Repressed Memories: Revelation

"After papa came in, he called an ambulance immediately and held mama in his arms. Of course, I went to hug him and comfort both my parents and myself, but I was curious where Kaia and Ishita had gone. So I left my parents' side and went to look for them."

Sharina sat in the lobby of the hospital, her head tilted back against the wall. She had tried to force back tears, but the image of Jack's lifeless body kept forcing its way back to her mind and unleashing a torrent of memories she had tried so hard to suppress.

"When I entered the living room there was no one there, so I made my way into Kaia's room." Breathing heavily, she continued. "I got in and saw the three men my uncle had sent to retrieve my sisters, lying dead on the floor with bullet wounds in their skulls."

"Your father sounds like he had Apollo's accuracy," Hades chimed in.

"Maybe it was the rage, maybe it was sheer desperation," she continued. "If not for that, we'd probably all be dead.

"Anyways, I called out to my sisters, Kaia first obviously because it was her room. And then I finally saw the both of them lying side by side on the ground. I guess they struggled with the men and ended up getting shot clean in the chest." Sharina paused and broke into heavier tears, unable to continue.

"Death is no stranger to you," Hades said, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice. "I am not surprised."

"Not surprised?" she asked, trying to control herself.

"You are my host, young mortal. Death accompanies you everywhere you go, as both a friend and a thief."

"Why did my sisters have to die? Why didn't death skip them?"

"I had no hand in this," he objected. "Many assume I am a ruthless god with no restraint or mercy. Clearly, they forget the leniency I showed Hercules and Orpheus when they dared enter my realm. This is the work of the Fates young one. Maybe they have something great in store for them in the afterlife."

Sighing deeply, she shut her eyes. "The worst part is Kaia and I got into that stupid fight before she died. I remember my father rushing to carry me away while I promised my sisters I would remain strong for them." Covering her face, Sharina sat up. "I promised them I wouldn't guilt-trip myself over their deaths, neither would I try to take my own life. If I could wrench fate from whoever is writing the script, I would gladly do so instead."

"But you wonder if your sisters would want you to throw yourself at trying to get them back?"

"I guess that was why when I met Arges, part of me was eager to jump into this unknown world. But talking it over now, letting it out after so long, I feel somewhat at ease."

"Well, I was always a good listener."

"Because you were stuck in the underworld for so long?"

"Yes. I've been in isolation so long, hearing out another being, even if it's a mortal, is of no problem to me," Hades replied. "This challenge that has been forced upon you, I cannot guarantee you three will succeed. But I can assure you when you need it most, my strength will not fail you."

Smiling, Sharina wiped her tears. Hades felt more comforting, for a god of the dead, than any therapist she had visited over the years. The sadness from her sisters' deaths still weighed heavily on her, but she felt slightly relieved she could share it with someone other than herself. "This whole problem with Jack feels exactly like that time."

"If you are blaming yourself for his current state, I would advise you put an end to it. The reason you three feel pulled to one another, my brothers and I will have to take the blame for that. We three have been bickering for eons. Being our reincarnations, a part of our personalities has rubbed off you three as well. Do not blame yourself for the condition my brothers' host is in. Piling grief will only destroy you."

"Why? I should have controlled my temper and sorted it out. At this rate, he's going to end up like Kaia and Ishita."

"Unlike your sisters, he still has a chance. You saw it with your own eyes, did you not? Death does not have a complete hold over him yet."

"Yeah, I know," Sharina mumbled, worry clouding her thoughts once more. "What if he dies? I can't bear telling his mother her son kicked the bucket a day after meeting us."

"If he dies, then the world as it is is done for. Zeus' raw power is needed for the upcoming battles. Without it, defeating Kronos just might be near impossible."

"That's just great," she buried her head between her palms.

"He will need more than a mortal infirmary to recover from that," Hades added. "Human healing can only do so much for a wound created by a beast no mortal has heard of."

"Even more bad news."

"Do not be saddened. There is one that can resuscitate my brother's host. But it will take time."

"Well then, who?"

Hades didn't reply.

"Come on, tell me!" Sharina growled a little too loudly, receiving extra stares from the people around her.

"I am forbidden from saying his name," Hades muttered. "Only Zeus can tell you what you need to know."

"That's just great," she repeated, a deep scowl hanging on her face.

"What I can tell you, is to seek Janus."

"Huh?" Sharina tried to pronounce the word, drawing it out slowly. "Jay-nus?"

"Yes, the god of doorways."

"That's a weird name," she pondered. "I thought all the gods died?"

"Some chose to stay neutral and went into hiding before the war started. Janus, Hypnos, even Heracles chose to stay away from the battle, much to his father's disappointment."

"Why aren't they subjecting us under their rule then?"

"Ah," Hades paused again, debating himself on whether he should tell his host the truth or not. He concluded on sharing less than half. "They are simply not on this side of reality. Janus will explain it to you better."

"So Newt and I have to...," she began, faltering as she remembered her comrade. "Oh shit."

"You are hesitant to help Poseidon's host?" Hades noticed her go still halfway through standing up.

"Will he be safe?" she gestured towards the door she carried Jack through.

"No. But neither will the other one without your aid."

"Damn it!" she swore loudly, stamping her foot in frustration.

The nurse at the reception counter looked over at her along with the other patients sitting around.

"Ma'am, you need to calm down," she said, furrowing her brows in concern.

"Fuck that," Sharina stood up, making her mind.

And before their very eyes, she dissolved into thick smoke that filled the room.