Ch 70 - The Usurper King

(This conversation was translated to human language)

"Speak." The words that left my lips sounded nothing like those I thought I was saying, yet, I knew I was right. This was not my own language, but someone else's. It sounded feral and hoarse, but not that different from some old languages from my own world. Now that I think of it, the way they speak here also sounds surprisingly close to 1700s English... Interesting.

While I thought pointlessly about languages, the goblin in front of me raised his eyes, looking at my face, but clearly avoiding to look me in the eyes.

"Thank you, My Sacred Lord, for letting this one serve under you."

"Wha—I'm just a dungeon core... you don't need to—"

"No, My Sacred Lord and Creator, I shall serve you forever, as your believer."

"Huh?" I can't understand what this guy is saying, it's almost as if... never mind, that's definitely it. 'Why the God of Goblins of all things?!' I cursed the heavens while still smiling, seemingly unfazed. "Anyhow, what have you to say?"

"I wish... to ask you for forgiveness, My Sacred Lord."


"Yes, my kind, outside, may not know your grandeur, but I do My Lord. For you created me out of dust, and my life is to be devoted to you and only you."

'... Why does this guy sound like a fanatic...' I thought to myself while staring blankly at the very humane monster. "It is fine. I'll forgive your kin's sin." I spoke in a stern tone, trying to hold my laughter. The monster relaxed "However—" He tensed up again, "that is only if you can bring them under me, for the good of this dungeon." I could see him relaxing again... I had no idea whether my "benevolent but strict God" act had worked yet, but it was the best I had there and then, aside from just asking him to talk to them.

But this guy's answer made me gulp.

"Yes, My Sacred Lord. If those people cannot accept your blessing with gratitude, they deserve only death."

"..." I blinked a couple times 'Huh?! Why is this guy so much of an extremist?! I don't even have teachings or whatever... God, I miss Gloria talking shit in my ear so that I can ignore the bootlicking...' I thought, unaware that this was just the beginning of my... sect. "Such is life." I said, confidently, walking past him and resting a hand over his lowered head for a second. "Let's go."


And as such, we marched, accompanied by the dark hobgoblins and goblins, to meet the Goblin King.


"Come on, now, come on!" A fat man sat on a large throne, holding a kneeling attendant by the hair as she serviced him. On his head, aside from the crown, a distinct pair of ears could be seen, similar to those of the royalty of this country, but not quite the same. The fat man indulged halfheartedly in the service of the young woman's mouth and hands, but unawed. A hint of boredom could be seen, as he sadistically enjoyed the pained expression on her face, as he randomly pushed her head all the way down.

"My lord."

"Ghh! Cough cough!"

"What now? Don't you see I'm fucking busy?!" He yelled at the man who called him, entering the large hall. This man was wearing the clothes of a butler, but most importantly, the ears over his head were cat ones, like those of the woman servicing the king.

"Sorry, My Lord. Some of your... benefactors want to make pleas about their territories' situations." The man said, as he knelt.

"Again?! Come fucking on! I should've kept that bitch sister of mine around to lead those pests by the nose. Are they never satisfied?! Now, take this piece of shit with you." He said, shoving the woman to the floor.

"No, please! My Lord, please! I'll try harder! I'll do it better! Please don't do this to—Kha!

"This bitch doesn't even know how to suck a fucking dick," He said, kicking her away from him as she crawled back towards him, ignoring her pleas. "This time, bring me something good, something fresh. Get me a virgin to serve me. Tonight."

"What should I do? About her..."

"I don't fucking care, she's a lowly whore who can't even please her lord. Sell her to the slavers at once. She'll fetch good coin at the auction."

"No! Please, anything but that! I'll do anything!" She pleaded, pointlessly, being ignored by both men. On the attendant's face, a vague twitch of disgust could be seen as he heard the King's words, but most would think it was but a fruit of their imagination.

"My lord, I don't think I'll be able to get you a virgin by nightfall..."

"Buy one from the townspeople. There's always someone willing to sell. But get me a nice looking one."

"But what if—" the man tried to retort as he grabbed the sobbing woman by the arm, pulling her away from the king and towards the exit, only to be interrupted.

"I don't give a fuck. Pay them a fair price, and bring a couple knights. If they're not willing to get the money at once, just use a bit of... persuasion."

"Yes, My Lord." The man bit his lip and nodded, before walking out of the hall and letting people in, leaving the Usurper King to deal with the traitors who perpetrated the coup, and their demands, while taking away yet another victim of the tyrant.

"Don't cry..." He muttered to the sobbing woman, as they made a turn deeper into the depths of the castle.

"Huh?" She looked at him, confused, both at his words, and his now different posture towards her.

"I'll get you out of here, to my own men. You won't be able to come back, since you are leaving as a slave, but you can avoid that man's grip."

"Why?" She asked, as they slowly made their way down a spiral staircase into the sewer system.

"Because. I do what I have to to keep my head over my shoulders. But I don't need to do as that lowly dog says. He's not My King."

"Thank you..." She said, sheepishly, as they approached a dark corner in the beginning of the sewers, where two hooded figures awaited.

"It's ok. This is what Our Queen would've wanted." He raised his voice, to which both figures nodded, taking the woman from his hands and quickly walking away into the sewers.

"Thank you!" She said again, looking back as they walked hurriedly into the dark.

"What for..." He muttered, looking at his own feet. "I can't stop this from happening every single day..." He cursed himself in his head, for being so powerless, before turning back the way he came from, with a single thought in mind. 'But I'll make sure to live to see the day she comes back and beheads that lowly dog.' he thought, praying to the goddess of werekin for the return of Her Royal Highness.