Chapter 6

After I clean my face from the tears (and snot). Nezu and I leave the room. As we turn the corner to the front of the police station, I see the detective...What's his name?

My brain: "Sorry, this information was lost. Try again later."

Stupid brain, I should try turning it off and on. Perhaps putting it in rice would help.

"Tsukauchi! Were you waiting for us?" asked Nezu

Right! That's his name!

"Yea. I just wanted to make sure you 2 were alright cuz you were taking a while." He replied

"Yeah! It took a while to convince her. But I did it!" He exclaimed happily.

"Great. I'm guessing you'll be heading back to fill out the paperwork?" Asked Tsukauchi

"Yeah…" Nezu said less happily.

After giving Nezu my number and email, so that he could give me instructions for the next week, he left.

I turned towards Tsukauchi. "Hey, could I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Ask away." He replied

"I saved a family a while back during the burning hotel incident. I was wondering if you could help me find out how they were doing." I told him

"Oh! I know the family you are talking about. They were on the news. They wouldn't tell anyone about who saved them. Only that you were like their guardian angel." He said lightly chuckling.

I felt a small blush starting to form on my face. "Umm. Do you know how they're doing?"

"They're fine. I could give you some way to contact them if you'd like."

"No, it's fine. I just wanted to know if they're okay." I said

"Ok…I talked to them when they were at the hospital to find out if they had any information. They wouldn't tell me anything. But they told me to tell you if I would ever find you, that they are doing well and are grateful you were there when they needed a Hero. She also said the reason why they were still in the building was that they're all heavy sleepers and the mother woke up too late to get through the front door, she wanted someone to save her daughter first before going back to look for her sister."

"Ah! That makes sense. I was wondering why they were the only ones stuck in the building." I said "Thanks for telling me. Well, I've got to go home now but I hope to see you again."

"Not in jail though." He said laughing.

"Right!" I said laughing along with him.

I'll probably be back


"Guess who's back?!" I yell "Back again!"

"There is nothing funny about this, young lady. You're in so much trouble." Said Uncle Joseph

"I know. I'm sorry I got caught by the police but-" I said

"What? The police? No! I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about food! How you promised to bring back food but come back empty-handed!" Said Uncle Joseph

"That's not my fault! I asked the police driver if we could stop by the store to buy food but he gave me a weird look and kept on driving! I even asked him 3 whole times!" I exclaimed

"Enough about the food. We can go out to eat later. Right now tell us what happened with the police." Said Uncle Noel

After explaining how a detective tricked me, threw me in jail, and had a mouse force me to join his school...I realize how crazy I sound.

"So you know how crazy you sound, right?" Asked Uncle Noel

"Yes," I replied

"Ahh! You're going to UA High? You won't have to worry about being a secret Hero anymore!" Exclaimed Uncle Joseph excitedly.

"Congratulations honey. Go text your parents real quick and then we'll leave for dinner. Okay?" asked Uncle Noel "And remember to change out of your outfit!"

"Okay!" I yell already running to my room to change.

I pull out my phone and send a quick text to my parents that said I would be going to UA High School soon. I know that it'll take a while for them to reply because of their busy work schedules. I'm not exactly close to my parents before or after the divorce. So this doesn't really bother me.

My parents aren't soulmates, so they are not connected by the Red string. Neither of them have met or passed by their soulmate so neither have the string.

My parents used to be connected by a Yellow and Purple string. The Yellow string meant that they were best friends. The Purple string meant that they were also each other's first love for each other.

When I was around 6 years old, the string started to look different. The Yellow string started to become a thin strand and lose color, eventually fading out. The Purple string, once a dark purple, changed to a light purple. In the end, they were only connected by a light purple string.

I asked my mother about the strand and told me that people drift apart sometimes. She explained to me that the string meant they were not in love with each other anymore like they used to be. That they would not be together anymore.

"Having only a Yellow and Purple doesn't mean that a relationship won't work out. Even relationships with only one string work out okay." My mother explained to me. "But you're father and I must not have been fated to stay together forever. And that's okay."

My mother could only see the Purple and Blue string. But her whole family has the ability to see at least one of the strings, so it wasn't very hard to learn about my quirk or how to control it. But I was also the only one who could see all 5 strings with the ability to touch them. Not only that but I also had wings. I was the ugly duckling in the family. Still am.

My father has the same wing quirk. Except that his part of the family had black wings and mine are red. Mine was also bigger than anyone else's. I didn't fit in with that family either.

My mother introduced me to her brother, my Uncle, Joseph, who could only see the Purple string. Except he could touch the string. So I mostly learned my quirk from him. I also met his Husband, Uncle Noel. Uncle Noel is a shapeshifter. He can change into any animal he wants 10 times for 10 minutes each before his bones become jelly-like and can't even stand anymore.

My father taught me how to fly, land, and hide my wings. But I taught myself how to fight using my wings.

When the time came for me to choose where to live. I asked Uncle Joseph if I could live with him.

He asked my parents and they agreed that it would be best for me.

I now live happily with my 2 Uncles.

As I walk back downstairs, I feel like I forgot something. But I don't remember what I forgot.

"Did you just go upstairs and loop back down? Without changing?" Uncle Noel asked

"Oh yeah. That's what I forgot!" I said

"Go back upstairs and remember to change." He tells me

"Wear pink!" Yelled Joseph

"What's pink? I only know black!"