Chapter 19

After a sleepless night, Sam returned.

He just had a pair of shorts on, no shirt, no shoes, and he had no problem with it.

He waved at me to come to him, a finger pressed to his lips, "You gotta be quiet Jonathan, Mom and Dad are almost gone for work. I played sick this morning so we can hang out."

My research and intuition led me to believe that Sam's Mom and Dad were farmers but that wasn't the case.

Looking over both shoulders, "Listen, they're leaving and won't be home for ten hours, it's just you, me, Bessie the pig, Sheila the dog, and Farmer Dan."

Nervously I went to Sam, "Is Farmer Dan nice? Is he going to eat us?"

Astounded, "What? He started working on the Farm yesterday but he hasn't eaten any human I've ever known. Plus, he's super nice, just doesn't know the different between a cucumber and a peanut."

Bessie woke up after that comment and began squealing as if she took offence to that statement.

Sam pointed, "See, even Bessie girl likes him. Now come on."

We tried to sneak through the corn field and into the house but Farmer Dan spotted us, "Look boys! It's a carrot!"

He was holding up a watermelon…

Sam hadn't prepared me for Sheila.

This could get messy real quick.