Arlo finally struggled to lift himself upright from the pavement he was caved in.
He stretches every inch of his body with a proud smile across his face.
Without batting an eye at Eric's body, he strolled off the stage as if nothing happened.
His team indicated a relieving smile seeing that they were satisfied with the results.
Soon after, a member of Russia's team progressed to take Eric's body back to their station.
The once evenly battle that seemed to be in the hands of Russia has now slipped through their grasp, leaving them with their tails tucked between their legs,"
the speaker shouted with a mocking statement in his speech.
Nevertheless, the United States was now moving on to the next rounds of the tournament. Fans amongst the crowd that supported them screamed joyously.
As for the non-supporters, they could only clench their teeth in stigma after undergoing such a defeat.
Whilst the other teams were eagerly preparing for their upcoming battles.
"But that's not all folks, we'll now be entering the twenty-minute break. The upcoming matches will take place after this, " the speaker added before walking to his station.
"Damn! How did the Russia manage to lose so easily,"
"If you look at it the United States did have some powerhouse, "
"Yep..hmm...especially those first two! "
"What was their names again.....Jundeagers?"
Just as the chatter spread throughout the audience someone made a shocking statement.
"Hey! Haven't you heard? The Jundeagers are a new breed from the United States organization known as Treasures," the person who spoke was an American.
"Wait what! Are you implying they had a secret organization," a Russian spoke but in English.
"Yes! It's been known for quite a while now, hasn't the news spread that far yet," the American replied.
"No! That's unheard of. Then maybe that's why we lost.....but why keep it a secret," the Russian said.
"Well I'm not sure but I overheard they'll be revealing themselves but as of when I'm not sure," the American replied.
"That's a bit fascinating don't ya think. But what if they win....listen don't say another word to any one in this crowd," the Russian replied to the American.
He then turned to his fellow friends and said the same to them.
Interesting...the United States are making a big move with this.....I wonder how the other organizations will react or even the World Orders when word of this spread the Russian thought to himself.
Meanwhile, Maèl and his group was leaving the arena. You could say they wanted to get some fresh air seeing they won't be participating in the next round.
Just before they approached the exit they were deterred by South Korea's team leader.
"Greetings Vladimir! How long has it been?" Soo-Yeon said with an enlarged smile.
"Ahhh Soo-Yeon on my friend it's only been a few years," Vladimir replied with a sincere smile of his own.
Soo-Yeon who's true identity was the leader of the organization known as the Bloody Reapers strongest organization there is was chosen to represent South Korea.
Though the gap between his organization and the United States was worlds apart he was the only one who offered them actual respect.
"Aren't you going to stay for the next round," Soo-Yeon asked nonchalantly.
"Right now we all need a breather but if we make it back in time then what we get is see was meant to be seen," Vladimir replied respectfully.
"Ohh you, I guess we won't take up any more of your time but I do need to have a chat with you and a few team members when this is all over," Seo-Yeon responded feeling a little disappointed.
"Oh? Have something piqued your interest," Vladimir said.
" could say so," Soo-Yeon sad as he glanced at Vladimirs team members before continuing,
"Anyways we'll excuse ourselves now."
Soo-Yeon turned to head back to his station when one of his team members wished to have the last message.
"I hope to see you all in the finals....that is if you make it there," a young man with pitch black hair and scarlet eyes who was equipped chains wrapped around his for arms spoke.
But when he said this he was looking more towards Mathis and Leon's direction.
"We'll be there alright," Mathis replied on the behalf of his team with an ominous smile.
It's just as I figured...these two guys are going to be fun the young man thought before saying,
The young man and his fellow team members smiled at Mathis group as they too walked back to their station.
"Well, let's go enjoy this break!" Mathis happily leaped ahead of the group. Vladimir, Mrs. Elfise and the others followed suit.
*Treasures HQ*
Alfeios was still within Section 8, shirtless. His upper body was drenched in exertion while his eyes were tightly closed. He sat in a lotus form with a soothing yellow aura soaring around his body.
Within his consciousness also known as the abyss was where Alfeios currently resided.
"Hmm...back again huh? I wonder why, " Alfeios muttered to himself.
Surrounded by darkness Alfeios decided to yell, "Indominus! Are you here!?" But to no avail there was no response.
"Somethings weird. Makes me feel a bit uneasy," Alfeios mumbled as he sat down in the dark awaiting what's to come.
About twenty minutes had enacted since Alfeios sat down patiently waiting. He was starting to get irritated just when it came.
At first Alfeios thought it was the Indominus finally responding to his call but what he saw took him for an even greater surprise.
A large lanky creature that walked on all fours stood 50-feet tall-with black golden wings protruding from its back. It also had horns that resembled a sort of L-curve.
Its body was pitch black with golden stripes along its sides to harmonize its wings. It's torso was the only exception, while it's eyes shone dark orange.
Meanwhile, on the outside, another tattoo could be seen carving its way into Alfeios back. This one was positioned to the right half of its back and looking closely, the tattoo resembled that of the creature appearing in Alfeios abyss. The two tattoos locating on Alfeios back were now facing each other.
Back inside the abyss, after fully revealing itself in the dark that's when Alfeios finally heard Indominus brain message,
"It appears my arch-nemesis has arrived."