For a brief moment, there was a ghost-like silence as the speaker stood center the platform awaiting the next contenders.
After a few minutes of preparations from both teams, coming into view on either side of the speaker were two figures, to be exact they were the following contestants.
They boarded the platform striding towards the middle before halting just a few feet away from the speaker.
The first figure which stood to the right of the speaker was Class-SS Warrior Hanuel Ba.
A young man who seemed to be in his late twenties. At around 5-foot 11-inches he had an extensive outline with the feral orange hair that harmonize his also orange eyes.
As for his opponent on the left, he was a Warrior, Class-SS Chung-Lin. Viewed to be in his early thirties he amassed a similar physique to Hanuel with the only discrepancy being his neck-length grey hair with radiant brown eyes.
"Well, well the stage is now set. From South Korea's team, a very exceptional and talented young man Hanuel Ba! And from China's team, we opposing opponent and though he might be a tad bit older don't underestimate him or it could be anyone's downfall. Let me introduce Chung-Lin!" The speaker yelled as he waved his vacant hand on either side of him to present each contestant.
The throng became somewhat chattery as to who they assume would win.
Both contestants maintained great accomplishments so distant in their timeline which made it arduous to determine before sponsoring a few minutes of the battle.
"With that said, let the battle begin!" the speaker signaled his hand to commence before receding in his rungs to speculate the match.
"An opponent of my evolution with the same class rank, now this should be interesting, " Chung-Lin started as he engaged in his stance with an interested smile.
"Sorry to say the least you are far too old to be my opponent. Why don't you retire from this battle?" Hanuel calmly retorted with a mocking tone hidden within his vocalist.
"I'll teach you to respect your elders," Chung-Lin answered with irritating veins formulating across his cranium.
"Well th-" before Hanuel dreamt of finishing his statement at break-neck speed steering towards him was Chung-Lin's fist.
"Warriors Ability: Destruction," we're the phrases that Chung-Lin muttered before conducting his assault hastily at Hanuel's torso.
Unexpectedly, Hanuel snatched Chung-Lin's fist then said with a chilling tone and a piercing stare, "How disrespectful. Can't you see I was speaking?"
What? Did he stop my attack? Impossible! This ability multiplies my strength by folds! How did he stop my att-
Chung-Lin's thoughts slowly transitioned from his psyche into a blood-curling howl which he acquitted from his lips. He falls to one knee in misery as Hanuel still clenched his grasp on Chung-Lin's now broken wrist.
Yes, Hanuel had broken his wrist midway through Chung-Lin's thoughts which caused him to shriek.
Chung-Lin endeavored to formulate an attack in his left arm unbeknownst to him that Hanuel noticed this.
Hanuel then quickly yanked Chung-Lin by the hand which he held before clobbering a kick into the shoulders of that said arm.
Cheng-Lin released yet another deafening howl.
I can't watch this! Why doesn't he just give up? Does he think he can endure such pain? I don't think he can fight back even if he tried.
Clamor erupted within the audience as they speculated the terrifying scene.
"DAMNED! BASTARD! He brought out the one person who can fight Chung-Lin!" Japan's team leader, Heinrich Schwartz yelled in an aggravated manner as he shifted his gaze from the agonizing Chung-Lin to Japan's team leader, Soo-Yeon, whose group was a few feet next to him.
During this time, neither Leon nor his faction had any remark on the battle so far.
Back on stage, the speaker watched as Hanuel dealt with Chung-Lin's handily. With one of Chung-Lin's immovable, he didn't dare reckon to create any other movements.
Hanuel released his grip from Chung-Lin's wrist but suddenly placed his hand on his dislocated shoulder.
"I'll give you an option, give up now so I don't get my hands any dirtier, " Hanuel whispered as he leaned inwards to Chung-Lin's ears.
"Hehe, why should-AHHH!" Cheng-Lin tried responding but Hanuel dug his nails directly into his already damaged shoulder.
"That's not what I want to hear, I want you to say the three magical words, " Hanuel whispered a second time in Chung-Lin's ear. Same as before, Chung-Lin's didn't utter the response that Hanuel awaited for.
Hanuel repeatedly tormented Chung-Lin solely because he wouldn't give him the supposed "three magical words."
All who peered couldn't bear witness to this dreadful panorama. Even if Heinrich himself yearned to infringe the rules that existed stated otherwise.
Suddenly, Hanuel grabbed Chung-Lin's by the neck and held him airborne before tugging on his damaged arm. He seemed as if he were about to lacerate it from its position when a phrase made him halt. The magical words,
"I g-give up, " Chung-Lin stuttered under his breath.
Hanuel instantly dropped his body to the base before striding off back to his faction. But as he passed the speaker he patted his shoulders and said,
"I leave the rest to you."
The speaker was taken aback before he came to his realization.
"T-the winner of this battle, Hanuel Ba!" The speaker stuttered at first in a shocked manner.
"Good job my boy!" Soo-Yeon mumbled as Hanuel drifted by to his team members.
"Not worth mentioning," Hanuel simply replied with his hands plastered on his lower back. As he sat his team members signaled to him in acceptance of his performance during the battle.
Wow that was amazing, wasn't it? Of course! But I don't anticipate that Hanuel would win.
Neither did I, but it seems he taught the elder a lesson. Hahaha, how funny! Dialogues such as these surfaced amongst the populace. Although there prevailed some folks that were disheartened with the outcome.
"That was quite the intriguing battle, " Maèl suddenly stated as he adjusted his goblets with his middle finger.
"Yes it was but there is something that bothers me, " Vladimir stated as he pondered a thought.
"Hmm you must mean that first attack," Maèl responded with his gaze at the stage.
"Seems you've noticed something I haven't," Vladimir inquired as he turned to peek at Maèl.
"You could say so, that Hanuel guy used some sort of an ability but directly on himself instead of the attack," Maèl stated in a curious tone while tapping his chin.
"Wait, what? What do you mean?" Arlo intervened with a somewhat shocking expression before turning to gaze at Maèl.
"It's just as I said. I speculate that the ability allowed him to become immovable but I might be wrong," Maèl ended the discussion with a perplexing attitude across his complexion.
"Damn Japanese! Go retrieve Chung-Lin's trunk, Ying Yue," Heinrich yelled with index finger pointed towards the stage.
"Yes sir, " she replied as she hurriedly does so.
"As for you Feng Mian, your next up. I hope you can try to perform better," Heinrich turned towards Feng Mian and said with a seriousness in his tone.
"I'll do my best," Feng Mian replied with a bow.
"As you all witness the first battle victory goes toward Japan giving a 1:0 lead.
Now we will commence with the second, contesters please step forward," the speaker stated as he spun circularly to face everyone within the arena momentarily. Seconds after his speaker's action the next opponents approached the platform.
The first came from South Korea's team, Class-S Magician Moo Jii.
A young boy who was depicted to have an identical stature to Hanuel but with a much thinner frame. He retained black messy hair with a criterion countenance structure clothed in a robe.
On the other hand, we had his opposition, Class-SS Summoner Feng Mian.
Feng Mian wore a straw hat dressed in a black cloak. Though his facial configuration was confidential his eyes weren't; they shone a dark brown.
"Here they are ladies and gentlemen! To my left, we had Moo Jii a first-rate magician and to my right, we have a top-notch summoner, Feng Mian! If you all are prepared let the second battle begin" the speaker exclaimed in excitement.
Woohoo!! Go Moo Jii! Kick that sucker! What? Why do you think Moo Jii will win when his class is lower than Feng Mian! Have you gone mad?
Moo Jii an expert when he uses his magic just watch! Expert ass watched as Feng Ming pound him silly!
The audience, as usual, became energetic with their hollers and beliefs.
"It seems the majority of the crowd is within my favor. I'll try to end this as quickly as possible." Feng Mian murmured as he divulged his right arm from his cloak. Sporting either side of him was two canine beasts, one black, and one white.
"A long tongue can mean a short life," Moo Jii respond as he motioned both arms toward Feng Mian.
"Tch! Get him!" Feng Mian mumbled in a now irritated manner. His canine beasts then quickly rushed towards Moo Jii.
"Magicians Ability: Deep Freeze," Moo Jii said knelt to place his palms on the floor causing a trail of ice to shoot towards the canines at ground level.
The dogs maneuvered, the black to his right and the white to his left. Shockingly, the ice trail followed their every movement.
Seems I have to take him out to get rid of those ice pursuits Feng Mian thought while he watched his canines leap from in all frontages.
Feng Mian determined to attack down the middle seeing that his canines immersed the left and right flank. As he approached the knelt Moo Jii he convened a magic dagger in his right arm.
Realizing this Moo Jii initiated another ability, "Magicians Ability: Repulsive Pillar."
Arsing from beneath the earth directly between the approaching Feng Mian and Moo Jii was a massive ice pillar. The pillar rose before firing a few isicles in the veneer of it.
Feng Mian leaped back while upholding against the isicles that incited at him.
His magic efficiency is quite the trouble. But wait! His rear is accessible, I can gesture to my canines to assault from behind while I conform as a distraction Feng Ming thought.
And proceeding with that plan he did just so. Both Feng Ming's canines disregard the ice trailing them and quickly got behind Moo Jii. As they aimed their fangs to attack the unexpected happened.
"You were to say let's end this quickly. Now my preparations are done I will gladly do so. Magicians Ability: Minefield" Moo Jii last word activated his plan of a mastermind.
All except Moo Jii himself screamed in anguish. A tremendous tumult was set off insulating the fundamental platform. And Meng Fin and his canines all got caught within it.
The explosion which came from underneath the ground left Meng Fang wounded and caused his canines to fade away due to their hazardous lacerations.
W-what just happened? Since when has the stage become a bombing zone! Did I miss something! How did a Class-SS lose to a Class-S? What type of sorcery did that Magician use!?
The audience initiated a furor in turmoil as to what just ensued.
"I c-can't b-believe it. We lost to a Class-S. How I that even possible! Soo-Yeon! What type of madness is this!?" Heinrich was first taken aback before coming back to his sense to question the smirking Soo-Yeon.
But instead of getting an answer, he was ignored which ultimately made him collapse to the floor.
"Darn it! One more match! Just one more and it can be over for us! No, I have to use her next match!" Heinrich exclaimed to himself still collapsed on the floor.
"D-Did I just witness that!?" Mrs. Elfise stuttered in a stupor with her hands held over her mouth.
"We all did. But that ability I can't comprehend how he managed to turn the stage into fireworks,"
Maèl stated as he keenly glanced at Moo Jii.
It was an expectation that everyone present would be shocked by Moo Jii astonishing feat. Though this entire battle was engraved as a blueprint within Moo Jii's head.
Since the moment he activated his first ability it was in motion.
You see, that ability that trailed the canines discretely planted magic circles along their path.
The second ability was just a minor distraction so those circles could go by Feng Mian unnoticed. And as for the last, that was the trigger, of course, to make everything go BOOM.
With that, a few moments had passed with everyone recollecting their thoughts and Moo Jii heading back to his faction to start the highly possible deciding factor.
"What a marvelous display of talent from our previous battle. Not only did Moo Jii outsmart an opponent higher than him, but he also did the same to their team. With all that said, may the third contestants step up, " the speaker spoke joyously.
The first figure, without mentioning his name caused the audience to go insane
. He amassed a protracted pitch-black bristle with a hue of grey and kept untied. He had scarlet red eyes that laid upon his mesmerizing face contour. Outfitted in a pitch-black robe, a white-edged katana that sloped on his hips was now visible.
This person was South Korea's strongest and only Dual-Evolutioneer, Class-SSS Hunter/Warrior, Mae Dae.
As for his adversary, she wasn't one scoff at either. She wore velvet-colored leggings to correspond with her leather jacket and a white shirt that laid beneath it. Her red pelt was linked in a bun with light gray eyes gazing at her foe. Class-SSS Assasin, Ying Yue.
The atmosphere from these two was so tense that the speaker withheld his next phrases at that moment.
The two opposing forces were three feet apart as they locked eyes with each other. Coming back to reality the speaker said softly, " I see no room for a message so I permit you both to commence the battle."
With those words, even if a pin was dropped within the arena it wouldn't pass by unheard.
But the next action carved its way into everyone's mind that had their eyes locked to battle. The moment Ying Yue receded in her steps before revealing a fan-like weapon for her assault the match was over.
In one motion, Mae Dae drew his sword and at an incomprehensible velocity launched at Ying Yue.
She braced for impact but it was effortless as her attack didn't make contact with his body but the same could be said for her.
*cough* *cough*
Ying Yue plummeted to her knees before puffing a mouthful of blood from a slash that slit diagonally across her chest.
As for Mae Dae, his back was faced towards her back while he swatted the blood from his katana before positioning it back to his side.