: Betrayal

Although she was oblivious to what was going on, the sight of blood seeping into her cabinet pushed her fear over the limit. Sharina scrambled back, whimpering, as it edged close to her. As young as she was, she was fully aware of how a gunshot sounded, and she had seen firsthand from her father what it could do. Her mother didn't have her revolver on her, meaning it was the men that must have shot first.

Filled with dread and a sense of impending danger, she stilled her ragged breathing completely, hoping no one would think of looking down into her little hiding place.

"Come out or your mama dies," a voice grunted from above her. "I do not want to force you out little one."

"Uncle Raji," she muttered in disbelief, before clamping her hand over her mouth rather loudly. If her voice wasn't heard, the sharp, slapping sound surely was.

Raji wasn't related to them by blood, but as far as Sharina and her sisters could remember, he had always been by the family. Every event, holiday, or outing, he was always sure to show up. From what her papa said, Sharina knew they were close, having known each other from grade school. Why he would barge in, shoot her mother and threaten someone he carried with a smiling face barely a month ago?

"Leave her alone," her mama's voice weakly called out from where seemed to be right in front of her. "Leave my girls and take me."

Laughing, Raji lowered himself to the small compartment. "I know Kabir loves the girls more than he does you." Grabbing the handle, he swung the doors open, revealing the cowering girl. "There's no guarantee he would come after you without getting away first."

The sight of her bleeding mother broke her. The pool of blood seemed to come from Zara's shoulder and arm, as there appeared to be no blood on her right side. She lay flat on the floor, her head tilted up, tears rushing down her eyes.

"Please, Raji," she choked on her wails, struggling to shift her body up, only to be booted down by one of the other men.

"I will bring her back when your husband brings my money."

"Don't touch my daughter you bastard."

Raji smiled down at her. "I will keep her safe, you have my word." He reached in and grabbed Sharina by her hair, yanking her out. "But then, my word is as good as Kabir's."

"Mama!" Sharina screamed, tears bursting out from her eyes. The force her uncle used ripped a few strands from her head, resulting in blood dripping down her long black hair and onto her face. She tried to hold her head in agony, but Raji slapped her hands away.

"Let your mother see what happens when your papa fails to deliver."

"Leave me alone!" she struggled pointlessly. Looking down, her eyes pleaded for her mother to pull her through the pain. Only then did she see the helplessness in her mothers' eyes.

"Perhaps I'll get Kaia instead," he grinned, flinging Sharina, like a rag doll, into the strong arms of one of his men. "She will do nicely as entertainment for my men."

Zara looked up at Raji, rage filling her head. "You're a demented bastard."

Raji shrugged and kicked her across the face, before facing the crying girl. "What do you think little one? Do I look crazy?"

Nodding so hard it looked like her head would fall off, Sharina agreed with her mother. Raji only smiled and waved at his men. The one holding Sharina instantly released her and stepped back, receiving a dirty glare from the girl.

"Search the rooms," he ordered, grabbing Sharina. "Two more girls are hiding."

"I will kill you if you touch them," Zara growled, picking herself up. Rising to her feet, Sharina gaped at her mothers' wounds in horror.

From her lying position, it looked like it was only from her left arm, but standing up, Sharina stared at the red patch right below her left breast. There were two other wounds across her arm, but the one on her chest looked mortifying as if it had been shot with deadly accuracy twice. Blood seeped from the woman's mouth, but she stood strong, forcing her head to stay up so she could remain face to face with the animal before her.

"Save your strength, Zara," Raji warned. "Those shots were rather close to your heart. I would honestly regret it if you had to die."

"Shut up, you asshole," Zara hissed, yanking a knife off her mini knife rack. "If you die, we will be more than happy."

Raji stepped forward to subdue her but was cut off by a scream, followed by gunshots. Jerking his head backward, he yelled.

"Is everything alright?"

No response.

"Damned fools," he scowled, trying to make his way out before Zara lunged at him with the knife still in hand. Remembering his imminent threat, he sidestepped her easily, grabbing her shirt and slamming her into the wall. "Stay down."

Coughing out blood violently, Zara slid down the wall, pain racking her entire body. Through her fading eyes, she watched her youngest daughter look on to her with terror on her face. If not for the fact she was shot and probably dying, she would've cried at her utter worthlessness for her kids in the situation.

"You will burn in hell," she swore, forcing herself back up.

Raji rolled his eyes and brought his gun level with her face. "I didn't want to have to kill you, but you're a real piss off you know."

Zara stood, petrified as Raji wrapped his finger around the trigger. Sharina yelled and threw herself at her uncle, but he slapped her aside with ease, readjusting his aim immediately.

"No," Sharina mumbled, a red mark forming on her temple. "Please stop."

"When you are older, you will understand Sharina," Raji said. "And I hope you don't make the same mistakes your parents did."

Sharina screamed as the gun exploded in his hand. Zara ducked down, barely dodging the bullet, but a second shot never came.

Instead, Kabir stood by the door, gun in hand, tears rushing down his face, all the while staring at the bullet hole he had put through his friend's skull.