Chapter 7

It's the next day. I got a text from Nezu.

"Hello, Rose! I have all your transfer papers ready for you. It will take 1 week before you are officially in the system. I will give you any work for you to catch up on during that time. Please use this time to get ready, which means training. I will give you special permission for you to be able to catch villains ONLY FOR THIS WEEK. Please use this wisely. I will tell the police Chief about this so he doesn't give you any more trouble. You should also send in any costume ideas before the end of tomorrow. See you in 1 week!"

Awesome! I can continue catching bad guys!

After I tell my Uncles I decide to go into the woods to practice fighting. I have a special place that I use for training.

I was walking down the path I always take when I heard crying. I decide to follow the sound.

I found a little boy hiding behind a tree crying. Perhaps around 8 or 9 years old. "Hey, You okay?" I ask

He jumps up, startled. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked

"I didn't mean to scare you. I was just walking past when I heard you. Are you okay? You want to talk about it?" I asked again

"It's none of your business! And even if I did want to talk about it, I wouldn't know how to explain it." He said sadly.

"I can help you if you want. I have a quirk that allows me to see special strings. These string will allow me to understand if you'll let me." I said

He looks at me with suspicion in his eyes but agreed nonetheless. "...Sure."

"...Okay," I said as I turned RedString on. As I did I saw a Green string attached to the little boy's ring finger. "You have a Green string."

"What does that mean?" the boy asked

"It means, You have someone you want to be with but can't," I reply

"Yes! I do! What else can you see?" he asked

"You want me to see more? I would have to touch the string to see more. Is that okay with you?" I asked

"Yeah, that's fine," he said

"Alright." I strum the string like a guitar string and memories fill my head.

"Son. Pack up, we're leaving now." said a tall man

"But I want to stay! Please!" I heard myself yell/beg

"Go pack." The man said

"Let me say goodbye to mom then. Please, Dad." I said


Everything became a blur and came back to focus. I was now standing in front of a gravestone.

"Hi, mom. I don't want to leave you, but I have to. Dad found a better job overseas. He said you would want us to go." I felt myself start to cry. "Would you really want us to leave?"

Everything became blurry.

I was now staring a the little boy again. A small headache was starting to form and my vision was becoming less and less clear by the second. But I ignored all this and focused on the little boy.

"You want to stay with your mom," I state

Tears well up in the boy's eyes. "Yes" he replied

"You feel like you'd betray her if you left." I again stated.

"Wouldn't you feel the same too?" He asked

"...I had a friend who would always talk about wanting to become a hero one day. She passed away before that could happen. Recently I was given the opportunity to become a Hero myself." I said

"Did you take it?" He asked

"Not at first. I felt like I was stealing her dreams. Like I would betray her if I accepted. But a great rat-man once told me 'you shouldn't let the past define your future.' So with a lot of persuasions, I said eventually yes." I said

"Rat-Man?" The boy questioned.

"Don't judge him. He can't change how he was born." I said

"Alright." The boy said doubtfully. "So what you're telling me is that I should go with my dad?"

"Yeah. Wouldn't you want to travel the world instead of being stuck to one place your whole life?" I asked, "I'm sure your mom would want that."

"Yeah...But-" he said

"No buts! Your mom would want you to go with your dad. You can always visit her again. But I'm sure this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you and your dad." I said, "Now let's get you home."

"Okay. But you can't follow me." He said

"Why? Is your dad a super-secret agent?" I asked, "If so, I promise I won't tell." I held one hand up to my heart and the other up in the air like a scouts honor.

"No. It's just that I'm not supposed to bring strangers home." He said

"But we just had a heart to heart. We're not strangers anymore! My name's Rose Ray. There! Now you know my full name!" I exclaimed. *sigh* "Kid, I just want to know you got home safe. Alright?"

"Alright. It's not very far." He said

We then walked 6 miles towards his house.

Not very far, my butt! This little liar!

"Are we there yet?" I asked

"If we weren't there 2 minutes ago we won't be there now!"


"You said It wasn't very far!" I said "LIAR!"

"It's NOT far! You're just too heavy to walk far." He said

"So it IS far! And I'm not THAT heavy." I said looking down at my tummy.


"We there?"




"We're here!" The boy yelled running towards the house.

"We're here!" I yelled falling towards the ground.

"Olive!" Yelled a man

"Dad!" The boy yelled

I looked up and saw the same man from the boy's memories.

I get up from the ground and walk towards the boy, Olive, to say goodbye.

"Oh! Who are you?" The father said, noticing me.

"I saw Olive in the woods and wanted to make sure he got home safely." I said "I'll be heading back home now. Bye Olive."

"Okay. Oh! I meant to ask you a question. You said you felt guilty for becoming a Hero because of your friend. Are you over that?"

"I'm trying to. But there are times I feel like being a hero isn't worth the guilt. Then I remember her telling me to just follow my dreams, dummy!" I reply


"That's what she called me when I was being a dumb-dumb."

"Okay. Well, It was nice seeing you. I hope you become a real Hero one day!" Olive said

As I started walking back home. I overheard the father say "Son, I'm going to turn down the job offer. If you want to stay here then I won't force you to leave. Okay?"

"No! It's fine. I want to go. Mom would want us to go on adventures!" Olive said


"Yeah! The rat-man said 'You shouldn't let the past define your future.'" Olive replied

"You mean the girl who walked you back?" Asked the father


"Yeah, her too."

"Well…if you really want to go, then we'll go." Said the father

"Okay!" Olive said excitedly

I eventually walk too far to evesdr- *cough* happen to have overheard. So I bring my wings out and fly into the sky.

This girl is not walking anymore today!


For the next couple of weeks, I spend all day practicing fighting with my wings, swords, daggers, and even sometimes with my RedString quirk. I even caught bad guys in my spare time.

Until the day had come.




The. First. Day. Of. SCHOOL.