Ch 58 – Straight out of Nowhere

She lost count of how many thousands of steps she'd taken. But after a long time, the spot slowly turned into a small square.

'What is that?' She asked herself, never ceasing to walk.

Slowly but surely, that small square became bigger and bigger, revealing what it really was: A sort of monitor.

'Huh? I've seen this before...' She thought, inadvertently hurrying her steps. And surely, as she made her way closer to the sources of light, something on the ground seemed to be reflecting off a bit of that light.

'Weird.' She thought, considering there was no reflection anywhere in the pitch blackness of this void. As she made her way closer, a human figure started to appear where the light bounced off into her eyes.

"Gun!?" She yelled, running towards that place. It took her a while to reach there. Her mind began showing signs of fatigue, but the closer she got, the faster she ran towards the body laid on the ground.

"Gun!" She yelled again, dropping to the floor by the side of the body.

'It really is him! He's alive!' Tears flowed like a river from her eyes as she combed his hair with her fingers.

"I'm so glad..." She said, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

Gloria turned herself and knelt on the ground, resting his head over her thighs as she ran her fingers through his hair, slowly calming herself down.

'How can it be that I'm here...? If she's alive there's no reason for that to have happened... right?' She thought towards herself, thinking what kind of twisted thing could have happened.

'There's no way this can happen... is there?' She asked herself, brooding over and over what she'd gone through. The fact that her divine-realm had been destroyed was an undeniable truth... And her falling like she did was proof that Gunther had, in fact, died.

'Then how can I be here now...?' She asked herself, completely unaware of the mechanisms that allowed both him to survive, and her, to be here right now.

While she thought about these and other pointless things, she felt Gunther's head shift on her things?


"Ow... My head... talk quieter."



"And that's how it happened..."

"I see... I'm sorry." I apologized, I mean, it really was my fault, right?

"Why are you apologizing? It's my fault all of this happened..." But she seemed to disagree.

"No... I should've known better. It's my lack of self-control that made you go through all that..." I brooded over my mistakes one more time.

"It's okay... I forgive you." She said, releasing me and distancing our faces, before kissing me.

'Ah... This her is so cute... Wait! Since when did she accept it was my fault? Heh... It doesn't matter.' Her kiss feels incredibly good. The fact that she's naked does add a lot to the kiss though. Her body feels so delicate... It's almost as if I could break her in half if I wanted to.

"Fua-! I think we need to solve that now though..." She points towards the monitor.

"Ah, Yeah." I start to stand up.


"Ah, sorry."

"Humpf... You forgot you had me on you..."

"I can't help it that you are this light."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." I say, staring at the monitor thinking what to do next. Then, I feel a small hand trying to hold mine.

'YEET!' I pull her.

"WAAAWAWAWA!" She stumbles towards me, and I hug her from behind. I feel Glory's small hands on my arms while I caress her naked stomach with my fingers.

'I hope this could last forever...' I think to myself, before focusing back on the issue at hand.



"You haven't tried using the System right?"

"Ah... right. I haven't... I guess I should try it out right?"

'Odd... She isn't teasing me or calling me dumb... Is she okay?' I think to myself. 'Hold up... She's not answering...'



"Can you no longer read my thoughts?"

"Huh? I never could, to be fair... It was just the system that conveyed those to me."

"Oh... Right..." Duh. 'Ain't it obvious you dumbass? What were you even thinking...' I cursed myself in my head. '... Why am I... Could it be I got used to it...? No... Let's try the thing already... System, can you create a room?'

< System running in Paused mode; Changes made in this mode will only take effect when progress is resumed.>

"It wor-" I tried to say something but was interrupted by Gloria.

"Kya! Why's this inside my head?! Make it stop!"

"Huh?!" I just stared at her in disbelief... 'Are you seriously this startled by the fucking system you ran? ... Wait a second.'

"Gloria, did you just say you could read the System?"

"Yeah! What the fuck is with this creepy-ass voice!?"

"Had you never heard the narrator before?"

"No! I mean, Yeah! But No!"

"Wait, what!? Talk human!"

"What I mean is... Yeah, I did hear this voice before. This is dad. But him talking inside my head is creepy as fuck!"

"Dad?" I ask, kind of startled. 'She has a father? Do gods have parents? I mean, I knew she had a sister and all but... A Father?'

"Yeah, Duh! What did you think? That we just sprouted out of nowhere?"


"Oh, I guess you are kinda right... We do, but not out of nowhere just because... There's a reason you know?!"


"When a daddy god and a mommy god love each other very much... Oh, generally, not in Mom's case, in her's is just because she wanted to fuck... You get the point!"

"Huh..." ... Yeah, what am I even supposed to think of this? If any of you know, please tell me... This is just too random for me. Thanks.

"So... What you are saying, is that Gods have children just like normal people?"

"Yeah... sometimes."


"I mean, there are Gods that just "poof" into existence like-"

"This me!"