Chapter 5

"Would you please consider changing your mind?" Asked Nezu

"No," I tell him



"Please reconsider-"


"Are you always so disrespectful to your elders?" Asked Nezu

"I'm a teenager, what did you expect me to say? I decline with respect?" I asked

"Hmm. How about we play a game? Yeah?" He asked

"What kind of game? Also, you heard the part where I said I'm a teen, not a kid, right?" I ask

He ignored my last remark. "If you answer me one question then you can ask ME a question or you can tell me to leave. Then I'll have no choice but to leave. Agreed?" He asked

"...Okay...And if I refuse to play your game." I ask

"You have no choice," he said calmly

"What?! Then why would you give me the choice?!" I exclaimed

"For decoration?" he shrugged

"UGH. Fine. What's your question?" I ask already knowing what he's going to say.

"Why don't you want to go to UA?" He asked

"That's a personal question and none of your business" I state

"Answer the question, please," he said calmly

"I did," I replied in a deadpan voice.

"No, you stated a fact," he said

"So, you agree with what I said?" I ask

"It's not your turn yet. Answer my question first." He replied

"Fine. A friend of mine wanted to go to UA but can't. It feels like I would be stealing her dreams if I went." I reply "It's my turn. Why do you want me to go to UA so badly? Is it because of my quirk?"

He replied "(That was 2 questions but I'll let it slide) It's not because of your quirk. I want you to go to UA because I have heard of the many people you saved. Remember the hotel that was on fire? You saved 2 women and a child-"

"How do you know that? Have you been stalking me?" I interrupted him

"You don't know? You were on the front page a few days ago," he said

"The newspaper?" I ask

"You know what that is right? It's a paper delivered to you with information about the real world on it. You might have heard of it." He whispers to himself "Teenagers these days. Honestly."

"Yes, I know what that is (those still exist?). But If it makes you feel better, I don't even watch or read the news" I say "I just don't know how anyone could have known I was there. Could it have been the woman?...No...maybe... *gasp* the press! I forgot the press was there. They must have seen me and taken pictures. I'm so dumb. Anyhoo what were you saying?"

"Umm. Oh right! You saved those people and many more before and after the fire. You have so much potential. I just want you to be a real AND LEGAL Hero. I also don't want you to regret not going." He said "Since I answered your question. Tell me. Why can't your friend go to UA?"

"It would be hard for a dead person to attend school," I reply

"I'm so sorry for your loss, but you shouldn't let the past define your future. I don't know what you went through as a kid but from what I can see, you're a good person with a heart of gold. You want to save people, Right? Wouldn't your friend tell you to chase your dreams?" He asked

"That was 2 questions (3 actually, but I'll also let it slide). But yeah, she always told me to chase my dreams." I tell him "Now I get to ask you 2 questions. If I asked you to leave right now, are you actually going to leave me alone or are you only going to pester me more?"

"I'll go as far as I can to bring you to UA." He replies

"Ok," I say

Too many emotions! This is the first time anyone's ever gone so far to do what's best for me.

Looking down, I felt a teardrop slide down my face, but I don't wipe it. I feel more tears building up and if I acknowledge them, more will only come down like a waterfall. No, like a dam finally cracking inside me, ready to break down.

I look up, straight into his black eyes with my tear-filled eyes. "Next question." I hesitate a bit before asking, "Would you let a killer enter your school?"

"...Never," he replies

I look down as I felt my heart sink. I knew it. Even though I already knew the answer, I shouldn't have given myself hope. I thought to myself. I felt the crack already on the dam getting bigger. More tears started to flow down my face, hitting the table below me. To keep my hands from shaking, even more, I hide them under my legs.

"I would never let a killer enter my school," he said

Yeah. Sure. Go ahead and rub more salt in the wound why don't ya? Pour the whole container while you're at it!

"I guess it's a good thing your not a killer right? You're a Hero." He said

I look up in shock. He hands me a handkerchief. I take it and blow my nose into it. "Thank you," I said. "You can keep it." He replied.

"My turn. Do you want to go to UA?" He asks

"I have always said 'no' even though I wanted to say 'yes'." I replied

"Don't you think it's time to start saying 'yes' then?" He asked

"...Yes." I reply