"Dammit! Why does it have to be so hot!" my father who has been complaining throughout this journey exclaimed.
Well, there is a blazing sun above our head I spoke inwardly. Though, we did have some struggle walking through this hot and deserted yet captivating forest. The path which we followed was so thin that there was no room to walk side by side. And on either flank of the path, the only things that existed were trees and bushes, no life form. But to better comprehend our situation let us retrace my steps together.
I am Alfeios Jundeager, twelve years of age and a motherless progeny coming from a prominent clan known as the True Jundeagers. The same story goes for my father, Anapo Jundeager with the only difference is with him being twenty-nine years old yet feeble and weak.
But if it were back in his prime when he's was known as the second strongest within our clan who went by the code name -Black Horse, then his current state would've been exclusively different. To give you a reason why he was known as The Black horse was solely due to his style of hunting with his inescapable technique: Fading Steps.
Within 100 meters of his surroundings it only took him one step to instantly appear in front of you, how cool is that?
But as of now he had become weakened due to an unknown illness that surface when he came home from and highly classified mission. And though we sovereign a variety of cures we could find, they all failed.
As for me, I am just a mere youngster. I haven't even unlocked my human evolution class yet. Screw this damned world and its unfairness. I'm from a notorious clan but if you toss that aside, I'm merely a normal child.
Our clan, which I've previously mentioned was known as the True Jundeagers.' Once a prominent clan filled with various classes of human evolution.
Which was located between the Four Kingdoms.
To give you a rather simplified understanding, there was a time when we could rival the entire nation. Our lineage from our past ancestor, the Supreme Jundeager gave our bloodline a bright future. The Jundeagers were born in five of the six classes of human evolution. Hunters, warriors, magicians, summoners, and assassins.
And in each class, an individual came with a personal ability. Take for instance hunters, they would have an ability signifying control over a certain domain or area. Warriors would have the ability that signifies strength or a physical boost in a certain way. Magicians would have control over various types of spells of course. Assassin's abilities would signify stealth whilst summoners.....yeah you know the deal.
Though our clan was always isolated to itself, never constricted under any power since its origin but over the years we started to disintegrate. People may say that our bloodline had become fragile. And this was the cause of our absolute demise.
The True Jundeagers were trampled between the Great War with the North and South Kingdom. They were two of the biggest continents when it came to manpower. They had been going head-to-head for about a hundred years entirely
trying to get domination of the other. And as you all can guess, my idiotic clan stood right in the middle of this conflict.
I always asked myself, why couldn't they have moved to another planet and fight? Those vile Kingdoms.
That aside, let's explain what the Kingdoms are. The Four Kingdoms included the North and the South mentioned earlier with the East and the West. Altogether they were known as the Paladin Kingdoms. Within each kingdom, there was one emperor, five royal families and each of those families monitored ten countries which were consistent with multiple clans from weak to strong, poor to rich.
Now, getting back to the topic. The sight of our clan's cessation was that of a massacre, a freaking bloodbath! I was in the courtyard when it all transpired. Out of the blue, warriors, hunters, and magicians were coming from both the North and the South. Realizing this, the Clan Leaders scuffled as if they knew what was to come.
In an attempt to avoid the worst, they tried gathering every and all Jundeagers present at the time. Well, of course, that's what they had to do. We were weak at the moment, down bad. Even if we were to defend ourselves, that would immediately lead to a disaster. But little did the Clan Leaders knew, their resistance was far too late. By the time the clan's people got ready to evacuate, rushing towards the city was two massive groups of forces aiming everything they had at each other while disregarding our clan as if it was nothing.
It was during this period that my father barged through the bungalow right to my compartment to inform me about the dilemma. I was startled being that I wasn't aware of what was arising on the outside. He immediately started to pack his bags and rushed me to do the same. We accumulated the most important things we would need before we snuck out through this interesting passage he led me through.
What's happening out there? Why attack now! Could this be a sign? As always, being a thinker comes with a lot of anxiety and thoughts.
The passage that we took led us underground the building to the outside of our clan's city. I was surprised, I couldn't believe such a passage existed. Who had the time to build this shit? I wondered.
We went up and out through the passage but to our horror when we circled, our whole clan was leveled, bodies were dropped, children were massacred and animals were slain. Over thousands of our clans' people were all gone in the blink of an eye.
I grabbed my chest as an aching dagger struck where my heart was located as I fell to my knees and cried in anguish. My father quickly helped me up while I was still in shock trying to look away from the vicious nightmare.
He then shouted, "Alfeios, we can't stay here any longer let's leave while we can! We have to keep on living, if not to pay them back tenfold!"
He then ended by yelling, "We are the sole survivors and the last of our clan! If we can't escape now then we'll never know if anyone survived!"
With that, I followed my father with a cold vengeance feeling in my heart.
Putting my clans' downfall aside, the aftermath was the same as always over these past hundred years. It was once again a draw. Neither my father nor I knew if any of our clans' people survived, especially him, The Black Shepherd who was currently the strongest of our clan.
This is a world where power is absolute. Whether you were a hunter, a warrior, a magician, or any other class you had to have power. This was an era where one's magic capacity can lead one into godhood. However, my dad and I were barely frogs at the bottom of the well compared to this world where we live. You could call it survival of the fittest.
In all honesty, I'm heart struck, to see how far we have fallen. It's safe to say we've lost everything. And that's how we eventually started this path after the treacherous fall of our clan. These restless days and nights struggling to find food and water or even clothing. The only thing that kept me going through this harsh was the thought of getting stronger....somehow. And we're currently left on a path, to either submit to our demise or rise to conquer
Now we've returned to where we started this story, the hot mysterious forest.
As we kept walking down the path of the forest we soon approached a vast circular area in front of a bizarre cave. Before I could speculate the cave, out of nowhere, my father suddenly collapsed to the floor coughing up a mouthful of blood.
I hurried over towards him and asked in a panic, "Dad! dad! Are you okay! What's happening now? Is it the illness again?"
My dad responded with, "I'm okay" as always.
I rushed with him towards the entrance of the cave, laid him down, and retrieved a bottle of water we had in our bags. He gulped it down while I watched nervously. I then helped him to sit upright and just as I did he said with a cough midway,
"This is as far as I can take you Alfeios. *cough* whatever lies beyond the cave is up to you to discover."
And so gave him a look of unwillingness as I slowly walked away to venture deep in the cave which felt as though it was calling me. It became almost impossible to see when walking a mere few meters into the cave. For a moment I was surrounded by total darkness when suddenly
I had hit my head on something hard. I reached my hands out in front when I felt a hard rock wall.
Is this it? Really? Why would father led us here if this was all to be found I thought to myself in confusion as I scratched my head.
I suddenly felt disappointed and was about to turn around when a faint light unhurriedly started to show brightly on the rock wall. It started dancing around to my shock as it then wrote out the words,
"What do you desire? Power? Money? Or influence? If your answer is within these choice place a portion of your blood over the words"
What do I desire huh? Of course, I desire it all!! Who wouldn't want any of those choices? Come on now! I thought as I proceeded to search for a sharp object.
And though it was dark I felt around the floor and surprisingly found a sharp edge stone. I then immediately carved the middle of my left hand and swiped it over the entire question
At first, nothing happened but then the previous words written vanished as the lights revealed another set of words, "You've been approved. You have the blood of the unknown. Now, GO CONQUER THE WORLD!"
I became flabbergasted reading this note. At that moment I couldn't comprehend the meaning behind those words and prepared myself to walk deeper into the cave. The rock wall in front of me started to shake as it progressed to open.
These were hidden doors I thought as I slowly crossed the section. But the instant I set foot into deeper within was the moment incomprehensible pressure from above bright me to knees then laid me flat on my stomach towards the ground.
It was as if a big boulder that covered my whole body stood atop me. If it were not for my strong build I was born with I would have been crushed. In a fraction of a second, the thought of succumbing to the pressure crossed my mind but suddenly a savage pump of adrenaline sprung within my brain encouraging me to keep pushing. And so I eventually started to crawl under the unbearable pressure.
My skin was being torn from the dragging on the floor, my bones were turning into minced meat. Eventually, even my eyes started watering from the pain I had to endure.
"This is too much. How can pressure be so devastating? What did I do to go through such pain I thought in agony.
Before I realized it I was soon nearing the end of the path when suddenly,
"ARGHHHH" a bone curdling scream came from my mouth. The pressure had become twice as before as my arms that I was crawling within struggle slowly ripped from my body.
At that moment I looked horrified seeing my arms peeled from my body. I was at my last breath when I finally saw the end of the cave. I used what little force I had to lift my body against the wall and strained my wobbly feet to stand up. I shivered while I endeavored to enter the actual dead end of the cave. This was when I saw two lights floating around on top of the amount.
I thought to myself, "Two fucking lights? Really? After all this.....this is what I'm going to die for?"
I stood there in front of the mount with no arms, only blood dripping like a waterfall from my unattached limbs while my feet were dead as a doorknob... I was about to pass out when I saw the two lights heading towards me, one warm and captivating as the sun went to my right and the other cold and icy as the moon to my left.
I then reminisced before spouting, "Well....sorry father...." as I fell unconscious.