Chapter 15

As the rock capsule meteor spacecraft soared through the Dinarium Universe, my Father's ring began to pulse.

Long slow pulse, quick intense pulse, medium slow pulse.

I knew this feeling, this pattern.

Long slow pulse.


Quick intense pulse.


Medium slow pulse.


I love you!

My Father was communicating with me through his Ring of Conquest.

The ride was uneventful except for the part where I smashed into the International Space Station, luckily empty at the time, and only cost humans trillions of dollars' worth of damage.

No big deal, right?

Breaching the Earth's atmosphere helped me understand the design of the spacecraft.

My onboard monitor allowed me to view the entire craft.

As the atmosphere tried to prevent my entry, the meteor design flaked off.

The Science Brigade knew just how much to add to the outer layer of the spacecraft to allow for safe entry while preserving my cover as a stray meteor.

I thought the entry was dangerous, the landing was nothing I had been prepared for.