Echo And ...... Narcissus?

"So what's her story?"

Sharina paced the front of the hut, impatiently waiting for Echo to get her things ready. The nymph, or whatever Newt had called her, had agreed to serve as a sort of guide for the duo. Sharina wasn't too thrilled about taking on a new companion, especially one who would most likely get on her nerves by repeating her every word, but Newt insisted they needed someone to guide them through Olympus safely. At least guide them to wherever they needed to go before they returned to their realm.

"The typical innocent god and person thing," Newt shrugged. "That's practically the basis of every problem or sad story during Zeus' rule."

"If the gods were that bad, I can't imagine how terrible the titans were."

"They were lenient and fair at times I guess." 

Crossing her arms, Sharina huffed in annoyance. "What's taking your girlfriend so long?"