Ch 69 – Goblin Diplomat

"Yeah..." Gloria began talking. I'm not sure whether she forgot I could still see and hear them or if she just did it on a whim. "When he saw that guy there touch you and say those things... He kinda flipped out."

"What do you mean?" Mihara looked up towards her. Her pain subsiding for a moment.

"He... lost his shit, and did something he should never have done. Long story short... he killed himself in the process."


"Don't worry. Some girl showed up and fixed it up. But... I..."

"Don't cry," Mihara touched Gloria's face. For some reason, the goblins had stopped moving for a second. I think because Gloria stopped walking. "I'm sure he'd do the same for you two, right."

"Yeah." Gloria chuckled. Her smile contrasted beautifully with her teary eyes. And her expression was one I'd never seen before... A very adult one. "I guess he does like us both quite a lot, doesn't he."

"Um!" Mihara forced herself to smile, her body cramping once again excruciatingly. "He does what he thinks is best. Even if it hurts. We just have to take a little more. Before everything gets better." She squeezed some words, before curling in the stretcher once again.

"I hope you're right..." Gloria muttered to herself, as she combed Mihara's hair with her hand, and set foot again, the goblins moving too.

I held myself from crying. I don't know why I got this attached to those two, but I did. Now that I think about it, it's probably because I had nobody. From having nothing and no-one. To not even having somewhere... Only for then, out of nowhere, having someone I could count on... even if she did behave like a bitch at first. And someone that legit needed me for something, and actually went out of her way to please me. That was a first.

A small smile grew on my face as I slowly walked towards the entrance of the cave. From the subspace, I could see the girls had already gotten to the core room... but how was I gonna deal with all that shit ahead...?

I bit my lip as I felt my palms sweating. I could see the silhouettes outside the cave from where I was now. My steps growing heavier and heavier.

Detaching myself from my materialized point-of-view I could slightly see what was expecting me. I swallowed dry. That was no hobgoblin... I felt its eyes scanning into the dungeon when I read his status.

< Foreign Monster Status >

< >

< Name: Abzuban (NAMED MONSTER) >

< Title: Commander of Hordes >

< Race: Goblin King >

< Job (AUTO): King >

< Lvl.: 86 >

< Rank: Ø >

< State: Normal >

< Attributes: >

< ◘ VITALITY(VIT): 89 >

< ◘ MANA(MAN): ØØ >



< ◘ STAMINA(RES): 99 >


< >

< Passive Sills: >

< • Regeneration ØØ >

< • Magic Resistance ØØ >

< • Mental Effect Resistance Ø >

< • Ø >

< • Minor Health Increase >

< • Ø >

< • Mana Conversion >

< • Ø >

< • Exceed Limits >

< • Ø >

< >

< Active Sills: >

< • Dagger Technique Ø >

< • Slinger Technique II >

< • Ø >

< • Siege Technique I >

< • Torture Technique ØØ >

< • Sexual Technique ØØØ (Ø) >

< • Ø >

< • Ø >

< >

< Unique Skills: >

< • King of Globlin-kin I >

"Holy fucking shit..." I muttered with both my selves, as I read the status page of the monster. This was no run of the mill monster. Let's not talk about all the other goblins out there... This was something.


'What am I even doing here?'

I thought these things as my heavy steps echoed, walking towards imminent death. I gulped. Cold sweat rolling down my spine.

'This ain't gonna work! What am I? Stupid.'

And almost as if drawn by my words, time itself ground to a screeching halt.

'The hell!? Why now? It's not like I wanted it...' I Thought, realizing it had happened inadvertently.

"Fuaaa" I let myself sink into a chair I materialized in the divine subspace. Apparently, provided you have sufficient "knowledge" and "belief", not sure what those meant, you can materialize whatever you want for free. 'I guess that's how Glory made her room back then... We should be able to make something like a home later.' I thought, imagining our daily routine once she came back here. And almost as if it hadn't happened at all, time slowly started speeding up. Maybe because my tension went down, who knows. "I should get myself some help, right?" I said, as I scrolled through the menus. "Huh? Where's all this EP coming from? Oh, right, the torture guys." The unexpectedly high number of EP threw me off guard. But remembering they had only been doing their stuff for half an hour before the whole fuck up thing made me realize something. The dungeon was pretty powerful. "Yeah, I have this under control." I said to myself, relaxing, on my materialized body, as a dozen dark hobgoblins and dark shamans started walking behind me. 'I need to somehow talk to them too... I don't think these can.

"Hey, you. Can you talk?" I asked the shaman, who simply nodded denying it. They could understand me, though. "Why can't they speak?" My other self wondered while scrolling through multiple entries at once, my multi-thought stuff finally being used for something worthwhile. "FOUND IT!" I stopped on my tracks as I found the reason. "[Insane] isn't it..." I mumbled, as I realized why none of the goblins I'd spawned could speak. Apparently that was also why those were so much cheaper despite being stronger and higher tiered. "How much do I still have?" I asked myself, checking the EP and figuring the best option.

< Goblinkin Negotiator - S CLASS MONSTER>

< This goblinoid creature is a highly feared Noble-Hobgoblin. Allowing the Goblin King to unify tribes without the use of force, it potentializes the breeding potential of the species as a whole. >

< EP Cost: 48000 >

"Interesting." This single monster cost almost a tenth of what the high tier blood did. But I could just barely afford it. 'Guess the [Pleasure Dungeon] trait is really overpowered.' I thought, as the monster slowly rose from the shadows in front of me.

"Schlaiher, prawlst kahti shti?" I watched in awe as the monster spoke. The monster in front of me did not remind me of a goblin at all. It was a large-build human, taller than a regular one, with buffed muscles and a serious expression. It wore clothes that could almost be comparable with roman senators. I had expected a flimsy monster, but this thing looked like it could snap my spine with a single hand, yet, it knelt in front of me, resting its weight on a single fist as it stared at my feet.

"Shjapaj za" an unknown language escaped my lips as I addressed the monster.