In the core of the scene stood Mrs. Einzburg. To her right there was Alfeios and to her left there was Elvis.
"Before we get things commenced, you should already know at a glance that here we have the principal of this University, Eflise Makigami," Mrs. Einzburg stated.
She was in a red shirt with a black vest perfectly matching her black skirt. She had dark red hair with normal brown eyes.
Hmm….the principal huh?… around Class SS Alfeios thought to himself while looking her up and down. The principal realized this and glanced at him with a smile. Yikes, what a domineering pressure Alfeios smiled back giving off an aura of his own.
Interesting Elfise thought to herself after seeing this.
"On our left, we have our vice-principal, Lilich Von-Stein," Mrs. Einzbur continued the introduction as she waved her hands pointing at Lilich.
This guy could make anyone feel tense just by standing next to him. He was engulfed in a dark violet emanation. Ahh...Class SSS….no not quite, halfway there though Alfeios kept changing facial expressions while reckoning this.
Mrs. Einzburg now gaped at both Alfeios and Elvis and announced," Competitors, step forward."
Alfeios and Elvis both strode forward and were now directly facing each other. "You all should know the rules to this match already," Mrs. Einzburg stated in a questioning manner.
They both nodded to her. "Then without further adieu, let's begin!" Mrs. Einzburg exclaimed.
The crowd was now riled up to see the spectacle of this match. They already knew it was going to be adequate but what they didn't comprehend is that if Alfeios won then the whole Class-S ranking would be amended. Hence why the principal and vice-principal were present.
Both Alfeios and Elvis lunged back after heeding this. At this time Mrs. Einzburg, the principal, and the vice-principal steered towards a group of chairs tete-a-tete prepared for them. They all sat down to scrutinize the match that everyone was fascinated about. Without a phrase being spoken between the two opponents, in an instant, they charged at each other.
Alfeios left arm collided with the punch from Elvis's right arm. It wasn't detected by anyone but the impact that Elvis felt rattled the bones in his arm.
Good, very good he thought to himself.
They both leaped back a few steps but right after that Elvis inaugurated chanting something. "I am you and you are I, NOW ARISE! Gundoyan!" said Elvis.
Alfeios noticed Elvis' shadow began to take a form of its own. Besides Elvis, rose a 7-foot beast. It had fur as black as night, eyes as bright as the sun with a tattoo of Schneider carved in on its thighs. So he's also a summoner, looks like this is going to be interesting after all Alfeios thought.
"It's time to take you down a notch Alfeios," Elvis spoke mockingly.
"We'll see," Alfeios muttered back.
Elvis beast launched at Alfeios with its right claw. Alfeios braced himself and took hold of the Gundoyan attack with his left arm. With Alfeios being engaged with Elvis' beast, Elvis took this prospect to appear behind Alfeios. Alfeios smiled without looking back and instantly vanished. If Elvis was a second late he would've attacked his beast but he retracted his fist before that could happen.
By the time Elvis glimpsed back, Alfeios had already positioned his hand on the back of Elvis' head and immediately shoved him face-first down into the turf. Gundoyan dispatched again at Alfeios but this time with a bite. Alfeios launched himself from his hand that was spotting Elvis into the ground and delivered an upward kick right under the jaws of Gundoyan.
"AWOOO," Gundoyan howled.
Alfeios, now about to provide a second blow in mid-air just when Elvis recovered and directed a punch towards Alfeios stomach. "Shield," Alfeios muttered when an invisible force stopped Elvis's fist. Though, Alfeios was still blown back a few steps after this. He twisted in mid-air and landed perfectly on his two feet.
"What a surprise! You managed to stop my attack in mid-air," Elvis exclaimed.
"You're a funny one, but let's take it up a notch," Alfeios stated with a widened grin on his face.
The crowd was in awe, cheering for their preferred participant since the battle began. Most students couldn't discern the movements of both Alfeios and Elvis during the fight. Leon was itching as if he yearned to be the one to fight Elvis. The girls were astonished by Alfeios extraordinary combat skills. Even Katsuo and Kotone were applauding for Alfeios when they saw this.
"He's a weird one, why isn't he using his right arm," Mrs. Elfise, the principal asked Mrs. Einzburg.
"That, I don't know, since his arrival at this school he never once revealed his right arm so that remains a mystery," Mrs. Einzburg replied.
Hearing this the vice-principal, Von Stein ears had perked up, "What do you mean by that?" he then said.
"As I said, he always keeps his right arm wrapped and hidden inside his jacket for some unknown reason," Mrs. Einzburg stated.
"For him to be capable to fight like this with one arm….hmm...I wonder what's the secret behind that right arm of his," Von Stein said while taking a close look at Alfeios on the stage.
*Back on stage*
"Let's get the second round started shall we?," Alfeios murmured with a violent smile on his face.