A whiff departures from Rockwell's brims before he said,
"Go!" in a seemingly disoriented but monstrous tone.
"That's more I like it! Come to me!"
Alfeios shouted as he opened both his arms wide as if he were looking for a hug.
"Me first!" Omega was their first seeing he was the fastest of the six currently.
He leaped at Alfeios as he swung both front paws violently. At a fast pace, Alfeios evaded right, but to his surprise, Goattroaffer was there with his club raised at Alfeios.
An immeasurable force pounded the canvas when Goattroaffer swung at Alfeios.
"Missed me?"
Alfeios was behind Goattroaffer in a flash. He was about to slash Goattroaffer's back, but Omega who recollected himself went to prevent that and joining him was the hot-headed Arakbar.
Omega widened his jaws from the left while Arakbar aimed his antlers towards Alfeios back.
Alfeios leaped just before both their combined attacks could make contact. Whilst in mid-air, Fiona took this chance and pounced as she flapped her wings diving towards the airborne Alfeios. She drew her talons and smacked Alfeios out the air as if he were a bug.
Alfeios flew to the platform before rolling about ten meters when he propelled himself on all four to stop his momentum.
"Tough indeed! You all are worthy of the challenge!" Alfeios spouted to the Ten.
However, after saying this still on all four, he looked up to see Arakbar, Omega, Fiona, and Goattroaffer casting magic spells towards him. In an instant, he noticed behind those four that Rockwell was now standing alone and Sasha was missing.
A spine shattering kick from behind sent Alfeios flying towards the spells that were aimed at him.
So that's how it is he thought.
The spells were now cast as they came zooming towards Alfeios. Nevertheless, Alfeios raised his left arm before the spells whilst heading towards them and said,
" Dissipate."
The spelled cast slowly became dust as they finally reached Alfeios. Realizing that was about to crash into the four of the Ten directly ahead of him he used another one of his powers.
Was the word he said before the ground beneath the Ten became unstable. They all maneuvered the small quakes that kept appearing below them. Alfeios suddenly stopped right where the four of the Ten fled from but now he was surrounded.
"You've got some skill don't ya!" Arakbar mockingly teased Alfeios in an unfamiliar voice while glaring at him viciously.
"Well, it lasted him well didn't it?" Omega roared with an ferocious expression.
"This'll be over soon," Fiona muttered.
"Over! When it's just beginning!" Alfeios yelled at them before his lips curled into a smile.
"Puppeteers Domain!" Alfeios he then shouted as he rose one arm above his head.
A skill that could make anyone submit to his control brought forth an unfathomable force causing the four of The Ten to bow to their knees, even in their transformed state.
They all shrieked as they became immobilized. Not this again, was the one though that flooded their minds. However, Alfeios missed one again. It was Sasha, she was out of range from his skill.
A massive roar that echoed in the ears of Alfeios from behind was released by Sasha. In that second he lost focus of his skill causing the four of The Ten that were under his restrain to rise to their feet. Immediately after recuperating, the now five of the Ten launched at Alfeios.
Damn! My powers were still a bit unstable! It's halting me from keeping up with their fast-paced attacks.
Alfeios thought before he leaped into the air once again. Though, this was a big mistake from the I. Rex controlling Alfeios.
"Seems it'll be over soon," Anapo said as he was observing with everyone else keenly.
What Alfeios didn't know was that Rockwell was ready. After standing there accumulating his powers he now entered Savage-Mode.
A force of unyielding energy made contact with the Alfeios in mid-air, sending him plastering downwards to the platform.
A mouthful of blood slipped through Alfeios clenched teeth as his back collided with the ground.
A second blow came from above deep into the stomach of Alfeios. His eyes widened as if he was they were about to pop out. But he soon realized the force...Rockwell.
Rockwell didn't give Alfeios any time to spare as he savagely pummeled him back and forth, shoving him deeper into the canvas. With Rockwell's massive arms and 7-foot 6-inches built, he used his warlike instincts from his form as he persistently attacked the beaten down bad Alfeios.
Then, using his long arms, he grabbed Alfeios by the leg and threw him towards the other Tens'. They all simultaneously understood their job. Arakbar was the first to jump towards Alfeios flying body as he clasped his hands in mid-air. He arched his whole body backward, gathering all his power, and delivered a blow directly to Alfeios ribs, casting him back to the footing.
Alfeios cried of agony from the consistent pain that wreaked over his body. Though his scales were impenetrable his torso and chest had a weakness.
Oh man, I'm getting f***d. Their attacks are connecting left and right middle and center he thought as he was stuck into the ground.
Promptly, after this thought left Alfeios mind another blow was quickly executed to his chest, this time it was Goattroffers heavy arms of a Yeti.
The whole platform shook when it made contact with its target.
Three more attacks made their mark on Alfeios in the same spot, his chest, and torso. All from Omega, Sasha, and Fiona. All six members of the Ten look down at Alfeios beaten body.
"What did we tell you?" Arakbar stated.
Rockwell then intervened as he walked closer to Alfeios beaten body,
"That this isn't like the last time."
"Hehe, gi-ve me a f-few minutes w-will ya." Alfeios stuttered with a small giggle.
"You wish," Rockwell said as he was about to give Alfeios another blow but he stopped as he had frozen in mid-air. The other Ten seems to have stood dead in their spot too.
This was all due to them sensing Anapo. He was transforming, as an overwhelming aura of death circulated his body. He slowly passed Leon and the other Ten who were watching the
match, first in worry and then mindfulness.
Heavy steps could be heard as he stepped atop the crumbling platform. Fully renovated, he approached Alfeios body, and in a commanded tone he declared,
"I think it time for you to wake up and stop this nonsense."
"Hahaha, you idiot! Do you think he's coming back! As I've told you, this body will be m-,"
The Indominus Rex was cut off as he seems to start struggling on the floor before falling silent. Something was happening that everyone vaguely understands.
*Meanwhile, in Alfeios consciousness*
"Ahh, damn! Why am I back in this abyss? The I. Rex said as he looked around the dark area.
"The first was considered a mistake, the second it was a choice. Though, I should thank you from waking me up from my stupidity,"
Alfeios who was trapped in his consciousness said when he noticed Indominus Rex reappearing back into the abyss.
"Oh, so it's you who's interfering? Trying to get your body back I presume? Ahah, you think you have the chance?" The Indominus Rex who was in his natural form spoke.
Without giving Alfeios the chance he continued,
"There have been ninety-nine holders of this power they've all died. Whether it be by me taking control over them or them dying in a battle of life and death."
"I've not permitted you to speak. The fact of the matter is you should go back to the darkness whence you came from." Alfeios said as he slowly walked towards the humongous creature.
"Hahaha, what a fun-" The Indominus Rex who is known to fear no god had a horrified expression as he opened his eyes from his laughter, noticing Alfeios.
"Wh-what are you?" The Indominus Rex stuttered.
He saw a glimpse of a ginormous shadow standing behind Alfeios who was slowly approaching him with devilish eyes. The shadow over-towered the Indominus Rex himself who was around 30-feet tall.
"Who am I you say? Heh, a bit nostalgic ain't it? I am your maker." Alfeios responded coldly as he activated a newfound skill whilst he was in the abyss, Turmoil.
Turmoil: A magician ability that allows the user to make his enemy perceive fear. He can alter the mind of his target, putting them in a state of uncertainty eventually turning into fear of the caster.
The Indominus Rex started receding a few steps backward in fear. The ability of Alfeios caused placed in a state of horror as he now felt he was being hoisted back into submission.
"He...he...hahaha! Now I see it! That's why you were chosen! It seems you have just might have it! It's all apart of the prophecy! He's controlling it all! Hahaha! All my hopes of controlling the hundredth holder of this power has dwindled. Guess I just have to support you as much as I can and speculate from the sidelines."
Those were the last words spoken by the Indominus Rex as he was forced back into the dark abyss and now under the complete control of Alfeios.