*Back with Alfeios*
Alfeios could be seen sitting cross-legged with both eyes glowing while he was currently in a trance. But he was soon interrupted.
"Hey! Hey!" a voice said echoing throughout the head of Alfeios. What the? Am I losing it? I must've been in here for too long now I'm hearing ghosts.
"I'm not a ghost punk! I'm the Indominus, " The voice said in a slightly infuriated manner.
"Wait what! Come again? Since when have you overgrown lizard became telepathic, " Alfeios replied.
"Since you took damn control of me! Now I'm under your rules like a freaking lackey." The Indominus replied furiously.
"That still doesn't explain how you can communicate with me, " Alfeios inquired.
"We're currently communicating on the same brainwave. I'm on yours you're on mine vice-versa. Gaining full control under your power helps you to now interact with the presences within you." The Indominus explained to Alfeios.
"Ohh, so that's how it is. But what do you mean by presences? Alfeios questioned the Indominus.
"Yes. There is one more other than myself that you need to unfold from these powers within you. " the Indominus inquired.
Alfeios facial expression changed significantly. He now wore a look of confidence and determination. He soon closed his eyes and began placing his focus on the enormous energy he had to stabilize. He struggled to compress his powers and reform it to a more controllable yet powerful state.
Meanwhile, Leon and the group were still on their way towards the Arena. The atmosphere had become a bit quiet since their little chat just a moment ago. Inevitably, that silence was once again disrupted.
"Mrs. Elfise, I've been meaning to ask. Who is this Alfeios Jundeager? "
The second these words were uttered from Vladimir's lips he instantly coughed up the blood.
He quickly held his mouth shut before taking a glance at both Maèl and Mathis to realize they were handing him a cold, predatory stare.
"Senior! Are you okay!" Arlo and Corrina yelled simultaneously.
"What's happening back there!?" Mrs. Elfise shouted in concern.
"It's nothing. Don't worry, this happens now and then!" Vladimir responded.
"I call bull! What have you done to him!" Arlo shouted at the twins who had a slight smile that didn't go unnoticed.
"I'd advise you to hold your tongue if you truly value your head...that is." Maèl adjusted his glasses as he replied to Arlo.
"You!" Arlo was about to say something again before Vladimir handheld him back.
"Hold it! Do you know who you're dealing with?" Vladimir said to Arlo through a brain message.
Arlo didn't reply instead he leaned back into his spot. "My apologies, Arlo has somewhat of a short fuse," Vladimir said as he turned towards the twins.
He then continued, "But why the sudden change of attitude?"
"Well, you were speaking of our young master as if he's someone to be taken lightly. Why don't you think before you speak the next time you open your lips."
This statement got both Arlo and Corrina frustrated. Not even themselves would consider speaking to the head of A.P.E with such a tone.
What in the world? Are all the Jundeagers this arrogant! Maybe it's not arrogant but because they have the capabilities to support their actions! Mrs. Elfise pondered to herself after hearing the audacity of Maèl.
"And why's that?" Vladimir then responded.
"Let's make it simple so you can understand. Nobody in this room even combined can't stop the young master at his full strength. Why don't you confirm it with Elvis over there, I'm sure you've heard of his loss by now." Maèl inquired with a slight mock in his voice towards the end.
"Yes, I'm aware. But is his capabilities truly what they imply it is Elvis?" Vladimir asked as he turned to face Elvis.
"It is. I fought him head-on and even with my fusion he simple dispelled me as a mere bug. No, I should say a mere particle. That is how terrifying he is." Elvis explained to Vladimir.
"Indeed." Leon who was quiet up until now added to the conversation.
Vladimir then contemplated asking why isn't Alfeios participating but soon dispelled that thought because there was a chance it would infuriate the twins, which was something he would best try to avoid.
There was no more room left for conversation as the group now arrived at the arena. A massive crowd could be seen gathered at the entrance with everyone waiting to enter. The group then found VIP parking before exiting the limousine.
"Hey look! The last team has just arrived. It's America's teams," a guy shouted.
The people at the back of the throng turned towards the group as they heard this. And in an instant, a joyous riot occurred. The people who were once waiting to enter the Arena suddenly charged at the group.
"Oh my, it's Arlo!"
"And Corrina"
"I need to meet them!"
"Make way!"
"Can I please get an autograph!?"
A crowd with a mixture of reporters and students surrounded the group and piled all their misgivings onto them. Vladimir immediately signaled the guards to control the public and soon after the once lively crowd died down and proceed to enter the Arena.
Upon entering the coliseum, coming into view was the already seated populace roaring in joy. The noise rattled the groups' eardrums as they slowly passed to step atop the stage. The coliseum itself was a ginormous circular space. Rows of seats encompassed the stage that was established in the center of the Arena. They shortly noticed that all the other organization competitors were there.
The instant the group boarded the stage a few individuals felt a presence that did not go unnoticed. They looked toward two people amongst America's competitors. They were the twins, Maèl and Mathis. And simultaneously a thought crossed all the now intrigued contestant mind.
That those two...gave off a faint feeling of danger around them. Eventually, everyone present was interrupted by the tournament's speaker.
"Ladies and gentleman! The final team has just arrived! Give a round of applause for team U.S.A!" said the speaker as he rallied the mob.
"Go APES!!"
The audience went feral at the tournament speaker's statement. They even went so far as to the confetti and decorations along with the platform below them.
"Alright now, settle down. Let me introduce to you the teams participating in this tournament's matches."
"First we have South Korean's team consisting of members of their organizations The Bloody Reapers & The HoodedFigures. Next to them, we have the Japanese team consisting with the members of their organizations The Oni's & Dark Vengeance,"
"Then we have The Philippines team consisting with members of the organizations The Harvesters & The Triades. And on the other hand, we have the Russian organizations consisting with members of their organizations The Terminators & The Slayers,"
"Now, last but not least we present the Chinese team consisting with the members of their organizations The Horde & The Under-oATHS."
Without a break, the speaker progressed with his speech,
"With that aside. I think it's now time to explain the rules of the tournament. With a total of six teams, each will be faced with one another until there are two left. The contesters would typically lose by getting knocked out of the ring or admitting defeat. But this match has a bonus. If any team was supposed to win three of the five battles that would allow them to grasp an easy victory. Now with that said, LETS ROCK AND ROLL!!"
The audience once again let out a scream and yells of joy. Whilst the teams located their respective areas on the sideline.
"Teams! This you're first contenders and step forward!" the speaker shouted excitedly when he realized that all the teams were ready.
Soon after, a young man that looked to be twenty years of age with matte black hair and sharp brown eyes boarded the stage. He wore a black and red robe with a saber sword by his waist.
"I think I'll take the first match. So let's get it over with," Mathis said with his hand's plaster behind his cranium and strode towards the stage eager to fight.
"Very well," Vladimir agreed hesitantly.
Before the speaker could present the first contestant he saw Mathis already approaching the stage. "You there! Are you the other contestant?" the speaker inquired to Mathis.
"Oh yes! The name Mathis Jundeager," he simply replied with a smile.
"Very well. Ladies and gentleman our next contestant is Mathis Jundeager of the Americas team." The speaker said as he turned his focus towards the audience.
Hmm..is he not from an organization Judon thought as he scanned Mathis up and down who was now at the scene.
"Let's see how this turns out," said the leader of the Russian team. He was a tall bulky man with blonde short hair and blue eyes. He wore an all-white suit with a yellow tie. His name was Alexander Swaggsteiner.
"Now then gentlemen, don't forget the rules and BEGIN!" the speaker yelled in the mic as he waved his arms to signal the start of the fight.
What transpired next was quite unexpected. From the crowd's perspective, neither of the opponents made their move. Instead, they stood there with Judon glaring at Mathis. Mathis was whistling while he had his eyes closed.
What is he doing? Is he not going to attack? What kind of a start is this? Both thoughts and clamors crossed everyone's lips and minds.
"Oho look who we have here. Are you trying to act big, then let me put you in your place, " Judon said as he finally drew his saber causing the noisy crowd to suddenly watch keenly.
"Assasin Ability: Silent Strike, " Judon muttered as he slashes at the thin air.
In an instant, Mathis arched his body backward almost touching the floor with the back of his head. He then immediately got back upright and a massive blast could be heard behind him.
"Swooo...that was close wasn't it?" Mathis smirked as he opened one eye to peek at Judon.
"Your one of the first to dodge my unreadable attack. Gotta say I'm surprised." Judon replied with an intrigued smile.
*On the sidelines*
Wow! Did you see that? Was that the famous assassin ability silent strike the crowd was already getting riled up with questions.
Hmmm.....that attack...though it was just a slight strike the force behind it was condensed wind moving at the speed of light which made it seem unreadable. But for this kid to able to evade it so easily...just means he's not normal either. Vladimir deciphered as he was the progress of the match.
"Hey! Numbskulls! Are you watching the match! That kid up there might be one of your opponents and so far he might be troublesome, " Alexander yelled at his team.
"Yeah, yeah boss. Don't worry it's just a mere trick. He's bound to lose after this." a short orange hair kid responded.
"Yeah, boss. It's not like he can compete with Judon. Or better yet us, " this time a lazy-looking guy replied.
"Eric and Takei! You damned slack-offs! I hope you're ready for a beating if you lose your battles!" Alexander yelled infuriatingly at the two.
*Back on stage*
"Well then let's make my next move," Judon muttered before continuing. "Assasins ability: Connect the Dots."
Judon slowly stepped forward as he slashed his saber in a series of fast and silent swords strikes. This movement finally struck a reaction in Mathis.
Judon slowly charged at Mathis as he slashed in all orientations seemingly drawing a shape. Mathis hardened his hands and proceeds to block and deflect the fast movements of Judon's attack. But because they were moving at such a rapid speed this caused Mathis to be pushed back.
Interesting.....not only I can't see the attacks but I can only barely sense it Mathis thought to himself.
"Very good, let's take it up a notch," Mathis mumbled.
A black aura exploded around Mathis as his eyes glowed purple. The aura simultaneously disrupted Judon's attacks and forced him back to one knee. Deciding not to stop there Mathis shifted both his hands to be covered with hardened scales.
"Hunter Ability: Serpents Terror," were the words that Mathis muttered before snakes erupted from underneath the earth and entangled themselves on Judon.
Judon who was still knelt on the floor was now being tightly wrapped by an enormous amount little snakes.
What the? My magic? Why is it debilitating? I-i can barely move. Judon's mind became flooded with thoughts as he strived to escape the snakes' grasp.
"Don't struggle. The match has been decided." Mathis said with an evil-us smirk up realizing Judon's struggle in anguish.
"ARGHHH!!!" an ear-shattering scream escaped Judon's mouth as the snakes tightened their grip on all his limbs completely immobilizing him.
"Listen. This attack isn't what it seems. Right now your magic source is slowly being depleted by the second so I truly advise you to give up." Mathis asserted calmly towards Judon.
Judon was on his knees in anguish with an infuriated gaze towards Mathis. "I can never be disgraced like this. I will not admit defeat. I wi..."
Before Judon could finish Mathis snapped his fingers and the snakes proceeded to make their last attack as they bit into Judon's neck and depleted his magic source rendering him unconscious.
"Too easy. I should've told you that we came to win before you went and pass out," Mathis muttered grumpily as he slowly turns to walk off the stage.