Now that the match was over Alfeios patted down himself before hopping off the stage when the medics arrived to help Mrs. Einsburg tended to the damaged property, or at least that's what he called Alba and his crew.
Mrs. Heinzburg was shaken when looking at Alfeios from behind, she never knew he was this powerful. The mood on which he set during the match was what terrified her. And so she decided to keep an eye on him from this day on before focusing on the wounded in front of her.
Alfeios had pretty much gotten ready to leave and to his surprise, he met someone he hadn't seen in a while.
"Alfeios-san!" somebody called him. Alfeios heard this and turned around to see who it was.
Alfeios began to smile then said, "Wait a minutes! Is that, you Sylvie?"
"Of course, who else could it be," Sylvie responded with a content expression.
"I haven't seen you since you left me at the front office. What happened? I thought you had a boned me." Alfeios replied sarcastically.
"Don't make things up. It's just because we don't have the same class I think. Though I should've told you I was in Class A," said Sylvie with a cheerful smile.
"Oh, so you're just below my class," Alfeios whispered.
"WA-WAIT SO YOUR A CLASS S," Sylvie exclaimed.
"Haha, yeah I was almost misplaced into Class F though," Alfeios said with a nonchalantly smile.
"Really? Are you joking with me? There's no way!," Sylvie said while looking Alfeios up and down.
"No. I'm being totally honest here," Alfeios inquired with a charming smile.
The two then eventually had quite the conversation about his battle and how she was there only to see the fight but came too late due to personal problems. Soon after they said their goodbyes and both left with a delighted smile. What a wonderful girl Alfeios thought. He was now on his way to leave school when he was stopped by the three girls.
Sasaki was the one to speak up first, hoping he doesn't remember their bet.
"How did you do it?" she said with a serious expression on her face.
"Ahh, it's pretty simple really but before that don't, you owe me something," Alfeos said teasingly towards the end of his question.
Sasaki quickly ran behind Katsuo and Kotone hiding her red face.
"Hmmm..nevermind then," Alfeios sighed under his breath.
"Tell us, how are you so strong?" Katsuo spoke up. "Eh, I'm not strong, they're just weak," Alfeios replied.
"That's not possible. We saw how you easily knocked Sento and Renji cold after escaping their combined attack first and then you used a force to subdue Alba in his weird form," Kotone explained to Alfeios.
"There's no hiding it huh?
"It was all due to my weight aura, you see, if I wanted to I can release several thousands of pounds from just my aura and that could flatten this facility if I wanted to but too bad it only took that little to deal with them," Alfeios explained feeling a little weary.
He continued in a completely different tone," That's all you'll be getting out of me."
The girls were struck when Alfeios said this. At that moment they knew they'd never be a match for him even if the three of them who were also at the top of their class were to fight him. They all stood there quiet not knowing how to reply and that's when Alfeios decided to give them some space.
"Okay girls since that's all I'll take my leave, oh and one more thing….keep in mind that was just one-hundredths of my real power," Alfeios had a hidden smirk when saying this before he left.
All three girls were speechless when they turned around only to see the back of Alfeios. He then proceeded to locate his car. He entered and left the crowd that was at the gate in awe.
When Alfeios arrived at HQ he was personally greeted by Rockwell who informed him his father was awaiting his arrival. Alfeios vanished into his father's office after hearing this.
"Oh your back with great news I assume," said Anapo.
"That matter is trivial," responded Alfeios.
"You're my son alright, but anyway have a seat we have a lot to talk about," Anapo said.