Chapter 10


"I'm late!" I yell as I run down to the kitchen.

"Don't forget to eat breakfast!" Yelled Uncle Joseph

"As if I would forget about food!" I yell

I pour milk on my pancakes and drink my syrup. Ahh! I did it wrong. I was supposed to drink my syrup THEN eat the milk. Oh well.

"What did you do to your breakfast?!?" Exclaimed Uncle Joseph

"I ate it. I'm leaving! Bye!" I said running out.

I barely got to school on time. Wow, Déjà vu.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have 3 instructors. Me, All Might, and one other faculty member will be keeping tabs on you" said Mr.Aizawa

"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Asked a boy I think his name is Sero?

"Rescue," Mr.Aizawa said dramatically. "You'll be dealing with natural disasters. Shipwrecks, stuff like that."

The other students talk to themselves.


I have dealt with enough disasters to know they can go wrong at any moment. They're not fun.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet," Mr.Aizawa said, interrupting my thoughts. How rude! "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes...but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities…"

I kinda spaced out from there but I heard 'bus' and 'facility'. So I'm guessing we're taking a bus there.

Back to the costume issue. There is none. I had my costume made as comfy as my old one so I'm used to it. I just made it a bit more flashy.

I look over at the boy next to me, Midoriya. Piglet. I think I'll name him, Piglet. I don't know, but I feel like I have given him this nickname before...but from where?...oh well. My memory is the worst.

He looks determined and suddenly raises his clenches his fist.

" okay, Piglet?" I asked him

"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Wait, Piglet?" He asked with a confused look

"Yeah, I don't know why but you remind me of a piglet. Do you mind?" I asked

"Uh...No. It's fine." He said with a small blush

"You sick or something?" I ask "Your face is a bit red"

"N-no I'm not sick." he replied

"You sure?" I asked a bit worried

"Yep," he said as his face got redder

"Well...just tell me if you feel sick or something. Oh! I know! I can pretend to be your nurse" I said while laughing

Midoriya's face looked like a tomato by now "D-don't worry. I-I'll be fine!"

"Great. Then let's get on the bus." I said

I change into my costume and roll out.

"Gather around, class 1-A. Using your student numbers form two neat lines so we can board the bus efficiently!" Yelled Iida

"Hey, Mr.Aizawa? Can I follow the bus on wings? Just to get warmed up." I asked

"Sure. No pits stop though." He replied

"Promise," I said crossing my finger behind me

Come to me junk food!!!


"Well, If any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Rose, Todoroki and Bakugo," said Kirishima

(Rose sneezes in a far away convenience store )

"Sure but Bakugo's always angry so he'll never be that popular." Said Tsu

"Uh-what'd you say? I'll kick your (family-friendly butt)!! Yelled Bakugo

"You see?" She said, "By the way wasn't Rose flying right behind us?"

"Oh, there she is. She's carrying some bags. Where'd she go?" Asked Kirishima

"Looks like she got snacks. Now she's eating some candy. Lucky." Said a sad Kaminari

"What? Mr.Aizawa specifically said no pit stops." Iida said. He gets close to the window and starts yelling at Rose through the window.

Rose's POV

*I finally found the bus! I thought I lost them.*

After my journey through the snack aisle at the store, I got lost. But, I finally found the bus. I pull out a chocolate bar and start eating it.

I see something moving at the window of the bus. I get close to the window to investigate and saw an angry Iida.

*He must have wanted some of my snacks. He's jealous!*

"Do you want some?! I can share if you want!" I yell at him

He gets red in the face and starts yelling again.

I motion for him to open the window. "Open the window!" I yell

Kaminari must have understood what I was saying because he stood up laughing and opened the window.

"Don't open the window! You don't have permission to!" Iida yelled

"Here!" I yelled as I shoved a bag at him "Share with everyone else. I have more in the other bag."

Everyone gathers at the bag picking what they want.

"Please fly higher. You might get hit by a car!" said Iida

"Okay. Later guys!!" I yelled

"You're the best!" "Thanks!" "Thank you!" "Bye!"

I fly higher into the sky and follow the our doom!!! Dun dun dun!

Wait, what?


We've arrived at our destination!!!

After getting yelled at by Iida (for no reason) we meet an astronaut!!!

"Hello, everyone, I've been waiting for you." Said the astronaut


"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" said Piglet/Midoriya "The chivalrous Pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world."

*So her (his?) name is 13. Also, who says 'chivalrous' anymore?*

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" She/he said

"This is gonna be awesome!" Yelled everyone


I hope they don't pop from over inflation.

"Holy (Yummy chocolate) it looks like some kind of amusement park!" Said Kirishima

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc." he said "I prepared this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! But you can call it USJ!"

Everyone: Just like Universal Studios Japan

"Before we begin, let me say one thing. Well maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or five" 13 said

Everyone: We get it!

*Welp, 5 things I might forget 5 minutes later.*

I don't listen to the beginning (cuz I dum) until he explains his quirk and why his quirk is dangerous.

"Bla Bla quirk can very easily be used to kill" he said

Everyone: *gasp*

*Seriously, y'all are like balloons, ready to pop.*

"Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous" he said

Yeah, I know this too well

I ignore the rest of what he says.

"That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening." He said

*Eh? Listening? Who's that?*

"Right. Now that that's over..." said Aizawa

The light flickers and a portal appears behind Aizawa. A hand reaches out through the portal and a face (hand?) pokes out.

"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa yelled at us. "13, protect the students"

Sorry, but this princess don't need protection!

"What is that? Has the training started already?" Asked Kirishima "I thought we were rescuing people."

"Stay back!" Yelled Aizawa "This is real. Those are villains."

As the rest of the class bicker about communications. I watch and observe what type of villains are out there.

There are many low level villains. But I'm mostly worried about Sir Handsy and the Black Fart.

"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." Aizawa said

"Well then, I hope you don't get in my way then!" I yell as I fly down

"Wait!" He yelled, "Get back!"

"Don't think so!" I yell over my shoulder "Better hurry!"

Aizawa rushes down and takes out 3 villains. Not bad but I already took out 10! But who's counting?

"That's Eraserhead! He can cancel your quirk just by looking at you! But I don't know who that other pro is!" Said one of the villains.

A pro, huh?