Though the speaker yelled in the hopes of the crowd following along, the unexpected transpired. The audience stared with widened eyes and a speechless mouth. Well, that only lasted until an American spoke up.
"Wait! Before the battle just now! Didn't the speaker mentioned the contestant's name was Elvis Schneider?"
"Yes, he did! But what-, " the other American faltered as he realized something.
"Elvis Schneider! He was that youngster recruited by the A.P.E sometime ago!"
"Now it all makes sense as to why he's so powerful!" The first American replied.
Amongst the audience, a few overheard the conversation and they too came to a realization. In a matter of milliseconds, the crowd went from a mouse to an alarm clock. At least, that was for the individuals that understood English.
The same could be said for the teams as a conversation struck between. They too have once heard of an Elvis Schneider. His name was broadcasted before just at the age of fifteen. And now they witnessed the reason why.
"Well, I supposed this loss was to be expected," though he didn't want to admit it Donovan acknowledged the skills that Elvis possessed.
"Kai. Prepare yourself for the next battle. We're going all out." Donovan continued. Without a response, Kai did as he was told.
As Elvis walked over to his station his team was filled with smiles, except for Maèl who's always had a seriousness to him.
"Bravo boy! That was a marvelous display!" Vladimir praised Elvis.
"Ehh, I truly thought I was going to lose," Elvis replied with a half-smile.
"Nonsense! If you did I would've certainly crippled you!" Vladimir exclaimed.
This statement even caused Mrs. Elfise and Corrina to chuckle while the others perked up.
"Anyways, Corrina. Do you think you're ready?" Vladimir asked calmly.
"I do," she simply stated.
Soon after they all notice a figure approaching the stage. "Well, well, who do we have here?" Mathis inquired with a devilish smile as he stared at the figure.
"Oho! Our next contestant seems to have arrived. But this one is one other than the famous Class-SSS Warrior Kai Homura!" The speaker yelped as he instantly realized this figure.
Well, who didn't? Kai was one of the few Triple-S threats and only achieving that foot at just twenty-three years of age. He was 6-foot 4-inches with slick long white hair extending just below his back. His eyes shown a bright violet color. Whilst he carried his preferable weapon, a scythe with the sharpened edge painted red.
"Don't be discouraged Corrina but I never thought they would've brought him out this early, " Vladimir said while analyzing if he had made the wrong choice.
"Don't worry. I'm not here to lose," Corrina responded as she got up to board the stage.
But suddenly an arm grabbed her by the waist stopped her in her tracks.
She instantly looked up to see that it was Mathis. And though he held her, his eyes were glued unto his prey that stood atop the platform.
But even this caused her to blush a little. It was her first time being embraced by another male so it's an exception she doesn't know how to fully react.
"One minute. Just give me one minute with him. If I don't win by then just swap me out." Mathis inquired with a cold tone and a ferocious smile conducted at his foe.
Everyone at his station almost faltered due to the pressure that began to ripple from his body. They wouldn't be surprised if the entire ground floor didn't feel his aura.
Ha. There go's his wild side.
Every time he's sees an opponent worthy of battle his blood boils at two hundred percent. It's unhappy to say that this guy doesn't know what he's about to endure Maèl thought with a wonderful smile as he adjusted his glasses and speculated the scenery.
"V-very well, " Vladimir stuttered as he tried to recollect his form from the immense aura.
"Wise decision." we're the only words that left Mathis's mouth as he leaped from the station to land directly in the center of the platform.
Mathis softly landed and stood to face the opponent that was currently making his blood boiled. This spectacle of a foyer left everyone gasping.
"It's him!"
"What was his name again!"
"I think it as Mathis...Jun...Jundeager!"
"Yeah! He was pretty strong in his first battle. I wonder what will be the outcome of this one"
The audience dialogue surfaced with anxiousness. Not knowing who could be the victor of this roundabout, they could only stay silent and watch
"It's that boy again. Oh, I'm looking for to this." Soo-Yeon stated with a look of interest.
"Don't get your hopes up to much," Heinrich immediately said to Soo-Yeon.
"Hmm..and why's that?" Soo-Yeon replied with an arched eyebrow as he looked at Heinrich.
"I think your underestimating Kai of all people," Heinrich simply stated.
I do hope your right Soo-Yeon replied inwardly before shifting his gaze back to the stage.
"Seems the both of you are all ready. Then without further adieu let the battle begin!" The speaker yelled.
Both Mathis and Kai launched an immense punch at each other the instant they heard 'begin'.
Both opponents' fists collided as an enormous explosion was formed behind them each from the impact of their blow.
Even the speaker was blown back from his current position. Kai quickly retracted contact from the attack. This guy's strength is indeed formidable Kai thought as he felt his bones rattling in his arms.
Still, as he looked at Mathis he was quite shaken to see him smiling. Kai then took his stance before he spun his scythe at a rapid speed in his right arm. He then directed its sharpened end towards his opponent, Mathis.
Kai then inaugurated himself at Mathis and slashed violently in all orientations as he closes the chasm between the two.
Mathis evaded dodge and withstood the attacks as if he were dancing to a rhythmic melody. His acrobatic movements made it seem like Mathis was as slithery as a snake.
Mathis eventually caught the scythe with his bare hands. Kai noticed a more disturbing smile appeared on Mathis's face as his pupils slowly formed a snake a slit down the middle.
Mathis broke the edge of the scythe that Kai held. Kai immediately let loose of the scythes handle and receded. Mathis let out an outburst of a power surge the moment Kai retracted himself.
"AHHH!!" Mathis yelled but not in pain, he yelled in excitement as a ginormous aura formed around his entire body.
The aura almost reached the heights of the Arena taking everyone by surprise. Kai's eyes widened as if he glancing at a the devil himself.
Mathis licked his lips and instantly launched at Kai at a powerful speed. It seemed as if he vanished when he appeared before Kai.
Mathis placed his left leg behind Kai's legs and then used his left arm to shove him backward ultimately causing Kai to trip over Mathis's legs.
Mathis stuffed Kai into the like a flattened pancake causing him to grunt painfully. "Forty-five seconds" Mathis mumbled.
He then quickly grabbed Kai by the neck and brought him up from the platform and hurled him up and over his head.
Kai made a desperate endeavor to wreck his way out of mid-air but it was far too late.
He noticed two gigantic snake figures twirling around him airborne before they collide with both sides odd his ribs. The impact was so massive that Kai's body was squished once again.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" Kai released an ear-shattering scream that vibrated the universal Arena. But once again, the giant snake auras savagely transmitted blows after blows at the airborne Kai who was rendered useless in mid-air. And soon after,
Kai's body fell to the floor. "One minute," Mathis said with a widened smile that could send shivers down one's spine across his face.