Chapter 18

The barn door swung open before I was able to fully conceal myself behind a large stack of hay.

A little boy, about my human size stood with amazement, "Hi friend."

My training had taught me that humans were tattle tails and mean. This seemed hardly the case.

I retrieved my card from my pocket, "My name is Jonathan McNickleson. I'm from Hampton, Va. I was…"

The boy chuckled, "Hi Jonathan. My name is Sam. Virginia? Well, that's only two states north of here."

The little boy seemed nice enough, but he had no shoes and a clumsy look on his face which exposed his missing teeth.

I couldn't help but ask, "What happened to your teeth? Does it hurt?"

The little boy giggled, "My baby teeth fell out, the big boy teeth should be arriving any day now. It didn't hurt, they were ready to come out."

Confused, I asked, "Where do you receive teeth from? How much do they cost?"

Slapping his knee, crouched over laughing, "You're silly! They grow in, you know that, looks like you have all your big boy teeth."

In order to maintain my cover, I too, laughed and laughed and laughed.

Sam wanted to take me to the house but I refused.

He brought me a pillow and blanket and told me he would see me in the morning.

Not once did he question why I was in his barn getting his pig all worked up.

I hope his parents are half as nice as he is.