
Class Types: Hunter, Warrior, Magician, Assasins, Summoners & Necromancers

Alfeios Jundeager

Class Type: Hunter/Warrior/Magician/Summoner

Description: Main protagonist of the story. He's an carefree character due to his overpower ness. But he's also very smart, kind and on some occasions can be emotionless/ruthless.

Powers: Life and Death (not bloodline connected)

Right Arm- The All Healing Arm

Left Arm- The Arm of Death: 100( invocations)

Aura Release, Aura Weight, Puppeteer's Domain

Descendant Gene: Gene of Indominus Rex (so far)

Summoning: Not yet revealed

Mythical Beast: Supernatural creatures, generally hybrid who's existence has not or cannot be proved. Until now that is.

Ancient Beast: Ancient beast are creatures that roam the realm of Pandemonium. Hardly able to survive they feed off magic that lingers and weak prey.

Descendants: humans with a dormant gene of a mythical beast awaiting to be awakened. They either can transform into a full version of their respective creature or into a half-humanoid form of that creature.

Anapo Jundeager

Class Type: Warrior/Magician

Description: Both Alfeios father and the leader of Treasures. He has a similar personality to Alfeios but he can be more calm and collected at times. He's also the founder of the First Ten.

Powers: Natural Disasters

Descendant Gene: Gene of the Minos Bull (so far)

Felix-Leon Jundeager

Class Type: Hunter/Assasin

Description: The older brother of Anapo and the Uncle of Alfeios. He's searched far and wide after his clan was destroyed. He found out that there were two survivors that were actually

family. He currently doesn't have a rank in the Treasures organization.

Powers: Radiation

Descendant Gene: Gene of the True Manticore

The First Ten: As the name states, these are the first Jundeagers to be born and also the strongest of the lot.

Rockwell Jundeager (The Savage)- First Ten; Rank #1 within the Treasure organization.

Class Type: Hunter/Warrior

Description: Standing foot (6'2), Rockwell as a domineering demeanor similar to that of Alfeios. He has wild blonde hair with a middleweight muscular physique.

Powers: Unknown

Descendant Gene: Gene of the Gnoll (so far)

Omega Jundeager(The Loner)- Frist Ten; Rank #5 within the Treasures organization.

Class Type: Magician/Warrior

Description: A short and curly blue hair man standing around (6'0) has a personality that varies from time to time an always wears a facade to fool others. In truth, he's actually cold and ruthless.And a true maniac when it comes to cutting down his enemies.

Powers: unknown

Descendent Gene: Gene of The Amarok

Sasha Jundeager( The Deceived)- First Ten; Rank #4 within the Treasures organization.

Class Type: Hunter

Description: She's a very serious woman standing at around (5'7). But towards Alfeios she can be warm and kind-hearted. Her current rank his due to her defeating Jundeagers after Jundeagers. But that victory fell short when she fought Rockwell.

Powers: Unknown

Descendant Gene: Gene of The Chimera

Arakbar Jundeager(The Relentless)- First Ten; Rank #7 within the Treasures organization.

Class Type: Warrior

Description: Arakbar is a very hot-headed warrior who is always looking for a good fight. Though his personality his nasty he's definitely not a dumb person. His hobby his putting fear into his enemies but he calls them haters.

Powers: Unknown

Descendant Gene: Gene of The Great Wendigo

Rosemary Jundeager( The Wicked)- First Ten; Rank #8 within the Treasures organization.

Class Type: Magician

Description: She is very quiet non-talkative magic. She loves to read books while gazing at the night stars. Though her character changes completely, when in battle, she becomes a vicious talkative psychopath. Who preys on the weak.

Powers: Unknown

Goatroaffer Jundeager( The Goat)-First Ten; Rank #6 within the Treasures organization.

Class Type: Hunter

Description: At (6'10) he's a very observant giant with an IQ of 180. He can easily deduct, reason, and grasp any given situation or concept. His very talented when it comes to strategies and battle techniques.

Powers: Unknown

Descendant Gene: Gene of A Yeti

Maèl and Mathis Jundeager( The Charmers)- First Ten; Rank #2 & 3 within the Treauses Organization.

Class Type: Maèl/Hunter Mathis/Hunter

Description: With both standing at (6,0), these two brothers are both funny and charming. Individually Maè is ranked #2 and Mathis is ranked #3.

Powers: Unknown

Descendant Gene: Unknown

YeVogeline Jundeager( The Cunning)- First Ten; Rank #10 within the Treasures Organization.

Class Type: Assasin

A little bit in the short side being (5'4) YeVongeline is a very outgoing person who establish a great relationship with Goat. And also a very dangerous opponent.

Powers: Unknown

Fiona Jundeager- First Ten; Rank #9 within the Treasures organization.

Class Type: Magician

Description: Not much is known about her other than mostly being secluded. One thing for sure is that she's very emotional to Alfeios.

Powers: Unknown

Descendant Gene: Gene of a Legendary Griffin

Alfeios Classmates

Katsu Amagichi

Description: One Alfeios classmate who's took a liking to Alfeios when he first arrived. She's also from the Clan of famous Summoners. They're a new generation that the A.P.E organization had discover due to them being able to summon ancient beast. Her Clan is also ranked three in the country's M.D.O list (Most Dangerous Organization)

Kotone Tagiyama

Description. She's a top class student from a famous Assassin Clan. But that clan has been overthrew by the Amagichi clan.

Sasaki Ushio

Description: A third classmate of Alfeios who is, to everyone, from a prominent Warriors Clan. *Spoilers* In truth she's a princess from a royal family.

Alba Nedo

Class Type: Warrior

Description: also a classmate of Alfeios, Alba is a cocky person who's always looking for problem. Standing at (6'5) Alba is and exceptional Warrior with a family thats exels in technology to back him.

Descendent gene: Gene of The Serpent King, The Bassilisk Snake

Elvis Schneider

Class Type: Warrior/Summoner

Description: Elvis Schneider was Class S rank number one, before that he was just an orphan. He is rather cunning. He had white hair

Summon: Gundoyan

Fusion: The Torrent Wolf, The Alpha King

Miyuki Tachigawa

Description: student council President

Itsuki Tachigawa

Description: Student council security and also younger brother of Miyuki.

Amelia Akiyama

Description: Student council Secretary

Valerie Taugumoto

Description: Student council Vice President

Mrs. Tomoaki Einzburg

Class Type: Hunter

Description: Usually called, Mrs. Einzburg is both Alfeios and Class S homeroom teacher.

Powers: Not yet revealed

Elfise Makigami

Class Type: Hunter/Assasin/Warrior

Description: The head of University of Future Talents and an Triple-S threat.

Powers: Not yet revealed

Lilich Von-Stein

Class Type: Magician

Description: The vice-principal of University of Future Talents. Class SS threat.

Powers: All Seeing Eye

Major Groups

World Order: Not yet revealed

Human Evolution Association: the foundation of all other organizations. They a what you call world monitor, due to them keeping note of every and all supernatural students and humanity's phenomenal changes.

(A.P.E): a specialized force located in the U.S task with the purpose to discover and nurture any student or child with supernatural abilities.

Reminisce of the Ended Descendants (R.E.D.): The main antagonists in Volume 2. They are a insidiius group of rebellious descendants. They are led by seven Patriarchs who are guarded by The Fourteen Envoys. Their sole purpose is to cause disaster and take full control of the country.

The Paladin Kindoms: The home place of the MC the MC's father and the MC's Uncle. Not much revealed.

The Hidden Figures: Reveal In Volume 3

Emperor Shian Long: Reveal In Volume 3

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Reveal in volume 4

The 3 Enoch: Reveal in Volume 4