It's now been about twenty-minutes since the Indominus Rex within Alfeios fell silent. But now, as Anapo and the Ten gawked they finally noticed Alfeios signs of awakening. Slowly, his eyes open wide, to seven figures gathered around him.
"Heh, guys?" Alfeios said the minute he realized the figures.
"Ahhh, back from wonderland huh?" Arakbar responded in a joking manner.
"It seems it's over now" Fiona intervened with a sigh of relief.
"Ughh, still didn't that battle felt amazing?" Omega said as he was the first to revert from his form.
"So I did it again huh? Fret not, you guys won't have to worry from now on." Though Alfeios said this in a calm tone. The force behind every word was what sparked a belief in everyone's mind.
Anapo sighed, "My son, did something happen that we don't know?" Anapo asked this because he was curious. Curious as to why Alfeios sounded so confident.
"Yeah, that power, haha is under my demand," Alfeios said with a grin midway his response.
"Hmm? How'd you manage that," Rockwell intervened after shifting back to human form.
"Well, we can always talk of that another time." Alfeios coldly shut out any other uprising questions with that response. Though, he truly didn't know why or how he was able to overpower the Indominus presence so easily. It was just a small bit, but to him, he felt a greater power that stimulated him to do so.
Now finally getting up, Alfeios clenched and opened his left fist, while observing it. Whilst Anapo and the other Ten all altered back to their natural appearance.
"Anyways, seeing that your okay now I'm gonna go take a shower!" Goattroffer said nonchalantly before walking away.
"Damned right! You stink!" Arakbar said as he followed suit.
"Like your one to talk, " now Sasha entered the conversation without allowing Goattroaffer to respond on his own.
"Shut up! No one talking to you!" Arakbar quickly responded in an annoyed tone.
"Tchh! Typical! Sasha spouted as she turns away from Arakbar.
Whilst the Ten were chatting on their way out Leon who snapped out of daze finally made his way to Alfeios.
"Oh god! Your back!" Leon yelped shockingly.
"Why do I feel like your exaggerating?" Alfeios leaned in towards Leon when he asked this.
"Hey? What do you mean?" Leon said while taking a step back. Even the nervousness could be seen on his face.
"Anyways, isn't tomorrow the start of the ranking tournaments?" Alfeios asked while golfing his chin.
"Oh yes! I almost forgot about that, with this whole situation that just occurred?" Leon responded.
"Well that's my fault, so I'm to blame," Alfeios responded with a smile.
"Damn right, you brat," Anapo said just after he smacks Alfeios in the back of the head.
"Hey man, you know that hurt right?" Alfeios responded with his hand patting his head.
"Ohh, seems your looking for another pounding," Anapo said as he slowly cracked his knuckles.
"No never that! I've already had enough," Alfeios said rating both arms with a defensive posture.
But then continued, "But back to what I was saying. I don't think I'll be participating in the ranking tournaments."
Hearing this, caught both Leon and Anapo off guard. Well, of course, it did! The Alfeios, who's been engaged in a variety of fights until this point. The Alfeios, who's always been yearning to fight whomever he can.
"Wait. What do you mean by this?" Anapo was the first to reply.
"Yeah what he said." Leon joined right after.
"Well, it's not as if I don't want to but I've yet to stabilize this enormous amount of power developing within me. Putting that into consideration I think I'll be secluded for the rest of the tournament." Alfeios explained the situation as feeling somewhat troublesome.
"Ahh, I see, adequately the school and the A.P.E organization has to create a team, " Anapo inquired.
"But since your not participating then, how about letting Maèl take your place, " Anapo proposed to Alfeios.
"No, no, not him. The safer decision would be for Mathis to take my position, Maèl would be too troublesome for them. Though he has the privilege to tag along seeing they rarely like to separate."
Alfeios countered that proposition.
"If that's who you chose then so be it. Since we're sending two participants the school should be sending one and the A.P.E organization should be sending another two. And in all, the U.S should have five people participating during this competition." Anapo substantiated the number of participants representing the U.S.
"Wait you said two?" Leon questions Anapo.
"Yes, you're the other one, " Anapo quickly replied.
"Ehh, I didn't sign up for this! If Alfeios isn't joining then I'm not!" Leon said as he was not expecting this.
"No, you are going brother. Our organization doesn't need to reveal itself to the world yet. The less of our members we send right now the better when we shock the other countries." Anapo stated with a tone that demands absolute cooperation.
But what Anapo said was quite true. The countries that were attending the tournaments all disregarded the U.S as the weakest amongst them. The U.S itself only had one organization that recruited the human evolution, and as you all know they were the A.P.E organization. As for the attending countries, they all consisted of two organizations. And each had a daggering eye at the USA to get them out of the competition.
Though, these countries have yet to realize the Treasures organization developing in the U.S. Or else they would think twice before considering them the weakest on the World Leaders list.
"Very well, I guess I can partake, " Leon replied with a bit of reluctance within his voice while he scratched the surface of his cranium.
"Then I'll be heading out to inform the school of our proposition," Anapo assured both Alfeios and Leon as approached the exit.
*At the same time*
In the principals' office at the University of Future Talents.
"I suggest Alfeios be one of this year's tournament partakers," Von-Stein said eagerly to Mrs. Elfise.
"I can see why you want him to participate and I surely would hope for him too but do you think he's that easily swayed?" Mrs. Elfise responded with a rather anxious expression.
"Well no but it is worth a shot. Both you and I know that the other organizations attending already belittle our country, " Von-Stein replied before continuing,
"And if we don't switch tides then well forever be under their thumbs."
Mrs. Elfise completely understood what Von-Stein was trying to imply. But to use Alfeios as a threshold would be a disrespect to the Treasures organization. An just as she was about to answer
The office telephone rang. She immediately picked it up, curious of who could be calling at such an unperfect timing.
"Hello, " she said.
"Hello there Mrs.Elfise, " Anapo replied.
Mrs. Elfise froze for a moment as she was taken back. Getting a call from the head of Treasures only meant business. She instantly recollected her thoughts then said,
"Well, what do I owe the pleasure for the head of Treasures to be calling at such a moment." Mrs. Elfise responded.
"Nothing much. I just so happen to have a proposition for the rankings tournament taking place tomorrow, " Anapo replied.
"I'm listening, " Mrs. Elfise said. Though she was quite curious because she was momentarily discussing that sed topic.
"Well, Alfeios won't be participating in the competition due to personal matters but Leon will be, "
"Wait! What! He's not going to participate!" Mrs. Elfise sprung from her chair almost having a heart attack. The person she oh so wanted to participate in is receding from the tournament.
"Mrs, Elfise. You should fully know who you're talking to. If you cut my speech of again then this call will be cut off too. Am I clear?" Anapo replied.
Even though it was through the phone, for a moment Elfise felt as if she was about to collapse from the force behind Anapos chilling voice.
"I understand." Mrs. Elfise immediately spoke.
"Okay, the fact of the matter is we will be sending someone else. His name is Mathis Jundeager, currently ranked second within my organization. I'm sure you'll put him to good use during this competition."
A spark of hope lit within Mrs. Elfise after hearing this. To send such a top-class participant could only mean one thing. That Alfeios wasn't a person to frown upon and Anapo was fully aware of the situation their country would be in if they could grasp a top spot within this tournament.
And without questioning the suggestion Mrs. Elfise response was, "Then I'll take you up on this offer. But how about the rest of the team?"
"I'll handle that situation. The A.P.E organization will be informed after this." Anapo assured her.
"Everything shall be ready for tonight's departure." He ended the call with that statement. Mrs. Elfise then places down the phone before laying back in her chair with a sigh.
Anapo Jundeager, you're just as enticing she thought.
*At the A.P.E Organization*
In a luxurious compartment, a man could be seen sitting in a room around a table consisting of ten chairs, five on each side. But he was on an excluded chair that separated from those ten at one end of the table.
A figure stood in front of him at the other end and that figure was Fiesco Jundeager, who was commissioned to inform that man about the tournament proposition.
"I've been assigned to inform of my master's wishes, " Fiesco stated.
"Go on, " the man said.
"My master's words are, there has been one participant selected from the University, two selected from his organization, and two should be selected from here." Fiesco recited the message he was given to deliver.
The man who was the current head of the A.P.E organization, Vladimir Kushmon. He pondered the idea as he rubbed his chin
"I've decided. Please inform him that my participants will be ready before the light of day ceases to exist."
"A wise decision indeed," Fiesco said before he vanished into tiny particles then leaving through the solid walls of the compartment.
A wise decision? Hehe, they are truly a terrifying group Vladimir thought.
*Anapo's office*
A shadow could now be seen appearing from behind Anapo.
"Well, how did it go?" Anapo said to the figure.
"Perfect master. They've agreed to your decision and will suffice by sending their most outstanding agents." Fiesco replied.
"Very good, all the preparations are in order," Anapo said before waving towards Fiesco who then took his leave.
*Meantime with Alfeios*
"So what are you going to be doing now?" Leon asked out of curiosity.
"I'll be condensing and taking control of this power. At first, I thought I understood it but now it seems there's a bigger picture that I'm missing." Alfeios responded calmly.
"Then I leave you to it. I have to ready for tonight's departure but I'd you need anything you know where to find me," Leon said with a proud smile as he walked away from Section 8.
"Haha, really now? I don't think I'll be needing anything. But as for you, make sure you go kick some ass!" Alfeios exclaimed to Leon.
"Sure will," Leon responded before disappearing out of sight.
As of this moment, all the countries attending the ranking tournaments were being suited. Each group consisting of five unknown participants and an team leader was boarding their flights.
It was time to take off!