Chapter 11

"Is a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello-" said a Black Smoke

"Well, why didn't you just say so!" I said "Come on in. We have knuckle sandwiches if you'd like some. And for a farewell gift, a visit from cops. How's that sound? They can show you to your cell."

"What? No, we're here for All Might-"

"All Might?!" I heard Midoriya whisper to himself

"All Might? Sorry, he can come to the phone right now. Why? Oh! Cause he's dead!" I said laughing

"I beg your pardon?" Black Fart said

"Not granted."

"Who are you?"


"Nunya?" He asked

"Nunya business now hit the road bud," I said

All of a sudden, explosions erupt as Bakugou and Kirishima jump Black Smoke.

"Did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" Asked Kirishima

If he doesn't, you guys will!!

A black cloud surrounds everyone and they are teleported to different parts of the facility.

They're fine...probably.

I continue to fight the weaker villains.

After beating most of the villains (I lost count), I saw Midoriya fly through the air, along with Tsu and Mineta.

*Ha! Guess pigs really can fly...along with frogs and grapes.*

Where'd Aizawa gone to? Oh well, I lost my partner in crime. Oh wait, there he is!

It looked like he was having a hard time.

"Hey, the ugliest has to fight me over here!" I yelled at the villains who ganged up on Aizawa.

*Wow, they all went after me. That's both funny and sad.*

I was busy fighting off the extra villains I gained that I didn't notice anything going on around me.

As I fought the last villain. Someone surprised attacked me from behind and threw me towards a large bird brain.

"Ahh!" I yelled as I flew towards the ground.

I looked up while rubbing my head...and saw Bird Brain's arm next to me.

"AHH!! EWW!" I yelled and kicked the arm away from me...which hit Sir Handsy.

"OOFF" Handsy huffed as the arm hit him square on his chest and fell backward.

"Ah, sorry dude." I apologized. It was kinda funny to watch though.

I must have chopped his arm off with my wings while falling. Oops.

I looked at Bird Brain and saw that his arm grew back. Eww. But just to make sure. I fly past the Bird Brain and chop his left arm off with my wings.

"Ugh," I cringed and looked back at the arm already growing back.

"Why did you do that?!" Yelled Midoria

"I was just curious!" I yelled back

I look up at the bird brain. "Eh he. Sorry to drop by unexpectedly." I looked over at All Might "And sorry for interrupting your dramatic entrance." I said sheepishly

He ignores me and knocks down 4 villains and saves Aizawa at the same time. Show off.

"All Might you can't. That brain villain took one for-. I-I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time but he wasn't fazed at all AND Rose chopped off his arms but they grew back. He's too strong!" Exclaimed Midoriya

"Young Midoriya. I got this!" All Might said dramatically while posing. Vogue called. They want their model back.

Midoriya and Tsu take Aizawa to safety but I stay close to the fight just in case.

All Might fights with Bird Brains but doesn't come close to defeating him. Should I step in? No. I'll wait a bit longer. I don't want to get in his way.

All Might knocks over Bird Brains. But I'm not sure if it did anything.

"Get that guy! Punch him right in the balls!" I heard Mineta yell

Well then.

As soon as I saw that All Might wasn't getting up. I fly towards Black Fart. At the same time, Midoriya and Bakugo did.

"Get the (H E Double Hockey Sticks) out of my way, Deku!" Bakugo yelled, "you too Faker."

*gasp* "Faker?!" I asked "I'll show you faker, faker!"

Oh look, Todoroki and Kirishima are here too.

Bakugo holds the Black Fart down and explains what his weakness is. But I don't need to know. I already know how to defeat them all. But should I use RedString?

"Nomu." Ordered Sir Handsy

The Bird Brain gets up and breaks the ice covering his arm off, along with his actual arm. It grew back though. The ones who didn't know about his super regeneration stare in shock.

"Get him." Ordered Sir Handsy

Bird Brains ran after Bakugo but All Might pushes him out of the way and takes the blow himself.

At that moment I remembered something very important.

"These are kids and you didn't hold back?" Asked All Might

"I didn't have much choice. He was threatening my companion. Besides, these kids are no angles." Said Sir Handsy "The plain-looking one? He tried to kill me with a maxed out punch. What kind of 'Hero' does that? You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others."

Well, I guess he has a point, in a way.

"And that girl with the wings might as well be the devil herself. She took out more than half my army!" Sir Handsy said

*gasp in offended* "That was self-defense! What? Are you saying a girl is not allowed to protect herself? For shame!" I exclaimed

"You literally flew into battle!" He said

"Welp, no argument there," I said

After the villains loooong and boring speech. All Might walks in front of us.

"Just sit back and watch a pro at work." He said

"But you're hurt. And your bleeding. And your almost out of ti-"

Time? Yeah, I thought so too.

"Nomu. Kurogiri. Kill him. I'll deal with the children." Said Sir Handsy

Not today Satan!

Sorry, All Might. But we can't have the villains know your secret.

As the villains rush towards us. I throw a dagger in front of Sir Handsy and yank on the Bird Brain's only string, the blue string. This bird/thing looks like it must have been modified somehow. So this blue string must be attached to the person who changed him.

The dagger stopped Handsy in his tracks. I pulled the blue string harder. The Bird started screaming out in pain and got down to his knees.

"Wh-what's going on?" Asked Handsy, looking at the Bird.

I ignored him and pulled harder Making the Bird scream louder. The string slowly started affecting me.

"No stop! Rose!" I heard All Might

"Wait! Please!"

"This is the only way I know how to help you!" I yelled

"I don't want to lose him again! Stop!"


"Rose. Don't do it. Let me." Said All Might bringing me back to the present "Just hold him still."

I stared at the Bird for a while. "...okay." I reluctantly agreed

After several punches from All Might the Bird he finally throws him out of the building.

All Might looks like he is at his limit. The villains run towards him, but I jump in front of him and grab the blue and red strings coming from both villains and yank on them hard, not hard enough to kill them though.

They both get down to their knees and scream in pain. I only yank harder.

Ignoring the mirrored pain I feel I yell "You're not going to hurt anyone anymore!"

The pain only got worse and I felt my hands start to shake. The hand holding the Black Fart let loose a bit but it was enough for him to make a portal for him and Handsy.

"Argh! Sorry! They got away." I said

I guess the Black Smoke didn't have enough strength to teleport them somewhere far and ended up attacking All Might from behind.

Midoriya jumped at the 2 villains before I could. But in the process broke both his legs. But the important thing was that he stopped them. I think.

The backup Pros came at last and took out the rest of the villains.