Chapter 16

The landing buried me eight feet in the ground surrounded by smoldering grass and smoke.

It also caused me to slap my implanted hand which resulted in a momentary transformation back into a Quibly.

Luckily, my spacecraft hadn't clam shelled open yet which allowed me to re-cloak myself with a quick slap of the knee.

I grabbed my supplies, stored in a JanSport backpack, opened the spacecraft, and casually climbed out of the crater.

Lights and sirens illuminated the dark sky, crying out in urgency.

My human legs hustled me through a cornfield towards a building.

It was tall and red, with a white roof.

The humans called this a barn.

I made a bed in some hay and tried to sleep but the sound that echoed through the barn was unsettling.

You wouldn't believe what I discovered.