S2 Chapter 5

"Looks like Class 1-A is goin' full-on fanservice!" Said Mr. Moostash

This is so embarrassing! I can't believe we got tricked!

"What?! You tricked us?" Momo yelled at the pervert Pikachu and Grape. "You're gonna regret this!"


"Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Rose." Denki said

"Uh-huh, do you need something?" Momo asked

"Well, I'm sure you already know since you're like, a class rep. But they said all the girls have to wear those uniforms for the big cheer battle this afternoon. Especially Rose, since she's new."

This sounds suspicious

"That's odd. This is the first I'm hearing about it. Are you sure?" Momo asked

Mineta turned around "You don't have to believe me if you want to get in trouble. But this is coming straight from Mr.Aizawa. I thought maybe you'd forgotten (I totally would have) so I figured I'd remind you, just in case." Denki nodded in the background.


I only went along with this because I thought maybe I did forget something. I also didn't want to be the only one without an outfit.

"Well we do have a little time before the finals start, and I kinda like these uniforms, so...how bout we just roll with it!" Hagakure said dancing

"I agree! This my first time wearing one of these too!" I said dancing along with Hagakure.

"Are you guys crazy?!" yelled Jiro

"Wow, Toru and Rose, You've got skills," said Tsu

I felt someone staring at me so I turned around to look for who was staring.

A/N: Rose didn't see but a few of the boys were staring at her for a while. They turned back when they saw she noticed them.

Hmm. No one. I guess it was my imagination. I turned back around


"Bla. Bla. Bla. Important information. Important information. I'll start with the first-place team." Pretty Lady said

Ojiro raised his hand and said "Um. Excuse me. Sorry. But I'm withdrawing"

Everyone: *Gasp*

*Again? Really? I thought we were over this.*

"Ojiro. No way." Midorya said

"But this is a rare chance for you to get scouted," Iida said

"It just wouldn't be right. I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it." Ojiro said "i...think it was that guy's quirk. I know this is a great opportunity. I wish I could take advantage of it but my conscious won't let me.

*This must be because of Shino's mind control over Ojiro.*

"Just think about this" Midoriya said

"I have okay? Everyone gave it they're all in round two, (I didn't, why am I still here?) but I was just someone's puppet. No way. I don't wanna advance if I don't even know how I got here. It wouldn't be fair." Ojiro said

"Your making way too much of this!" Hagakure said, shaking her pom poms around "Just kill it in the final rounds and prove you should be here."

"I think that if Ojiro's gut is telling him not to go any further, then he should listen to it. Don't you?" I asked

"But he can do it! I didn't do much in the battle either," said Mina

"That's not it. I'm talking about my pride here. I refuse to give that up." Ojiro said, "Also, why are all the girls dressed like cheerleaders?"

All the girls: *Groan*

*I forgot we were wearing these uniforms. Ugh. On another note, maybe I should withdraw...no! I will look like a coward...not Ojiro. He's not a coward.*

Someone else also withdraws.

*They're the coward.*


I'm up against Todoroki first. I see that Midoriya is against Shinso. *I should tell them good luck.*

"Hey Midoriya, Shinso! Good luck with your battle." I tell them

"You too," Midoriya and Shinso said with blushing faces

"Don't want it!" I said

"Oh, right"

*Should I tell Midoriya what Shinso's quirk is? Nah, I want to give Shinso a chance to use it. He won't be able to if Midoriya knows about it.*


Midoriya and Shinso fought first, so I decided to take a nap. I wake up just in time to see Shinso walking back with a sad look on his face. He lost. His mind-controlling quirk only works when people respond to him, if his opponent knows this, he'd be useless. Other than that, he could even be the best Hero. *I hope that he realizes how strong he is soon.*

I overheard some Heros talking about his quirk. "With a quirk like that, it would be very simple to capture dangerous villains. I wish I had it." "I can't believe they stuck him in General Studies. Those idiots."

I looked back at Shinso. *It looks like he heard them.*

"Depending on the results, they might transfer people into the Hero course. Remember that. Even if it didn't work out this time, I'm not giving up. I'll get onto the Hero track, get certified, and then, I'll become a better Pro than any of you." He declared

*I'm sure you will and I can't wait till you do, Shinso.*


"Enough standing around. Now welcome to the ring, our next players!" Mr.Moostash yelled "She's got wings! But don't be fooled, she's no angel! From the Hero course, it's Rose Ray!"

*Aww man, I shouldn't have taken that headband! I really don't want to be here!*

I get my wings out, pull out 2 long feathers, and get ready to lose.

"Versus, an early frontrunner in the competition who's way too strong for his own good! Someone who rightfully got into the hero course based on recommendations! It's Todoroki Todoroki."

He has a scary look on his face. *Should I tell him that I'm not going all out so that he doesn't hit me too hard?*

"And now, for the second match of the finals. Ready? Begin!"

I wait for Todoroki to start and hear him say "Apologies." and shoots ice at me. The ice covers me and I'm stuck. Well, not really. While the whole arena is silent in shock, I get mad.

"How dare you." I glare at him "How dare you to shoot ice at a lady when she's not ready yet!" My skin is tough enough to withstand the cold so I don't freeze and my wings are powerful enough to break the ice. I bust out of the ice and fly towards Todoroki at full speed.

"I know you're trying to prove a point towards your dad, but don't drag me along with your stupid plan! Got it?!" I yell at him

He's frozen in shock and I nearly push him off the platform. *Others must not have been able to break free of his ice so easily before.* And then I remember I really don't want to win. I stop until he's at the very edge. "I would make you pay for thinking I was weak, right now. But that would mean having the spotlight on me. So I'll give you the win." I walk around him and off the platform. "But if we fight again, I won't hold back...much," I said over my shoulder to a shocked Todoroki.

I overheard Pretty Lady yell "Uh...Todoroki advances to the second round!"

*I understand he was angry and sad. But did he have to shoot me with ice? At least give me a notice. And what was with the whole 'Apologies' thing? That made me sound weak!*


For the next few rounds, I took a nap. I spent all night up patrolling the city trying not to think about today.

I wake up after Uraraka and Bakugo's round and decide to go looking for food. *Wow, who knew naping made you so hungry.*

I ran into Bakugo while going to the waiting room.

"Hi" I greeted him

"Don't talk to me!" He yelled

"K," I said

"Aren't you going to ask about the battle?!" He asked

I pointed towards my mouth. *You told me not to talk to you, dummy.*

"You can talk," He said rolling his eyes

"Thanks, Your Majesty. So who won?" I asked

"I did! Weren't you watching?" He asked

"No. I took a nap. Anyways, congrats. I'm sure Uraraka gave you a great battle though." I said

"Yeah. whatever." He replied

"Well, later. I want to get some food before my next nap." I said walking towards the waiting room.

I pass Midoriya before entering the waiting room. "Hey, good luck on your next battle," I tell him

"Yeah. Thanks" He said and left.

I entered the waiting room and saw that Urakara was crying as she hung up her phone call.

"Sorry, is this a bad time to look for snacks?" I asked at the door

"No, it's okay. Sorry, you had to see me like this." She said, wiping her tears away.

"Don't worry about it. I understand." I tell her

"You do?" she asked me

"Yep. My first fight with a real villain... did not go as well as I wanted it to" I tell her while laughing

"What happened?" She asked

"On my first patrol, I was so excited to catch my first villain that I didn't stop to look at the situation first. I thought that some guy was trying to take a bag from an old lady. I pushed the man out of the way and gave the bag to the old woman who then ran off. When the man got up, he told me that she was the one stealing the bag from him. So while I thought I was catching a bad guy turned out to be an innocent bystander. He forgave me after I caught the old woman and gave him his bag back (along with a lot of begging) and didn't tell the police." I explained

"Haha. that's actually really funny!" She laughed

"What I'm trying to say, is that you're not always going to win the first time. Sometimes you'll get the bystander and criminal mixed up. But after a few tries, you'll get the hang of it." I said "And don't feel bad about the battle. You should feel honored that Bakugo took you seriously. That means he felt you were a threat."

"A threat?" She asked

"Yeah! You're really powerful and smart." I said, "you'll be a great hero."

"Thank you, Rose," she said with a flushed face

"No problem," I said "I'd love to stay and chat but food. Must find nutrition."

"Okay. Later"

I walked out ready to find food when I ran into Endeavor. *Man! Why do I always run into people when I'm in a rush! Grr!*

"So, your Rose Ray?" He asked "I'm the number two hero"

"Okay and that is…" I said

"My name is Endeavor." He said

"Okay. And what's your business with me, Stalker?" I asked

"I am Todoroki's father," he explained. *That explains nothing!*

"What a shame" I replied

"Excuse me?" He asked

"The way you use Todoroki as a tool to get your way, that isn't very Hero like. Is it?" I ask

"I don't see how that's any of your business, young lady." He replied

"It isn't. But when you hurt one of my friends, all sense of reason flies out the window." I said, "And if you're not careful, so will you."

"Is that a threat?" He asks, acting all intimidating like. *Ooh~ I'm shaking in my boots. Not.*

"No," I said, standing up to him, looking at him straight in the eyes. "it's a promise"

"Hmm. Anyways, I didn't come here to talk about that." He said "The battle between you and Todoroki, you lost on purpose. Didn't you?"

"Yeah. So what?" I ask


"I didn't want to win. It has nothing to do with you. I just don't like attention, that's all."

"So you don't want to be the number one hero, then?" He asked

"No. All I want is to save others from what I went through. I also want to keep the ones I love safe." I said

"...okay," he said and walked away.

*That was weird. Anyways, time for food.*


I get back to my seat and fall asleep again. A full tummy makes you sleepy after all. I fell asleep through the next fights.