Ch 59 – I'm a God now?

"Huh!?" After seeing Gloria's gaping mouth, I turn around towards the sudden shrill voice. What I see, surprises me even more then I had expected. A small girl, much like Gloria, stood in front of me. No... Comparing Gloria to her would be a huge mistake. This girl had a tanned skin the color of light caramel, her cute face and tiny breasts contrasted with her general appearance. The first thing that came to my mind looking at her were those tiny succubus demons from the japanese drawn adult magazines I used to read. 'What was it called again? Tiny Evil, right?' She wore tiny black shorts over fishnets, leather handless gloves that went all the way above her elbows and a leather top that left her stomach completely uncovered under a transparent black cropped t-shirt. There's no denying she looked like a sexy little devil, rather than anything else. Her smirk didn't help it either. She also had short black hair that barely reached her shoulders and golden eyes that seemed to shine on their own. 'Who is this...' I thought.

"Who- Who are you!?" Before I could say anything, Gloria asked, startled.

"Me? They call me by many different names... Izma, The treacherous Goddess, The trickster, The god of misfortune, The god of uncertainty, The god of Dungeons, God of all creation, simply God... Haaah...'' She sighed. "I miss when my children respected me, but they are too worried about their stupid management and don't have time for my games... I miss when they called me by my actual title though. My name is Izmamik, but you may call me Mikky." She said, happily strolling towards us.

"I see... Mikky, right? What brings you here? Rather, how can it be that you are here?"

"Oh... You sure are an interesting one, aren't you?" She says, putting her hand against my chest, and slowly bringing it down towards my crotch. 'What is it with these gods and me? Is my dick coated in honey or something?' I can't avoid thinking with myself as she caresses my dick over my pants. Me? Of course I let her do it, how could I refuse... But apparently, someone thought otherwise.

"HEY! He's mine, stop putting your hands all over him!" Gloria said in a harsh tone while pouting.

"Huh? You are already defying me? I didn't remember making the two of you but it really doesn't seem like you guys are from around here... Also, He's more mine than yours, since you let him die..."

"How do you...?" *snif*

As I heard her voice crack, I looked behind to see Gloria holding herself back, while on the verge of tears. I quickly pulled and hugged here, before addressing the girl.

"I don't know who you are or what business you have with me. But if you make her cry one more time, you won't get anything from me. Ever." I say, briskly, in hindsight I could have worded it a lot better, couldn't have I?

"Oh... You really are an interesting one... I fancy you quite a bit, so I'll avoid teasing the little goddess over there from now on. As for what business I have with you... I just want to have some fun, you know. After all, I just saved your life. And that of the little girl while at it."

"You did... No... It really seemed weird that things happened the way they did... It was you then..." Swallowing her tears, Gloria regained her composure, and addressed the girl directly. I just watched her boldness in awe while petting Glory's head and hugging her from behind. Bear in mind she's still naked.

"Indeed, it was this me. I mean, this dungeon was far too amusing to let die just because of the stupid limiter set up by that retard. He told me he'd send some people over from time to time but... I never expected him to send his daughter too."

"Daughter... You mean Gloria?" I asked her, surprised.

"Yeah... That idiot, Siestim... I've known him for a while now."

"You know dad!?" Gloria's reaction was even more energetic than I'd have expected... Rather... 'Who even is her father?' I asked myself, and her, for that matter.

"Who's your father, Gloria?"

"My father is the God of Systems and Hierarchy. He's basically the God who designed and rules over the whole command structure of Earth."

"Yadda, yadda, yadda. Yeah, He's the idiot who thinks organizing Gods like a fucking bureaoucracy is a good idea. He even managed to convert my kids into a "Hierarchy" of sorts. God, I hate his methods... But it was also him who gave me the idea of using dungeons to make this world last longer, so he's at least got some credit." I could feel Gloria clenching her fists while Mikky said this stuff... But I have to agree with her. His methods really sound boring.

"Thank you for agreeing with me. It seems I made a great choice keeping you around."

"You can read my thoughts?!" The hell!? How can...

"Ah... See... Overlords can read their subordinate god's thoughts. I think Sisty had introduced that into his "System" somehow. Since both of you are my subordinate gods now, I can read what you think. Also, thank you for thinking I'm hot.

"OW! You didn't have to hit me for that, Gloria!" God... having your thoughts read is quite a problem isn't it... Oh... So this is why Gloria can't read my thoughts anymore... Wait, Subordinate Gods?! I'm a God!?

"Oh, yes, see... You did something really careless; You got so many levels so quickly that that idiot's stupid system fried your brain, which is also why little Goddess over there fell from godhood. But I didn't want to lose the best fun I'd had in millennia, so, I lifted the limiter and allowed you to become a god too to some extent. She coming back was a coincidence though. I hadn't expected her to simply come crash into your divine-realm and somehow merge with the partial system I had set up... Well, if it works there's no need for me to worry too much over it. Anyhow, I have to go now, I'll be back later to get some dick ok? Bai bai."

"Wait! Oh... She's gone already... What a troublesome person isn't she? Gloria?" I looked down to see Gloria tightening her fists. "Gloria?" I asked once again.

"I... I'm a god now... I'm a fucking god!"

"Gloria? Are you okay?"




"... Are you okay?"

"NO! I'm not! UWAAAAA!" Oh, shit! She's crying again. What's with women and these mood-swings, God.