"Exactly, one minute," Maèl stated with an audacious smile.
Vladimir, Mrs. Elfise, Arlo...typically every one of Vladimirs team members were stunned.
"Truly. I can't believe it." Vladimir said in shock.
"Th-this battle prowess. How can it be this insane," Mrs. Elfise added in both amazement and fear.
He did it. In a mere minute, he turned what could be a loss into victory. Corrina thought but without showing her deep expressions.
"H-he defeated yet another!"
"This Mathis guy is dangerous,"
"I can't understand how he's so powerful,"
"And where did it come from. Looking back, this battle was completely different from his powers,"
"I don't know and I don't care but I want to start chewing for the U.S.A,"
As usual, the crowd was stunned by such a spectacular battle that enlightens every one of them.
"What did I say? Huh, Heinrich?" Soo-Yeon asked teasingly towards Heinrich.
"Tch! Whatever! Just prepare for our upcoming battles," Heinrich let out as he flees in embarrassment.
"Wh-what an unbelievable match! That was the fastest battle in this tournament's history. An opponent is defeated in no more than one minute. Congratulations, Mathis Jundeager!" The speaker yelled after finally recollecting his thought.
Mathis waved his hands he began to walk off the stage. He soon made it to his group when he grabbed a seat amongst them. Mathis sat happily solely because he was satisfied with what he called a mere spar. Corrina glanced at him a few times. Though Mathis didn't make eye contact he noticed this and smiled.
Directly on the other side of the stage, the irritated Donovan glared at what he thinks was the arrogant U.S.A.
In the meantime, Alfeios was still seated cross-legged awaiting the creature to confide his story but was truly listening for somewhat an insight on his powers.
"Long ago, in a period where humans cease to exist, there were bountiful of mythical and ancient life-forms inhabited the planet. They were the first to walk the earth and indulge in its nature and the things it had to offer.
Though there were a varieties of different species whose powers were worlds apart from others they all coexisted in peace under one ruler my father, The Dragonkin,"
Pleidor paused for a moment to see Alfeios perched up before continuing,
"For many years under his rule, the creatures enjoyed life to its fullest. Only he had the talent to do such a thing being born as a dragon with a boundless amount of magical power. But both his reign and peace came to an end on a dreaded day no varmint would ever prophets. A creature...no a beast of unknown origins was born upon the earth with the power to rival the Dragonkin. That creature was no other than the Indominus Rex. Created by a group of humans but not humans at the same time, who called themselves InGen,"
"He led an army of what we now know as dinosaurs to sabotage all that we had. The creatures fought with all they had but the newly bred beast had a mysterious authority that demanded absolute compliance. The scenery of our once peaceful home went from serene to violent. The Dragonkin was busy fighting the Indominus Rex who slowly overpowered him. I, on the other, had made it to the battlefield far too late when my father had perished,"
Pleidor took yet another pause while Alfeios listened carefully with no question to ask. Plesiosaur soon resumed his story,
"After I realized the situation I retaliated in pain and sorrow against the formidable beast. In my eyes, it was a hard-fought battle that could only see one end, either one of us dies while the other lives. It was at this moment the power of life and death was born. When an unidentified entity appeared out of space towering over the battlefield. With a wave of its hands, the hearts of all the surrounding creatures who were engaged in battle abruptly stopped,"
" As for the Indominus and I, we didn't succumb to such a fate. Instead, at least what I believe, is that our souls become entwined by that entity. A forceful power which that entity used trapped our lives together. We witnessed ourselves slowly transformed into two-particle lights to forever be together.
"Traveling the vast world with the figure; being placed in the most diverse of areas soon to be the powers of the people whose faith led them to us. Currently, you are the hundredth person we've now been attached to," Pleidor stated as his story finally came to an end.
For a minute Alfeios sat there thinking. The silence was so eery that it made Pleidor uneasy.
"Breathtaking. Truly. Assuming what you've said is all true this just causes more of a problematic confusion for me," Alfeios paused to think again.
Who is this entity? What is its goal? Where is it from? Why did he only save two creatures of the many in battle? All these questions are unanswered.
Seems I'm still merely a frog at the bottom of the well. When I had received these powers I was careless, arrogant and stupid. But now I will rejuvenate myself thought deeply reminiscing his course of actions upon until now.
"Alas, I now know where a portion of my powers originated. As for the rest, only time shall tell that tale. But anyway, are you ready?" Alfeios inquired as he shifted to met Pleidor eye to eye.
What a terrifying glare....maybe, just maybe this is the holder we've been waiting for the stunning Pleidor thought then responded, "If that's how it's to be then I cannot decline."
Alfeios expression flashed a devilish smiled when he reached his left arm in a grasping manner and soon the Pleidor presence slowly dissipated into Alfeios's.
Instantly, Alfeios suddenly awoke from the abyss and stung up in a sitting manner. His head rattled as if he had a hungover. But that soon vanished as he felt a power that acceded to the other level circulating him. Instinctively, he retracted that power in concealment.
"Rex! Pleidor!" Alfeios shouted in his mind.
"Yes?" two voices replied simultaneously.
"Good. So I can communicate with both of you?"
"Naturally," Rex replied first somewhat annoyed.
"Well, you guys can go back now I was just checking on something," Alfeios said back in a brain message.
At the same time back at the Arena, the speaker was getting prepared to announce the final battle between the U.S.A and the Japanese team.
"We've reached yet another seconding battle! Will Japan prevail in this threatening situation or will the U.S.A cease another v-" the speaker stopped as he saw Japan's team leader entering the stage.
"What happening?"
"Why's the team leader blaring the battleground?" The crowd questions themselves in confusion.
Donovan who approached the speaker grabbed the mic then made an echoing statement, "It is very unfortunate but today my team will have to forfeit this tournament's battle!"
Everyone present was struck by Donovan's sentence but was soon soothed by his other words.
"Well as you all can see...our top contestant was just eliminated...and in a shameful manner...so I see no point in continuing if our other participants are weaker than he was," Donovan said as slowly walked back to his station to spectate for the rest of the tournament. He was now in the same boat as the Russian and Philippines teams.
But thinking about it, he was right. Why send any more participants of your strongest amongst them was defeated that easily. This thought made every soul settled at an agreeable reason to forfeit.
"That's a bummer," Mathis said in excitement.
"It's all your fault brother. You just happened to have scared them off," Maèl simply stated.
These guys aren't the least worried at all both Vladimir and Arlo shared the same thought.
Whilst Leon, Mrs. Elfise, and Elvis never paid them any mind. Though, Corrina kept a minimum glance at Mathis now and then. The group was soon interrupted when the speaker yelled in his usual manner,
"Well, viewers! The next matchup will decide who will be up against the black sheep of this tournament in the finals. South Korea or China! Let the first contestants set the stage!"