Alfeios stood a few meters away from Alba as he prepped himself for any unpredictable-attacks.
Mrs. Einzburg who was spectating couldn't believe this match would escalate this far but she couldn't do anything as she stated the rules herself.
The crowd was in awe as they watched closely. Their eyes were glued to the battleground capturing every minor detail of the current situation. The contour that changed Alba's demeanor engraved itself into the minds of the audience.
Yet, they were clueless as to what source of magic or techniques Alba was now using to transform into such a domineering creature. This trump card of his made the girls became worried about Alfeios safety. Alfeios felt a faint tingle of emotion directed at him before he looked up at the crowd towards the girls.
"Don't worry miladies. Rest assured I'll be fine!" he shouted before redirecting his attention to Alba.
"Is he an idiot or something?" someone said.
"I'm not sure, but who's he talking to?" another person said.
"He must be scared shitless now! He's just trying to find a way out of this corner he's backed in," the other person replied.
The girls on the other hand figured that Alfeios words instructed towards them Was he reading our minds?...they thought, before looking at each other.
"Well, let's see how this little tiger will respond," said a blonde hair figure who seemed to be a passerby in the crowd before vanishing into thin air.
*Back on stage*
Alfeios felt yet another presence. He felt two while he was getting prepared for Alba's attack. Putting that aside, he intended to focus on the match.
"Here I come!" exclaimed Alba. Alfeios took a deep breath before thinking to himself, I have no choice but to end this charade, it's getting quite boring.
"Serpent King- Dance of a Thousand Sting," said Alba before charging his fist into Alfeios.
To Alba's surprise, his fist was caught by Alfeios and one-handed to be exact.
"Is that all the Basilisks got? Well, you don't have to answer.Resistance is futile, might as well stop struggling." Alfeios said before an immeasurable pressure forced Alba's face-first into the ground.
Wh-what? I can't move. How is he doing this? Even in my descendant form, Alba thought to himself. He tried looking up to no avail. Thi-this force is too intense, he thought once again.
"As I told you, resistance is futile. Now submit!" At this moment the whole training grounds were being crushed to smithereens. A crater could be seen forming beneath both Alfeios and Alba's feet.
What unimaginable force Mrs. Einzburg thought to herself. Where did this power come from? She looked at Alfeios in fear while thinking this.
The crowd became spooked after witnessing this mind rattling predicament. The air was sealed lip tight rendering every soul currently present within the facility speechless. But this also caused the girls to lounge out of their seats with a feeling of both shock and amazement when they saw Alfeios subduing Alba in his unknown form.
"How about giving up now, huh? After having a taste of my powers for yourself so you wish to continue. To suffer a humiliating defeat. To a newcomer that is?"
Alfeios said teasingly whilst he tries to irritate the already beaten Alba.
Before Alba could utter a word, Alfeios intensified his weight aura to twenty thousand pounds causing a massive power surge to rattle Alba's brain, rendering him unconscious. There was a moment of silence, as Alba's body fell to the floor.
"I'm waiting," Alfeios said as he glanced at Mrs. Einzburg when he disrupted that silence.
"The winner is Alfeios Jundeager," said Mrs. Einzburg said hesitantly.
Many in the crowd shuttered when they heard the name escaped Mrs. Einzburg lips. No wonder they all thought. They crowd didn't know whether to cheer or not. Instead, most left silently and others gave a round of applause before they too left the training grounds. This was a day that Alfeios made a mark in this University's history. The first person to take on three Class S students and defeat them all without batting an eye, a total monster.
Though Alfeios himself wasn't satisfied after the match, what he really wanted to do was take down the number one, Elvis Scheider. After all, he did only use 1/10 of his real power.