Chapter 9

After changing into my new costume. I walk into the arena. I look around at the audience.

*Bad idea! Bad idea!*

Everyone was staring down at me.

*Is this where I die from embarrassment?*

"Rose, please step towards the middle of the arena." Said All Might from a speaker

"I would but I'm paralyzed from fear," I said to myself "No! One foot in front of another. You got this!"

Somehow, I made it to the middle of the arena. I stare at the ground and listen for instructions.

"Since you didn't take the entrance exams, you will take it now. There are 4 different types of villains. Each villain will have a different set of points, the higher the point, the higher your score. There is one villain with 0 point value. That one is just an obstacle. You won't gain points if you defeat it and you also won't lose any points." Said a man with tall blond hair, sunglasses, and a tiny moostash. "Got it?"

"Yep!" I squeaked out both nervous and excited.

"Here are the villains!" He yelled "And don't forget there are people taking notes on you! So make sure you show them everything you can!"

*Great. Thanks for that reminder.*

I drew out my wings and pulled out two long feathers to use as swords. I fly up into the air to scope out the area.

There are 6 one-pointers scattered everywhere, 3 two-pointers mixed in, 2 three-pointers, and the zero-pointer is in the middle.

I start with the robots furthest from the middle.

I keep my hands close to my sides and glide down. My wings stretched far out. I slice a two-pointer robot in half with my wings and 2 one-pointers with my swords.

Then I fly back up. At that moment I remembered I'm being watched. People are taking notes on me. I should show them more of my RedWings since I can't use my RedString.

So I fly towards the last two-pointers and pull out my daggers and cut those in half. Then I throw the daggers through a one-pointer.

"There are now only 3 one-pointers, 2 three-pointers, and the zero-pointer left!" A voice said

*Jesus, is that you? Oh never mind it's the guy with the mic.*


*I think I recognize her.*

"Are you okay?" Asked Iida "You look constipated."

"I think I recognize Rose from somewhere." Said Midoriya

"Really?" Asked Kirishima "From where?"

"Is she famous or something?" Asked Mineta

"I don't think she's famous but…" said Midoriya

"Maybe she's an actress or a singer!" Said Uraraka

"Or perhaps she's a runaway model!" Said Aoyama suddenly posing

"No! She should be an undercover agent! That would be so cool!" Said Ojiro

"That's it!" Exclaimed Midoriya

"You remembered where you know her from?" Asked Asui

"Yeah! Remember that hotel that was on fire a few weeks ago?" Asked Midoriya "Well she was there!"

"So she was at the crime scene?" Asked Ashido "Was she a witness?"

"No. She actually saved 3 people that day." Said Midoriya "A reporter saw her and took photos. She was on the news. They said she was an underground Hero."

"Her!? A Hero? I don't think so!" Said Bakugo "A girl like her?"

"Well, I believe it," said Tokoyami "Look at her down there. She has already beaten more than half the robots."

"Why don't we just ask her when she's done?" Asked Todoroki

"Why don't we just ask her now?" Asked Mineta

"Don't. She's busy right now." Said Momo

But Mineta wasn't listening

"Hey, Rose. Are you a vigilante!?!" Yelled Mineta

Rose looked over at us...the same time a one-pointer ran into her.

*Oh no*


I had just finished off the last three-pointer when I heard someone yell "Hey Rose. Are you a vigilante!?!"

*Wait. What?*

I looked over at my classmates when I felt something hit me from behind and knocked me to the ground.

*Ouch, that's going to leave a mark on both my back and pride.*

I slowly stand back up and glare at the robot towering me. "Don't act so smug!" I said to the robot (yes I have gone crazy. Don't judge.) "You're not even a two-pointer! Just watch. I'm gonna make you my new toaster!"

I jump up and flap my wings. As I fly up. I drag 2 of my sword feathers up and slice the robot in half.

I only have 2 one-pointers and the zero pointer left.

The 3 robots gang up on me. I throw a dagger through both one-pointers.

"You have defeated all the villains. Do you want to try to defeat the zero-pointer as well?" Asked Mr.Moostash

"No thank you! " I said

"Why not?" Asked Mr.Moostash

"Because it's not a villain." I replied, "It hasn't tried to hurt me at all."

I heard the students in the crowd muttering to each other.

"That's correct!" Said Mr.Moostash "You passed the entrance exam! Congrats!"

I walked back to join the rest of my class when I noticed a certain purple-haired guy. "Hey!" I yelled to get his attention.

"Hey! You did great out there!" Brain: What's a name?

*Ugh not again!*

"Thanks! Umm...what class are you in again?" I asked

"The General Department" he replied

"Cool," I have no idea what that is "Well I have to go. See you soon!" I said waving at him

"Later" he waved back a bit.

I join the rest of the class 1-A, for real now.

"Your RedSparrow! Aren't you!" Said Deku

"I have no idea what you're talking about. By the way, is your name really Deku?" I asked

"No, my name is Izuku Midoriya. Kaachan just called me Deku." he said with a small blush

"Okay. That makes more sense." I reply

"So, you're not really a vigilante?" Asked the blonde-haired guy with the lightning bolt in his hair.

"Umm… your Kaminari, right?" I asked

"Yeah!" He said exitedly, "You remembered!"

*I actually just guessed. Does that still count though?*

"So?! Are you or are you not?!." asked Bakugo

"I guess. I used to catch bad guys until I got caught" I replied

"Why didn't you just get your license first? It's obvious that you would've passed the entrance exams. Unless you didn't pass the exams. Then how did you get in? And why so late? We also don't know your second quirk yet. That could have-" Muttered Midoriya

I slapped my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Whoops. My hand slipped." I apologize (not really).

"Rose doesn't have to explain her circumstances for entering school late. She will tell you all soon if at all." Said Mr.Aizawa coming up behind me along with All Might.

"Congratulations on passing the exam." All Might said to me, then turned to the rest of the class "have any of you figured out her quirk?"

"She has red wings that she can retract in and out of her back." Said the blue-haired guy with glasses (Iida? Was it?)

"Her wings are super sharp!" Said Uraraka. I remember her name cause it sounds like Horchata

"She has 2 different sized feathers that she can pull out from her wings." Said the cool raven looking guy I think his name is Tokoyami

"Good. Now have you guys figured out her drawbacks?" Asked All Might

"It doesn't look like she has any." Said the girl with earphone plugs on her earlobes. I wonder if they get caught on things easily or are they like permanent earnings?

"Would you like to tell them more about your quirk?" All Might asked me

"Sure," I tell him. I look back at the class "My wings are sharp enough to cut through thick metals so I use them as swords. The smaller ones are sharper because they can cut through harder objects like diamonds."

"What about drawbacks?" Asked Momo I like her name, it's easy to remember.

"I can take out feathers but they take a while to grow back. So I only take what I need. Growing back feathers also takes a lot of energy. And if I take too many, my flying is also affected to the point where I can't fly until the feathers grow back."

"All Might said that you had 2 quirks, so what's the second?" asked the red and white-haired boy. Candycane?

"Remember what I said about keeping our quirks on the down-low?" I said

"Would you prefer to keep your second quirk secret?" asked Mr.Aizawa

"Yes please," I said gratefully

"Okay. Everyone back to class."