Chapter 4

"D-did you say you wanted to go to jail and not UA?" He asked

"Yep," I replied

"Kid, I know school must be tough for any student let alone the top school in Japan but why would you pass up on an opportunity to get into one the best Hero schools?" He asked. Confused.

"That's a personal question with a personal answer sir. I don't even know your name." I replied.

"Oh! My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. I'm a police detective." He explained

"Hi! My name's Rose Ray. Nice to meet you." I replied kindly.

"Is it really?... Cuz' I'm taking you to jail now." He said

"Yeah. It's fine." I replied

"...okay then" as he hands me the handcuffs.

"You want me to put this on? I thought that was your job. Not mine." I tell him.

"At this point, I don't know up from down and down from up." He said

"...Wut?" I am confusion.

"Exactly." He sighed.

After getting the cuffs on me, the detective led me to the police car.

"You know, you could have just flown away and we wouldn't have known who you were, let alone track you." Said Tsukauchi.

"But you said-" I replied

"You still have your mask on. We still don't know what you look like." He said as he taps the forgotten mask covering my face.


"Don't think about escaping now. There would be no point. We know your full name and-" he yanks the mask over my head "-what you look like."




Facepalm. Facepalm me right now. I'm handcuffed, I can't do it myself. Someone! Anyone! Please facepalm me into tomorrow.

(Detective Tsukauchi's POV)

Calling Nezu…


"Hi, Nezu. I have someone here I think you would like to meet." Tsukauchi tells Nezu

"Really? Whereat?" Nezu asked

"...In jail." Tsukauchi replied

"...Is this that illegal Hero I've heard so much about? Nezu asked

"Yes" Tsukauchi replied

"I'm on my way now. I'll be there in less than an hour. Bye for now." Nezu said

"Ok see you then" Tsukauchi replied and hung up.

As Tsukauchi walked back to the police car, he noticed Rose.

Poor girl, she looks so sad that her soul looks like it left her body. Maybe I shouldn't have told her about the mask.

(Back to Rose's POV)


We have made it to the police station! "Finally." I exclaimed, "My back was starting to hurt." I said as I stretched.

They escort me to my jail cell.

I pull out my emergency sippy cup and harmonica. Their time has come.

"You can't keep me in this cell forever! I will survive! Ya, hear me!? Just like Beyoncé!!!" I yell as I bang the cup across the jail bars and blow into the harmonica.

"Girl, you just got in the cell. Don't be so overly dramatic. And where did that harmonica and cup come from? Anyways, here." The guard hands me my phone and tells me I could text my parents/guardian that I'm in jail. So I wrote "It has been 5 months and 6 days since I've seen daylight. I don't know if I'll survive." I didn't know what else to write, so I showed it to the guard "But you've only been in there for 5 minutes."

"Really? Felt like months" I exclaimed

After I sent that along with another text explaining what happened and that I'm fine, I got a text from Uncle Noel "You'll be staying there for the rest of the day. That will be your timeout. I Told You Not To Get Caught By The Police!"

After I show the text to the guard outside my cell, I tell him "You and I are going to be spending a lot of time together. are the kids? Wife? Husband?"

The face he gave was not pretty.

Oh boy. It's going to be a long day today.


"Rose, you have a visitor." said a guard. He looks in the cell and suddenly stops in his tracks. "What are you doing?"

"Breaking myself out, obviously."

"By digging a hole in the concrete floor...with a plastic spoon?"

"Yeah! I've already made a dent!" I turned towards him. "You said I have a visitor?"

"Oh right! Please follow me."

I follow the guard into a room with a table and 2 chairs on each side.

I wonder who would want to visit me? Could it be Uncle Noel?

The door opens and a rat (man?) walks in and sits in the chair opposite of me.

Uncle Noel in a rat costume?

"Noel?" I ask

"Pardon?" it (he?) asked

"Nevermind. Sorry." I reply

He clears his throat. *Cough* "Anyways. My name is Nezu. I'm the principal of UA High School." He introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, sir. My name's Rose." I replied "Umm...What are you doing here? I already told the detective (what was his name again?) that I would rather serve jail time than go to UA."

"Well, I'm here to change your mind!" He throws his hands up in the air and gives me the biggest simile.

It's so cute. I wonder if I can keep him as a pet?