It was now morning when Alfeios slowly opened his eyes. He took the best stretched he's ever had in a long time. He got up and headed towards the bathroom.
After he was done in there he got dressed. This time he wore an all-black Versace tracksuit with a golden design on both sides of the jacket. He headed towards the kitchen which was located on the third floor of Treasures HQ.
You might not have known, but Treasures building had a parallel reflection of it built underneath the platform. Instead of ten floors, there were a hundred, with each floor pertaining to a certain Jundeager. The deeper you go the stronger the Jundeager. But as you all know Alfeios and his father were excluded from that ranking list and could be wherever they want in the building.
Alfeios entered the enormous kitchen that had taken up the entire third floor. It was spacious with tables made of unknown material sox-feet apart from each other. Each table was occupied with five chairs each. You can guess how many tables there were.
He spotted Leon already eating breakfast at a table closest to the kitchen took place.
"Alfi! You're finally awake!" he yelled towards Alfeios.
What's wrong with people? Giving me names nowadays! Alfeios exclaimed in his head.
"It's 9 in the morning, quiet down!" he responded to Leon.
"Oops, sorry," Leon said with a chuckle.
"Nevermind that, are you ready for toys spar," Leon asked concerningly. He didn't give Alfeios room to speak and continued, "I know you must've felt it yesterday."
"Yea, he's going to be a fun one," Alfeios replied with a crafty smile.
Leon was comforted with his response, in his view, he knew that Alfeios wouldn't have a problem with the match. Alfeios quickly whipped up some eggs, bacon, cheese, and sausage for breakfast. He took it down so fast Leon thought he was starving through the night.
His maid collected the dishes while he and Leon made their way to school. This morning alfeios approached a matte black Bugatti Veyron, deciding that he will drive this today. Leon followed happily.
They both entered the car when Alfeios revved the engine and took off to their destination.
"Wow, you guys have come far," Leon mumbled with a look as he reminisced in the past.
"Yea, we sure did," Alfeios responded with a warm smile. They since became mute and enjoyed the scenery as they drove to school.
When they had arrived, a crowd gathered and started to make an excitement amongst themselves.
"Hey guys look, I think it's Alfeios," a person shouted. Everyone immediately gathered around the Alfeios parked car that he was trying to park.
"What the hell! Even the students are riled up this morning!" Alfeios muttered before taking a glance at Leon. Leon averted his eyes from Alfeos and whistled as if he was singing.
Alfeios rolled down his window and yelled, "Do you guys mind giving me some space."
The crowd instantly gave way so Alfeios could find a parking spot. When he got out of the car the students surrounded him quickly and started talking about his spar with Class S rank number one, Elvis Schneider.
News travels fast Alfeios thought.
"Okay guys, we're in quite a hurry, so if you want to see more of Alfeios head to the training grounds," Leon interrupted their little propaganda.
He then dragged Alfeios by his collar and headed to the training facility.
Alfeios spotted the girls while being dragged and waved at them.
"Hmph," was the only thing heard before they turned their heads away from Alfeios. Huh? What's that all about he thought. Leon proceeded to drag
Alfeios inside the training facility where he saw Elvis, it seems he was warming up.
"'re here earlier than expected," Leon said to Elvis.
What Elvis did took Alfeios by surprise. He vanished from his spot and appeared in front of Leon with his right arm raised ready to deliver a blow.
But to his shock, Leon dropped Alfeios and instantly appeared behind him and grabbed his arm which was still positioned in the air to attack.
What th-! When did he get behind me? Thi-this guy he's not normal Elvis thought to himself.
"Relax, I was just testing your reflexes," Elvis then replies.
"Tchh," Leon let out before releasing his grip from Elvis.
"Cheap tricks will get you nowhere when faced with a Jundeager," Leon then muttered.
"Ahh, are you a Jundeager too?" Elvis asked out of curiosity.
"Yes, that's my cousin," Alfeios intervened before getting up.
I see, now it makes sense Elvis thought to himself before saying to Leon, "But didn't you say your name was Felix-Leon."
"I guess that was the teachers' fault for not mentioning my name properly," Leon replied.
Before Elvis could say anything the doors to the training facility busted open and leading the way was their teacher, Mrs. Einzburg. A bunch of students was also seen entering behind her. But two people stood out.
Alfeios soon spotted the girls entering. Following along were Slvestie and Alba's crew. Mrs. Einzburg and the two people behind her took the stage. Leon realizing what's happening headed towards the crowd of students that were finding their seats before the match started. Alfeios and Elvis separated and got ready.
Alfeios spotted the girls entering. Following along were Slvestie and Alba's crew. Mrs. Einzburg and the two people behind her took the stage. Leon realizing what's happening headed towards the crowd of students that were finding their seats before the match started. Alfeios and Elvis separated as they prepared for their match.