To our loving family

The time has come for us to put inside our time capsule our last remaining treasured memories. We started the time capsule three and a half years ago to share our life with all of you. Each one of us myself, James, Elizabeth, Joesph, Joanne, Danny, and Rose put into the time capsule our most precious belongings that represents who we are and the time we live in. The time we live in has been met with unprecedented challenges, we overcame them all. Myself, Joseph and Danny fought in the pacific theater during ww2. We lost good friends, we got injured and came home to a changed world, that changed world made us stronger. We rebuild our lives one step at a time. I'm not going to lie to you and say it was easy because it wasn't. We each had our difficult times, we overcame those difficult times because we had each other. We overcame a lot during the 3 years of war as hard as it was I'm glad I served my country and I'm glad I served with my two best friends Joseph and Danny. The next weeks, months and years will be hard for us, but we will survived. If our descendants are reading this letter then indeed we survived the turbulent post war years, and went on to create a new generation heroes. Form us standing in front of the time capsule to our daughters and sons of every generation we ask you to take these memories with you, cherish them, love them, be blessed by them for always. We are always in your heart.



Once Benjamin finished reading the letter, he put the letter in the middle of their grandparents pictures. Benjamin, Allison and Kaitlyn began to take out more memories from the time capsule. One by one each of the family members began taking the letters, photos of more descendants they never knew about, old watches, old records, old posters of movie stars of the past, porcelain dolls and so much more. Everyone is amazed by all the memories that have been in the time capsule for 100 years.

Benjamin, Allison and Kaitlyn looked at the memories their grandparents left for them, and at this moment they realized that if their grandparents can bury their precious belongings in the time capsule and leave it bury for 100 hundred years so they can share with them, then they can do the same.

Benjamin, Allison and Kaitlyn make the announcement to their families that they will bury their most precious belongings in the same time capsule, and leave it bury for 100 years just the way their grandparents did it for them, and inside the time capsule will be an item from their grandparents generation. They all agreed. The next morning the entire family will gather at Golden Gate Park to rebury the time capsule