The Ranking Tournaments, held every seven years not only to gauge the current strength of a mixture of selected individuals but to also give their respective countries a rank on the World Leaders List. Presently, the World Leaders ranks in order from strongest to weakest are:
#1- South Korea
#2- Japan
#3- China
#4- Russia
#5- Philippines
#6- USA
With that said, there are also their organizations to keep in mind. And as for the tournament, it will be held in Washington D.C. at the Capital One Arena, a 20,000-seat sports and entertainment venue.
This place is also not too far from Alfeios residence.
It was now almost the break of dawn and every organization was supposed to arrive at the arena. The first people to arrive were naturally the public. With the capacity of the arena, the crowd consisted of at least 17,000 people within Washington and neighboring states, all touring to witness this awesome exhibition. Everyone had their popcorns in their hands with a nice cold beverage of their preference to smoothly go with it. The security at the foyer carefully reviewed each person's tickets to substantiate they were valid. Once that was done all they had to do was enter.
Meanwhile, Leon was fully equipped standing at the vestibule of Treasures. He was awaiting the arrival of his somewhat new-found teammates.
Just as he was getting impatient two voices could be heard exiting the Treasure entrance.
"Hey! It's brother Leon!" the person said.
Leon sparked up before turning around and realized it was the twins. Maèl and Mathis.
"Ahh thank God, two of you are already here, " Leon said with a sigh of relief.
"Haha, someone's moody in the morning. I think he on his period." Maèl teased Leon in a joking manner.
"Hey! You think this is time for jokes! I'm gonna make you regret saying those words!" Leon exclaimed at them while coiling his fist.
"I think our baby boy is growing up." Mathis then carried on after noticing how hilarious Leon's reaction was.
"I'm not your baby boy! You baby boy!" Leon clenched both his fist and teeth while saying this.
"Ahh, that's enough. Look we have guests," Maèl then pointed towards the gate ahead of them.
Leon and Mathis then turned to notice four figures arriving. Leon recognized one of the faces which was Elvis but as for the other three he had no clue.
They were both male and female. The first male had a dazzling physique, with shining emerald eyes and straightened white hair tied back in a ponytail. On the other hand, you had the female who was a tad bit short but had quite the intriguing aura. She also had golden eyes with short cyan hair and bubbly Juggs that couldn't be cupped by any ordinary hand. Though Leon didn't know this, the last male that followed was the A.P.E organization leader, Vladimir Kushmon.
They soon approached Leon and the others.
"Leon! It's been a while!" Elvis shoved the people he was walking without out of the way as he hurriedly approaches and grasps Leon's hand.
Leon shrugged his hand away then said," Since when have we gotten this close."
"Ohh come on..have you forgotten all those times we spent together," Elvis quickly replied.
Wait a minute, is he straight? Leon thought before replying," I think you've got the wrong person buddy."
"Hum, Hum!"
A voice clearing their throat before interrupting "Good morning gentlemen, I am the head of the A.P.E organization, Vladimir Kushmon."
Leon first looked the man up and down instantly realized though he saw embed casual there was a dangerous force under that facade of his.
"Ahh greetings senior," Leon replied on the twins' behalf solely because the twins have a personality shift when it comes to encountering a new presence.
"Same to you, I'd like to present your teammates. On my right here is rank #1 Arlo Bishop as on my left is rank #2 Corrina Abednego. Both from my organization."
"Greetings," they said simultaneously.
Hearing these names both Maèl and Maria look at each other with a similar expression. The surname Bishop rang some sort of bell but they couldn't quite put a finger on it.
Hmm...seems that these aren't your average Jundeager either Vladimir thought upon noticing their reactions.
"It's an honor to meet you all my name is Leon Jundeager and my friends here are Maèl and Mathis," Leon replied calmly. "
"Hey there!"
Bothe twins replied casually.
"I've yet to ask, which two of you are participating in this tournament?" said Vladimir.
"Ahh, that would be me and Mathis here," Leon replied.
"Ohh, I see them how about you?" Vladimir said while tuning towards Maèl.
"I'm just a proctor," he replied immediately as if he knew this was about to occur.
A proctor? Tch! With that aura of yours, you could reign victorious in this competition. Arlo had the same thought as Vladimir.
Before there could be another exchange of words Mrs. Elfise arrived to transport the team to the arena.
"Oh everyone's here, then let's go!" She said just after opening her side of the door from beyond the gate.
"Alas we don't have any more time to chit-chat," Vladimir said as the crew slowly exited the Treasures entrance and entered the car awaiting their presence. Unbeknownst to them, Anapo was watching the scene from above in his office.
*A location in the far west corner of the U.S.*
"How's everything preparing?" An unknown figure said.
The figure who spoke was that of the leader he was seated in a chair next to that of a woman with dazzling beauty.
"It's going according to plan sire, the envoys will be ready in a few days." the servant replied.
"Good, then when the time is right we strike, right my darling?" the leader said to the woman.
"Absolutely, " she responded with a devious smile as she took a sip from her luxurious goblet.
*Back with the crew*
Now, making their way towards the Arena everyone became silent. Well, I only lasted for the first part of the ride before Vladimir broke the barrier,
"So Maèl and Mathis correct?"
Maèl and Mathis glanced at each other with weird glances before Maèl said," Yes, that's correct."
"I hope you don't mind me asking but what rank are you both within your organization," Vladimir said.
In my instant, Both Maèl and Mathis's personalities changed.
"I don't like to be pried by anyone except the young master and master but because your our teammates as of this moment I'll let you in on that secret. I am rank #2 and my brother Mathis is rank#3"
Maèl implied with a ticked tone and a tilted head looking towards Vladimir's head. Taken back, Vladimir became speechless. For him who is a Triple-S threat to feel fear as if he was looking directly into the eyes of a devourer was not something to be taken lightly. Well, he was if he knew what Maèl was.
"Truly, my apologies." Vladimir waved his hands as he leaned back.
"Did you feel that?" Arlo sent a brain memo to Vladimir.
"Of course! How could I not? I almost died here or should I say I could've died here!" Vladimir exclaimed in his brain memo.
"I also can't seem to gauge neither of their abilities. They're strong....truly strong," Arlo ended his brain memo to Vladimir with that.
Sadly, they never noticed that both Maèl and Mathis were genii of mind-reading and were heeding every word traded.