The had opted to go to Epidaurus first.
For the time being, the god of medicine was the only to-go option that would have less risk of the duo dying or something worse. If they had to face anything difficult, they were going to do it with the unconscious boy with a nuclear-charged staff.
"Where the hell are we now?"
Sharina's patience was wearing thin. Although this journey was titan-less and had been monster-free so far, she was beginning to yearn for the slightest bit of action. Newt, on the other hand, looked as cheerful as an owl. He walked on ahead of her, his face emotionless.
"Epidaurus is quite far," he said. "If you're tired, we're still a long way off."
"I'm just bored," she complained, crushing a flower under her foot. "And hungry."
"We don't have any food," Newt sighed. Sharina had added yet another worry to his thoughts.
"Just great. Starve or get killed by a fucking monster. Take your pick."