Ch 60 – System Overhaul

"Why are you even crying?!" I ask, trying to understand the complicated existence we call women.

"Because! You know how hard I tried to become a god!? And now I'm one, but because I failed!"

'Tasks failed successfully! I guess... Haaah. I need to make her cheer up and figure this all out still...'

"See... At least you are here with me now, right? Also, I need your help figuring this stuff out, can you just snap out of it for a second?"

"If you need my help... I guess I can leave this for later." With a cheeky look, Gloria blushed, putting her hands behind herself while sawing her foot side to side.

"You are very cute. You know that, right? Especially when you're naked." I say, putting my hands on her waist as I stare at her lovely expression. God, I feel as if my nose would start to bleed.

"Wha-" She became tomato head, as she looked down towards herself realizing she'd been naked this whole time. "I... I was naked when that girl came..."

"Yeah?" I confirmed, without thinking much about the implications.

"I... was naked and that girl saw me... She saw me naked..." Gloria began grumbling incomprehensible stuff about Mikky's visit that I didn't really care. Rather, she looks even cuter when embarrassed, so I see this as a win, despite delaying my progress on sonving this stuff.

Meanwhile, I decided it was time to check my stats. A lot had happened lately... 'Status?'

< Define Realm >

Huh? What the hell do you mean with realm?

< Possible Realms >

< Divine >

< Mortal >


The heck... Mortal.

< Realm: Mortal, Selected. Define Region. >

Again? ... What regions are there?

< Possible Regions: >

< Earth >

< Derhär Skiten >

< █████████████ >

There are two options then... Holdup. What even is "█████████████"?

< █████████████ is a Blank Region ruled by the Elder God Izmamik. >

I see... Derhär Skiten is probably this world then... Select that.

< CORE: Coexisting Organism for Regeneration and Evolution >

< >

< Lvl.: 1 >

< Rank: D >

< Attributes: >

< ◘ VITALITY(VIT): 79847 >

< ◘ RESISTANCE(HAR): 200 >

< ◘ MANA(MAN): 845481 >

< ◘ STAMINA(RES): 4185 >


< >

< Passive Skills: >

< • Regeneration [Divine] I >

< • Mana Recovery Rate [Divine] I >

< • Mental Effect Immunity I >

< • Magic Resistance X >

< • Elemental Affinity X >

< • Earth Affinity X >

< • Mana Control [Divine] I >

< • [Divine] Health Increase I >

< • [Divine] Mana Increase I >

< • [Divine] Vitality Increase I >

< • Threadripper [64 Core] >

< • Aura Sync >

< • Monero CPU Mining >

< >

< Active Sills: >

< • Godly Descent I >

< • Divine Gaze I >

< • Substitution X >

< • Metal Infusion X >

< • ∞ Gaze [Believer] >

< • Dungeon Manipulation [Divine] >

< >

< >

< Unique Skills: >

< • Materialization >

< • Blessing >

< >

< Curses and Blessings: >

< • Earth's God of Logistics Blessing >

< • Earth's God of Virginity Blessing >

< • Derhär Skiten's God of Gods' Blessing >

< • Derhär Skiten's --❌-- Blessing >

< • Derhär Skiten's --❌-- Blessing >

Is this a joke? Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck do these stupid ass PC skills do?

< • Threadripper [64 Core] >

< This skill defines how many processes can be realized in parallel and how many Compute Units are available. >

< • Aura Sync >

< This skill is able to Sync your Abnormal Conditions and Emotional Status to the Color in all connected Light Sources. >

< • Monero CPU Mining >

< You may assign excess Compute Unites to generate EP at the expense of augmented heat production and lowering of Clock Speeds. >

Wait! Hold up. You mean all those meme skills actually have a use in real life?! What kind of God would even have the stupid idea of including this kind of meme!?

< The Creation of Universal skills is attributed to ████ God. >

What is it with a blank name?

< ████ is not a Blank name, ████ Is ████. >

Yeah... Whatever. Let's put all cores to get all that EP!

< Mining Started. All cores. >

Eh - Why - think - Ow - Head - Hot - Stop - Stop - STOP!

< Mining Stopped. >

The fuck was that!?

< No free cores available for processing of thought and speech. >


< You should have known better since Dual Core only allowed you use two thought processes at once. >

Oh... I see... Oi! Since when have you become this smart!?

< Divine System is superior and relies on the God itself to function. >

Oh... So you are smart because you rely on my power as a God.

< Precisely. Yours and Operator God's. >

Operator?! Who would that even be?

< Operator: Gloria >

I look to the side to see the cute naked girl still thinking about the encounter with Mikky.

"Gloria. Check the system out! You are still the admin or something like that."

"HEH!?" My words seem to have brought her back to reality as she walks towards me. "How do I use it?"

"Ah... I forgot to ask that part." Does her system work the same as mine?

< Interface is based on user preference. But all are thought operated. >

I see... Thanks.

"Gloria, all you have to do is think about it and it should show up."

"T- This is..." Gloria opened a broad smile as small tears began forming on her face.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"It's... Marvelous! Everything is here. I have access to anything and everything and I can see everything I ever wanted to see it's amazing! Can't you see!?"

"I... Can't see anything." Even with all the processing power I got, her talking this much this quickly was a lot! Rather, why is she so thrilled about this... I don't get why a system would turn her on this much.

"Hold up, there sure is a toggle somewhere that should allow me to share the visual of it... Found it! Here goes nothing."

As soon as she said that, thousands and thousands of consoles popped up from thin air, just like the monitors I used to check on the different rooms of the dungeon with the "camera" setup, no... This was much more than just that. The sheer scale was completely broken.

Thousands and thousands of them, some overlapping with one another... It really looked like a SIS_ADMIN's Nightmare, an IBM Stretch Mainframe console running thousands of operations. Jesus fuck the logs roll up so fast I can't even track down a word.

"... Gloria... Care to explain what this is?"


"Are you sure you are fine?" I asked, thinking she must have gone insane.

"You just don't understand! I can see anything and everything at a moment's notice. Check this monster tab." With her words, a small screen moved forward and enlarged itself. In it, I could see a ridiculous list of monsters, their prices, tiers, everything. If I focused for too long on a name, the full sheet of that monster would simply pop up with all the info, evolutions, classes, personalization options... Holy shit this is much more effective than my system.


"You see how amazing it is!? Gun? Is everything okay? Why are you making that face?"

"It's not that much but... I felt a great disturbance in my mind, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced." I said, going back to using her system to analyze the options to further improve our dungeon.