Chapter 12

"If all the pro teachers are gathered here, it must mean that the rest of the school's safe. The villains attacked this facility, but not the rest of the campus" said Todoroki

Maybe I should check the kitchen, you know, for villains and stuff (food).

"Midoria, Hey!" Yelled out Kirishima

"Sorry. I can't get up," said Midoriya

"What? Are you okay?" Asked Kirishima while running up to Midoriya

"Kirishima. Wait!" yelled Midoriya

Suddenly a wall was formed between the two boys.

"For your safety, please stay back, young man." said a rock (Not THE Rock, unfortunately) "Join your classmates at the front gate. Leave the injured to us, we can take care of them

"Oh, gotcha. I'm on it!" said Kirishima running towards Bakugo, Todoroki, and I "Hey, He said for all of us to head to the entrance!"

I fly towards the wall.

"Yo! Faker! The entrance is the other way!" yelled Bakugo

"Don't worry about me, I'll catch up" I said

I fly over the wall.

"Hi!" I said waving at Midoriya and All Might in his weaker state.

"AHH! Rose! Wait, this isn't-" said a worried Midoriya

"Don't worry. I already know about One For All." I said

"You do?!" said Midoriya and All Might

"Yep," I said

"How?" asked All Might



I was patrolling the area early in the morning before I came across the burning hotel, when I heard screaming. I flew over to see if anyone was in danger but saw a boy with green hair screaming on a fridge.

"Ah. It's a crazy." I concluded

I stayed hidden just to make sure that he would be alright.

A scrawny man with blond hair walked up towards the boy. Then he saw the beach.

"Holy...Stinkin'...Super (Chocolate)!" Said the scrawny man

He suddenly turned into Superman!

"Holy Stinkin' Super (Chocolate)!" Said, Superman

What kind of magical diet pills is he on? And where can I get some?

The boy fell, but Superman caught him.

"Excellent work!" I heard Superman tell the boy.

"I finished everything." I now pronounce you Piglet! "All Might. I did it. Do you think I'm ready now?"

"Yeah, you did good, kid," said All Might? "I gotta say, I'm impressed. I knew You had it in you but this is beyond"

He holds his phone up. I am behind Piglet so I am able to see the screen.

"Look at this," said All Might

Pfft. I laughed silently to myself. The picture was of scrawny little Piglet crying into the camera. It's so embarrassing, it's hilarious. HAHAHAHA!


"It's you crying 10 months ago," said All Might "Look how far you've come. Such improvement! There's still a long road ahead of you before you can inherit my full power set. But it's starting to look like you can do it!"


"All Might...Do I deserve this? Are you sure?" Asked Piglet "You put so much time and energy into helping me. How did I end up so lucky?" He started to cry.

Should I be spying on them? I think they're fine.

As I get ready to fly away I heard All Might say "Now. For your reward. Izuku Midoriya." Well, I thought to myself, turning back. A few more minutes couldn't hurt anyone.

"Yes, Sir!" said Midoriya. I'm still gonna call you Piglet though.

All Might plucks out a strand of hair from his head.

"Someone told me this once. There's a difference between being lucky and deserving." said All Might "One's an accident and the other a reward. Never get the 2 confused."

AWW, that's so inspiring!

"Take that to heart, young man."

I will! Though, I'm a girl but whatever.

"This gift. You earned it with you valiant effort" All Might said

He held the strand of hair towards Piglet "Eat this!"

Eh...come again?

"To inherit my power, you've got to swallow some of my DNA. That's how it works." exclaimed All Might

"This isn't exactly how I imagined it" said Piglet

"C'mon, there's no time. You'll be late for the exam!" Exclaimed All Might "Eat! Eat! Eat!"

"Ahh!" Screamed Piglet

DOES this boy need saving?

After he eats the strand of hair, I find out that he inherited All Might's power, One For All.


"And that's how I knew about you two," I concluded

"Anyone ever told you not to snoop?" Said All Might

"Who's this 'anyone' you speak of?" I asked

"Anyways, there is no changing the past. Just, please, don't tell anyone" pleaded All Might

"If I wanted to. I would have long ago." I said

"Why didn't you?" Asked Midoriya

"Because it's none of my business, Piglet" I said

"But it was when you were spying on us?" All Might muttered

"Not spying. Just happened to have overheard" I told him

I also forgot about the whole thing up till now. But I won't tell them that.

"I have to go back now. I just came here to see if you two were okay." I said

"Yes, we're fine. We'll be going to the nurses office soon." Said All Might

"K. Later!" I said waving at them.