For a fraction of a moment, Alfeios diverted his gaze from the creature as he spun around in search of Rex but to no avail, he was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey! Rex! Where are you?" Alfeios exclaimed in a brain message.
"Oh, me? I'm elsewhere in the abyss, " the Rex conceded.
"Elsewhere? Tch! Never mind that more importantly, I'd like to know what you meant by your arch-nemesis," Alfeios pondered what the Rex previously stated.
"Isn't he present with you? Ask him yourself punk!" the Rex scuffled towards the end of his statement.
But then continued, "I'll leave you to it, go have fun but try not to get eaten hehe," the Rex said before cutting the brain message.
Alfeios became a little infuriated as he clenched his fist and thought when I'm done here he's gonna get it before he stared back at the creature.
"Now, who might you be?"
Alfeios raised his head to have a better look at the overwhelming creature.
The creature stomped at Alfeios who performed a quick-witted backflip before remarking in a course disoriented voice, "Seems over the years even the humans has lost their dignity."
A feisty one isn't it? No wonder the Rex said try not to get eaten Alfeios thought before spouting in a cold tone, "What nonsense are you blabbing about the creature? I ask who are you yet you decided to attack me."
"I'm merely testing the skills of my new host but to answer the former I am the Prince of Dragons, Pleidor," the creature simply replied.
Prince of Dragons? Testing a new host? Alfeios thought before saying, "We've just met but yet you decide to test me. If I may ask why is that?"
Hmm....this host doesn't seem to be that frail Pleidor thought before he replied, "Well, your the hundredth holder of this power, whereas all the others had succumbed to, I mean naturally I want to see where your faith lies."
"You said him? Are you talking about Rex? Alfeios asked curiously.
"Yes, he's the representer of death while I'm the representer of life, together we are half the powers of Life and Death. As for the other half which you've already noticed is the abilities that you possess within each of your arms," Pleidor inquired to Alfeios.
Alfeios stood there pondering and thinking with a confusing expression across his face but his thought soon became interrupted.
"If your thinking about that forest then yes, the powers linked to that but for the reason why I can only tell my side of the story," Pleidor said.
"Alas, non-matter, I'll spare you the time to speak. Once you're done I can just devour you too,"
Alfeios chuckled as he sat cross-legged with one hand plastered against his jaw.
For a second, Pleidor faltered at the words that escaped Alfeios breath. Since the thirty-seven holder of this power, this one was the second to say such bold words Pleidor thought before progressing,
"Then listen carefully."
Meanwhile, Leon and his team were on their way back to the Arena after enjoying the bountiful festivities that the outside food court and entertaining center had to offer.
They all stole a few glances at the dancers and singers performing one last time before they approached the Arenas entrance. Upon returning, Leon's team eardrums almost collapsed due to audiences screaming.
"We've won!!"
"Gooo! Korea!!"
The crowd went wild and it was all due to the match transpiring.
"Dammit! Can't they keep
It down a little!" Leon screeched.
"Ahh! Man! I think they've lost it," Elvis murmured.
"Wait? Who's winning?" Mathis inquired as he gazed around.
"Hmm...It's the South Koreas team. Seems we've just missed their battles by a hair," Vladimir intervened to Mathis.
The team locked eyes onto the stage to see what the commotion was all about. To their surprise, it was the sed young man with pitch-black hair who made a bold remark to them during the rupture. He had just vetoed his adversary, ceasing victory for his team. Soon, that man nonchalantly strode off the stage as he presided towards his teams' station.
There was a juncture between that action where the South Korean team leader glanced at Vladimir and his team from across the platform with a playful yet annoying smile. Immediately after realizing this Vladimir scuffled before quickly gathering with his team back to their respective station awaiting what's next.
"This battle marks the end of another competitor. The Philippines has been eliminated by the South Koreas team in three consecutive battles. Now the only competitors are South Korean, China, Japan, and surprisingly the U.S.A!" the speaker yelled through the mic as he danced around to face every section of the crowd.
The speaker then spotted the return of the U.S.A's team before continuing, "And presently, our contestants for the upcoming matches have arrived so let's begin with the next matchup, the U.S.A versus Japan!"
"So where already being called again. Tsk! Elvis get up there." Vladimir spouted in disbelief.
"Huh? My turn already? What a hassle," Elvis replied as he stood up with both hands in his pockets.
"Relax. Just go get us a win that's all you have to worry about," Leon concluded.
"Whatever you say," Elvis replied as he waves his hand without looking back.
Whilst on the other side of the stage, Japan's team leader, Donovan appointed his contestant.
"Ren! Go get a crack at it. Don't disappoint me," Donovan said in a commanding tone that wished for no room for failure.
"Roger that boss," Ren calmly answered.
And as usual, the two set forth on the stage damaged stage. But soon enough the stage magically repaired itself. Though this wasn't mentioned before, the stage was built with three-fourths of magic-infused with it and the speaker held the apparatus to initiate the magic within so the stage can automatically recover to its undamaged form.
Now facing each other was Elvis Sneider a Class-S summoner and Ren Namir a Class-S hunter. Ren had a smaller physique than that of Elvis, standing at only 5-foot 6-inches clothed in a white coat and amassing ear length black hair to harmonize with his brown eyes he peered up at the towering Elvis.
"S-sorry to intervene in this intense staring contest but are you guys ready?" The speaker stuttered due to the intensity of the pressure.
"We are," they both answered simultaneously.
"Then begin!" the speaker yelled.
"Do I have to fight you? Your like a midget compared to me br-"
Before Elvis could finish a massive blow was dealt directly to his abdomen. Elvis's eyes popped open wide while he felt as if his ribs were shattering.
Oh shit! The kid...he's fucking fast Elvis thought as he was launched back to the edge of the platform. He seemed as if he were going to be disqualified but Elvis summoned his beast Gundoyan who instantly appeared behind him to aboard his break-neck speed momentum.
Elvis landing in Gundoyan directly at the edge of the canvas. "Nice catch pal," Elvis mumbled as blood could be seen dripping from either side of his lips.
"Ohhh wow! That kid is impressive!"
"Yeah right! Though he's small he packed a punch!"
"Serves them right for underestimating my Ren," a proud fan concluded.
"Not bad, not bad at all," Maèl muttered with a smile while observing the battle.
"He's pretty good bro! I wanna hassle with him," Mathis inquired in a joyous leap.
"Sit down! You know he's not on your level pee-brain," Maèl exclaimed as he smacked Mathis in the back.
"Ow! I know...but"
"No buts!" Maèl cut off Mathis as soon as he started to speak.
The rest of the team was quite a stupor hearing the bold claims Maèl spouted but that expression soon vanished as they now know how mighty these Jundeagers are. Even Arlo, who didn't want to admit it had nothing to say.
"Arh. He did a number on me....right of the bat at that," Elvis muttered as he struggled to get up. But the moment he tried to recuperate his stance at break-neck speed Ren was dead stop in front of him with his right arm raised to deliver another blow.
"Oh crap, Gundoyan move!" Elvis shouted as he swiftly dodged right and Gundoyan dodged left.
Ren's fist pummeled the spot where both Elvis and Gundoyan just barely managed to escape. This was our chance to counterattack Elvis thought simultaneously with Gundoyan. They both made a 180-turn as they launched themselves from their current positions to attack Ren.
Gundoyan flashed his fangs as Elvis magically charged his fist.
They hit but to their surprise, their attacks collide with the empty platform. Immediately, they turned around to see Ren still in the center of the stage. It's as if he didn't move since he delivered his first blow.
What? I'm sure we hit him! No...somethings wrong. It must be an ability Elvis thought with a worried face.
"You must be am I here when I just attacked you. Well, let me enlighten you again. Hunters Ability: Mirage "
The instant Ren mumbled his ability he was now in front of the stunned Elvis and Gundoyan once again. But this time he launched an attack at Gundoyan. Elvis reacted quickly as he leaped before Gundoyan to parry the attack.
"Ahh, now I see. This ability of yours.... . allows you to launch an afterimage of yourself to attack. But the downfall is it has a certain range hehe," Elvis said as he got a look of the attack close up.
Hearing this Rena face curled into a devilish smile. He figured it out...good, very good Ren thought.
Seeing ten smile Elvis became agitated but rushed it off before spotting, "Summoners Ability: Facade"
With this ability, Elvis was able to camouflage Gundoyan as he himself launched at Ren. Ren found it mysterious that Gundyan suddenly disappeared without leveling a trace of presence behind.
Hmmm, he must've sent him back Ren thought as he prepared himself for Elvis's attack. Elvis reaches his right arm out in a grasping motion and summoned a pitch-black blade.
When Elvis closed the distance between the two he sung his waist and slash his blade in a horizontal position. This caused Ren to arch back dodging the attack. But as he looked up he saw a smile on Elvis's face making him realized he fucked up.
Elvis canceled his Facade ability causing Gundoyan to now reappear from the shadow of the arched Ren.
Simultaneously, Gundoyan delivered a spine shattering blow directly into Rens back. In reality, the punched would've launch Ren upward but Elvis was above him who instantly delivered a blow to his chest. One from below and one from above, Ren had fall victim to a sandwiched attack. The perfect plan Elvia thought.
As the pupils of Rens's eyes rolled back leaving only the white sclera visible, there was only one right he would remember after waking up. And that was the sinister smile that flashed across Elvis's face.
Rens body dropped as Elvis sent Gudoyan back.
"Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Elvis Schneider!"
The speaker's yelled disrupted the entire Arena.